Today I was renewed by a classic- It's a Wonderful Life..
We have all had moments when we feel that we have put off our dreams because of the demands of daily life....that no matter how hard we work it's never enough. We have all had thoughts of how our existence is insignificant....
At one point in my journey- like George- it seemed no matter how hard I tried- the Mr Potters of the world were out to sabotage my efforts- and I reached a point of despair that changed my life forever... it was like the scene when George was in Martini's bar; George prayed for God to show him the way because he was out of options.....and God sent an angel...not to just save his life- but to help George redeem his faith in himself and renew his faith in the purpose he served to a damaged world....
In addition Clarence the angel reminding him that no matter how bad it seemed- it wasn't the material things that mattered- it is about the people who's lives we touch, who touch ours, and how truely blessed we are..
My favorite revelation is; when we ask for Divine help and our prayers are answered- it doesn't always come in the package we expect.
My favorite part of the movie is when all the people George helped, came in his hour of need, anxious to give to the man who gave them so much...That outpouring of love gets me every time....
It is indeed a Wonderful Life......
Friday, December 18, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Unconditional love..
There is no greater love that you can received than the love from a child.
I just want to say that I am the most blessed woman in the world.
I'm not sure what I have done to get such an amazing son-
but today I just want to let him know how much he is appreciated and loved.
He is what is right in this world.
My Son
Peaceful warrior
courageous and patient
wise and knowing
Thank you for allowing me to mother you on this journey.
Your love has healed me in ways you will never know.
Thank you for your support and encouragement when doubt clouds my way.
You have believed in me when many have not-
and for that I am grateful.
As you grow and mature I see a glimpse of the great man your will be.
It is a bittersweet vision...
It was not long ago that you would put your hand in mine
and look up at me with trusting, loving eyes eyes.
I look up at you now,
with the same love and admiration.
Thank you for all that you do
and all that you are.
You are a gift,
not only to me,
but to this world.
I just want to say that I am the most blessed woman in the world.
I'm not sure what I have done to get such an amazing son-
but today I just want to let him know how much he is appreciated and loved.
He is what is right in this world.

Peaceful warrior
courageous and patient
wise and knowing
Thank you for allowing me to mother you on this journey.
Your love has healed me in ways you will never know.
Thank you for your support and encouragement when doubt clouds my way.
You have believed in me when many have not-
and for that I am grateful.
As you grow and mature I see a glimpse of the great man your will be.
It is a bittersweet vision...
It was not long ago that you would put your hand in mine
and look up at me with trusting, loving eyes eyes.
I look up at you now,
with the same love and admiration.
Thank you for all that you do
and all that you are.
You are a gift,
not only to me,
but to this world.
Monday, December 7, 2009
I guess the definition of insanity is doing things over and over expecting different results...
What I've come to realize is that we don't want to change.
Change means admitting we don't have the answers, that we are not in control- we really don't know where we're headed.But like the emperor who had no clothes, we are the only ones who are caught in the illusion. Others, see who we really are and the lie that we are telling them and ourselves. However, they don't want to be the ones who disrupt our 'illusion'..and be subject to our outburst of denial when we tell them they are wrong...
But..the true day of awakening is the one were change is forced.
The day when our pain, angst and fear overcomes us and we realize we've run out of options and we have no other choice than to look for another way...a better way..and in most cases it is the Divine that we turn to in that moment of surrender.
The only constant is change, and being resistant to it is the Achilles heal of the human being...
See the mighty oak- it has evolved to know to bend with the wind, staying rigid means certain death. It surrenders dead branches- letting things go- things that no longer serve the whole- or they will make it diseased.
So in this time of Winter- lets reflect on what illusion we've created- be brave and ask for a better way- change is wonderful.. I promise..
I still don't know what I was waiting for
And my time was running wild
A million dead-end streets
Every time I thought I'd got it made
It seemed the taste was not so sweet
So I turned myself to face me
But I've never caught a glimpse
Of how the others must see the faker
I'm much too fast to take that test
(Turn and face the strain)
Don't want to be a richer man
(Turn and face the strain)
Just gonna have to be a different man
Time may change me
But I can't trace time
I watch the ripples change their size
But never leave the stream
Of warm impermanence and
So the days float through my eyes
But still the days seem the same
And these children that you spit on
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultations
They're quite aware of what they're going through
(Turn and face the strain)
Don't tell t hem to grow up and out of it
(Turn and face the strain)
Where's your shame
You've left us up to our necks in it
Time may change me
But you can't trace time
Strange fascination, fascinating me
Changes are taking the pace I'm going through
(Turn and face the strain)
Oh, look out you rock 'n rollers
(Turn and face the strain)
Pretty soon you're gonna get a little older
Time may change me
But I can't trace time
I said that time may change me
But I can't trace time
What I've come to realize is that we don't want to change.
Change means admitting we don't have the answers, that we are not in control- we really don't know where we're headed.But like the emperor who had no clothes, we are the only ones who are caught in the illusion. Others, see who we really are and the lie that we are telling them and ourselves. However, they don't want to be the ones who disrupt our 'illusion'..and be subject to our outburst of denial when we tell them they are wrong...
But..the true day of awakening is the one were change is forced.
The day when our pain, angst and fear overcomes us and we realize we've run out of options and we have no other choice than to look for another way...a better way..and in most cases it is the Divine that we turn to in that moment of surrender.
The only constant is change, and being resistant to it is the Achilles heal of the human being...
See the mighty oak- it has evolved to know to bend with the wind, staying rigid means certain death. It surrenders dead branches- letting things go- things that no longer serve the whole- or they will make it diseased.
So in this time of Winter- lets reflect on what illusion we've created- be brave and ask for a better way- change is wonderful.. I promise..
I still don't know what I was waiting for
And my time was running wild
A million dead-end streets
Every time I thought I'd got it made
It seemed the taste was not so sweet
So I turned myself to face me
But I've never caught a glimpse
Of how the others must see the faker
I'm much too fast to take that test
(Turn and face the strain)
Don't want to be a richer man
(Turn and face the strain)
Just gonna have to be a different man
Time may change me
But I can't trace time
I watch the ripples change their size
But never leave the stream
Of warm impermanence and
So the days float through my eyes
But still the days seem the same
And these children that you spit on
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultations
They're quite aware of what they're going through
(Turn and face the strain)
Don't tell t hem to grow up and out of it
(Turn and face the strain)
Where's your shame
You've left us up to our necks in it
Time may change me
But you can't trace time
Strange fascination, fascinating me
Changes are taking the pace I'm going through
(Turn and face the strain)
Oh, look out you rock 'n rollers
(Turn and face the strain)
Pretty soon you're gonna get a little older
Time may change me
But I can't trace time
I said that time may change me
But I can't trace time
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Just like you..........
Mirror Mirror on the wall...
Just like our parents- we are the mirror our children look into for who they should be.
'Do as I say and not as I do' is a very basic way of saying that as parents- we must walk our talk. Our children are little sponges, not just listening to what we say- but more importantly watching what we do.
In order to have well behaved, committed and thoughtful children- we as their first teachers must check ourselves and walk our talk.
We tell them to play nice, don't call names, be responsible,don't swear, take care of your things, clean up, save your money, study and work hard, don't bully others, stand up for yourself, stop playing video games and go out and play..but where are they going to see the example of those things? In us.
For instance-
As you cuss someone out for cutting you off in the car?
Or gossiping and passing judgment on others?
Or telling a lie to get out of a commitment?
Or name calling the other parent in front of them?
Or putting wants over needs?
Or getting to work late?
Letting someone bully you?
Not really saying how you feel then talk about it later?
Look back on your own childhood and look at the mixed messages.
We swore we would never do these things, but yet, here we are, becoming more like them than we care to admit.
The biggest thing my son brought to my attention was that I was not financially responsible.
Once our gas was turned off and my son asked why. I told him because I didn't have the money to pay the bill. He reminded me that I just bought him a video game the day before, why didn't I use that money? I told him that I wanted to make him happy
and in his infinite wisdom, he said,
"Mom- hot water makes me happier than a video game."
Out of the mouths of babes.....
Be the mirror that makes your children proud; proud of where they come from and proud of themselves. Be a constant reminder that doing the right thing is not usually the easy thing
; and lead by example.
Letting them know that we're all human and make mistakes is a wonderful opening to some really great conversations..
Be the change you wish to see and your children will be the ripple of tomorrow.
Marianne Goldweber
Just like our parents- we are the mirror our children look into for who they should be.
'Do as I say and not as I do' is a very basic way of saying that as parents- we must walk our talk. Our children are little sponges, not just listening to what we say- but more importantly watching what we do.
In order to have well behaved, committed and thoughtful children- we as their first teachers must check ourselves and walk our talk.
We tell them to play nice, don't call names, be responsible,don't swear, take care of your things, clean up, save your money, study and work hard, don't bully others, stand up for yourself, stop playing video games and go out and play..but where are they going to see the example of those things? In us.
For instance-
As you cuss someone out for cutting you off in the car?
Or gossiping and passing judgment on others?
Or telling a lie to get out of a commitment?
Or name calling the other parent in front of them?
Or putting wants over needs?
Or getting to work late?
Letting someone bully you?
Not really saying how you feel then talk about it later?
Look back on your own childhood and look at the mixed messages.
We swore we would never do these things, but yet, here we are, becoming more like them than we care to admit.
The biggest thing my son brought to my attention was that I was not financially responsible.
Once our gas was turned off and my son asked why. I told him because I didn't have the money to pay the bill. He reminded me that I just bought him a video game the day before, why didn't I use that money? I told him that I wanted to make him happy
and in his infinite wisdom, he said,
"Mom- hot water makes me happier than a video game."
Out of the mouths of babes.....
Be the mirror that makes your children proud; proud of where they come from and proud of themselves. Be a constant reminder that doing the right thing is not usually the easy thing
; and lead by example.
Letting them know that we're all human and make mistakes is a wonderful opening to some really great conversations..
Be the change you wish to see and your children will be the ripple of tomorrow.
Marianne Goldweber
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
The Bluebird in my Heart

Charles Bukowski
There's a bluebird in my heart that
wants to get out
but I'm too tough for him,
I say, stay in there, I'm not going
to let anybody see
there's a bluebird in my heart that
wants to get out
but I pur whiskey on him and inhale
cigarette smoke
and the whores and the bartenders
and the grocery clerks
never know that
in there.
there's a bluebird in my heart that
wants to get out
but I'm too tough for him,
I say,
stay down, do you want to mess
me up?
you want to screw up the works?
you want to blow my book sales in
there's a bluebird in my heart that
wants to get out
but I'm too clever,
I only let him out at night sometimes
when everybody's asleep.
I say, I know that you're there,
so don't be sad.
then I put him back,
but he's singing a little
in there, I haven't quite let him die
and we sleep together like that
with our secret pact
and it's nice enough to
make a man weep,
but I don't weep, do you?
Henry Charles Bukowski (August 16, 1920 – March 9, 1994) was a German American poet, novelist, and short story writer. Bukowski's writing was heavily influenced by the geography and atmosphere of his home city of Los Angeles,
and is marked by an ...emphasis on the ordinary lives of poor Americans,
the act of writing, alcohol, relationships with women, and the drudgery
of work. A prolific author, Bukowski wrote thousands of poems, hundreds
of short stories, and six novels, eventually having over 60 books in
print. In 1986 Time called Bukowski a "laureate of American lowlife."[4]
Friday, September 25, 2009
All the answersd lie within...Om Mani Padmi Ohm.
Children, school, homework, work, laundry, friends,cooking,shopping....
It almost sounds like a Calgon bath commercial..but the reality is that there is not a lot of time for going within.
The stillness- which is taught by many cultures and spiritual schools of thought- is the still place within us where we commune with God..the Source..the Great Mystery.
This communion allows us to silence the distractions from the human world; allowing us to surrender to the ongoing guidance and insight from the world of Spirit.
For me, entering the stillness is like shedding my clothes and immersing myself in a warm bath on a cold day...It is the place where I commune with my teachers- spirit guides and ancestors- It is like going to visit friends who know you so well that there is no explaining, no posturing, no excuses; where communicating is simple and words- just thought. Pure love and understanding.
These 'relations' have a much better perspective of my journey- one that most of us rarely take into consideration. Our Purpose..
This communication requires we surrender to the human need to control the outcome and be open to what the Spiritual beings have in mind for our highest and best.
Actually- it's what I wanted to do on this journey- but I forgot when I left the spirit world to be born into this human life. This is actually MY plan for MYSELF. But I forgot the directions on the other side. So I must now stop and ask for direction from those that know me, and my mission, best.
I blogged about an experience I had as a child once......
A long time ago, my Mom took us to Sears, ( hot nuts and hot dogs...yummy...) and we would go to the toy area while she shopped... Well, being who I was, I got bored and went looking for her....panic ensued, and meanwhile she went to the toy section, and I wasn't there....
We spent what seemed to be forever looking for each other.
I was in a panic...then I was running, in all directions, criss-crossing where I had already been out of fear.. Well when we finally saw each other she said "If you are ever lost, just stop and stay where you are and I will find you."
When you are lost, and in a panic, stop... be still and allow yourself to be found, and listen for the guidance to give you direction...
Today...I will enter the silence.I will allow the love of the Universe to wash over me and bring me to a place where there is no fear, no angst; nothing to control or manage. A place where the love is unconditional and the answers are clear....
“We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature - trees, flowers, grass- grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence... We need silence to be able to touch souls.”
Mother Teresa quotes
Marianne Goldweber
It almost sounds like a Calgon bath commercial..but the reality is that there is not a lot of time for going within.
The stillness- which is taught by many cultures and spiritual schools of thought- is the still place within us where we commune with God..the Source..the Great Mystery.
This communion allows us to silence the distractions from the human world; allowing us to surrender to the ongoing guidance and insight from the world of Spirit.
For me, entering the stillness is like shedding my clothes and immersing myself in a warm bath on a cold day...It is the place where I commune with my teachers- spirit guides and ancestors- It is like going to visit friends who know you so well that there is no explaining, no posturing, no excuses; where communicating is simple and words- just thought. Pure love and understanding.
These 'relations' have a much better perspective of my journey- one that most of us rarely take into consideration. Our Purpose..
This communication requires we surrender to the human need to control the outcome and be open to what the Spiritual beings have in mind for our highest and best.
Actually- it's what I wanted to do on this journey- but I forgot when I left the spirit world to be born into this human life. This is actually MY plan for MYSELF. But I forgot the directions on the other side. So I must now stop and ask for direction from those that know me, and my mission, best.
I blogged about an experience I had as a child once......
A long time ago, my Mom took us to Sears, ( hot nuts and hot dogs...yummy...) and we would go to the toy area while she shopped... Well, being who I was, I got bored and went looking for her....panic ensued, and meanwhile she went to the toy section, and I wasn't there....
We spent what seemed to be forever looking for each other.
I was in a panic...then I was running, in all directions, criss-crossing where I had already been out of fear.. Well when we finally saw each other she said "If you are ever lost, just stop and stay where you are and I will find you."
When you are lost, and in a panic, stop... be still and allow yourself to be found, and listen for the guidance to give you direction...
Today...I will enter the silence.I will allow the love of the Universe to wash over me and bring me to a place where there is no fear, no angst; nothing to control or manage. A place where the love is unconditional and the answers are clear....
“We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature - trees, flowers, grass- grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence... We need silence to be able to touch souls.”
Mother Teresa quotes
Marianne Goldweber
Friday, September 11, 2009
Why Me??? amazing story.......
It was 9am on September 11 2001, I was watching the 'Today show' and saw the events of 9-11 unfold Live...It wasn't clear at that time, until the second plane hit, that it was an intentional act...I was in the midst of a separation and my soon to be ex husband was working in Washington DC in the vicinity of the Pentagon.
My son was safely at school and I made my way to my retail business, which was on a major street..When I got there- people were literally wandering out of their offices and businesses shocked and close to a panic... My little herb store became a refuge for these wandering souls looking for some understanding.
I was on the sidewalk, when a man came up to me, tears streaming. He came up to me and said "Help me, I don't know what to do." I had some cafe tables and chairs set up on the sidewalk and I sat him down and ran to get a glass of water for him. When I returned, he told me a fantastic story.......
He said, "They're dead".. I knew that a lot of people were dying from this tragedy, but I asked "Who is dead"..He said "My company, everyone."...he sobbed and sobbed....He then told me that he was here in Cleveland on business, he was supposed to fly out the last night, but he missed his flight and was getting a plane this afternoon, and the company he worked for was on one of the top floors at the world trade center,where the first plane hit...
He tried to call, but he couldn't get through..
He said "I'm the only one left- I should have been there this morning...why me?" "Why me"..his words trailed off and his grief overtook him...he could not comprehend why he wasn't there; as if he deserved to be there, not that his life was spared in some Divine way... I couldn't do anything but hold him and allow his shock and grief to fill him and spill over, as his mind tried to wrap itself around the reality that was manifesting...
Time stood still and after an hour or so, as people were reporting the continuing horror to include a threat to Cleveland, as the plane bound for Washington circled us here.(Which was inevitably the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania)we all disbursed;Making our way to our loved ones, gathering our children.... and to the safety of our homes..
As he drove away I offered a prayer for him and his coworkers and for his families safety..I never saw that man again....
Today, as I remember this day in history I recall this man and his words "Why me?"
I hope that in the last 8 years he has discovered the answer to that question on that fateful day when everything for him changed...and I believe, will all my faith, that out of Tragedy, great Triumphs are born....
Marianne Goldweber
My son was safely at school and I made my way to my retail business, which was on a major street..When I got there- people were literally wandering out of their offices and businesses shocked and close to a panic... My little herb store became a refuge for these wandering souls looking for some understanding.
I was on the sidewalk, when a man came up to me, tears streaming. He came up to me and said "Help me, I don't know what to do." I had some cafe tables and chairs set up on the sidewalk and I sat him down and ran to get a glass of water for him. When I returned, he told me a fantastic story.......
He said, "They're dead".. I knew that a lot of people were dying from this tragedy, but I asked "Who is dead"..He said "My company, everyone."...he sobbed and sobbed....He then told me that he was here in Cleveland on business, he was supposed to fly out the last night, but he missed his flight and was getting a plane this afternoon, and the company he worked for was on one of the top floors at the world trade center,where the first plane hit...
He tried to call, but he couldn't get through..
He said "I'm the only one left- I should have been there this morning...why me?" "Why me"..his words trailed off and his grief overtook him...he could not comprehend why he wasn't there; as if he deserved to be there, not that his life was spared in some Divine way... I couldn't do anything but hold him and allow his shock and grief to fill him and spill over, as his mind tried to wrap itself around the reality that was manifesting...
Time stood still and after an hour or so, as people were reporting the continuing horror to include a threat to Cleveland, as the plane bound for Washington circled us here.(Which was inevitably the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania)we all disbursed;Making our way to our loved ones, gathering our children.... and to the safety of our homes..
As he drove away I offered a prayer for him and his coworkers and for his families safety..I never saw that man again....
Today, as I remember this day in history I recall this man and his words "Why me?"
I hope that in the last 8 years he has discovered the answer to that question on that fateful day when everything for him changed...and I believe, will all my faith, that out of Tragedy, great Triumphs are born....
Marianne Goldweber
Friday, September 4, 2009
A teaching ....the Chameleon........
For a good majority of my life I can remember being one of those people that swam against the stream.I went through life feeling driven to have as many experiences as possible, good and bad. Back in my younger days I did it to make a statement- a dare of sorts. I was out of the box to get noticed, like a bad kid in an extreme way.
Though my awakening I have found that being a creative daring spiritual force is one of the things I have been sent here to learn and ultimately teach through my example.
However, not in the extreme attention getting way ...out of balance.
No longer am I doing it to make a statement. I have come to accept what it is that I love about who I am; that being spiritual, creative, irreverent, risky and unique is what is best for me; and not caring what anyone else may think or say. Accepting who I am and really loving my uniqueness allows others to embrace the light and dark in themselves; to find out authentically who they are, regardless of the environment of which they came.
So many of us are like the Chameleon- changing our color to match whatever environment we may be in. After changing our color for so long- we come to find we may never been aware of what our true color is. Humans, like chameleons, do it for the same reasons, to hide, to camouflage ourselves from the predators. Hiding in fear of being seen and vulnerable.
What is your true color?
My message today is- dare to explore who you really are; Who you are meant to be on this path called Life. And if you don't really know; at the next fork in the road where we will meet, let's take the road less traveled and explore the scenic route together.
Though my awakening I have found that being a creative daring spiritual force is one of the things I have been sent here to learn and ultimately teach through my example.
However, not in the extreme attention getting way ...out of balance.
No longer am I doing it to make a statement. I have come to accept what it is that I love about who I am; that being spiritual, creative, irreverent, risky and unique is what is best for me; and not caring what anyone else may think or say. Accepting who I am and really loving my uniqueness allows others to embrace the light and dark in themselves; to find out authentically who they are, regardless of the environment of which they came.
So many of us are like the Chameleon- changing our color to match whatever environment we may be in. After changing our color for so long- we come to find we may never been aware of what our true color is. Humans, like chameleons, do it for the same reasons, to hide, to camouflage ourselves from the predators. Hiding in fear of being seen and vulnerable.
What is your true color?
My message today is- dare to explore who you really are; Who you are meant to be on this path called Life. And if you don't really know; at the next fork in the road where we will meet, let's take the road less traveled and explore the scenic route together.
So.. what does retrograde mean for you????
retrograde is a phenomenon (at varying times during the year) the planets appear to be spinning backward. So...whatever is retrograde(mercury governs communication) causes effects in people here.
So when Mercury is retrograde all communications are messed up. No one is clear and there are disputes . Mercury stays retrograde for approximately 3-4 weeks. So that would not be a time to do any BIG communicating, like legal battles, divorce, buying anything that requires a contract. It is a good time to reflect.
Now- there are FIVE planets retrograde now...
Neptune - emotion
Jupiter-/the emphasis is upon inner awareness and inner growth. It is an excellent time to get in touch with personal integrity.... Read More
Uranus- the planet of upheaval.
Pluto-When Pluto is transiting retrograde, we are urged to let go of attitudes, thinking or communication patterns, security drives, rigid emotions; a time to undergo an internal form of house cleaning. It is a good time to research into our own Souls
So when Mercury is retrograde all communications are messed up. No one is clear and there are disputes . Mercury stays retrograde for approximately 3-4 weeks. So that would not be a time to do any BIG communicating, like legal battles, divorce, buying anything that requires a contract. It is a good time to reflect.
Now- there are FIVE planets retrograde now...
Neptune - emotion
Jupiter-/the emphasis is upon inner awareness and inner growth. It is an excellent time to get in touch with personal integrity.... Read More
Uranus- the planet of upheaval.
Pluto-When Pluto is transiting retrograde, we are urged to let go of attitudes, thinking or communication patterns, security drives, rigid emotions; a time to undergo an internal form of house cleaning. It is a good time to research into our own Souls
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
What is retrograde?????
This is a repost from Astrology on the web
Retrograde Planets
Retrograde Planetary Cycles: 2009
This article explains retrograde motion and outlines the retrograde periods for the planets as they dance through our cosmos in 2009. There are links to our main retrograde motion articles, which cover the actual meanings of the retrograde phases of the personal planets, as well as the effects of the annual movement of the two Great Chronocrators, Jupiter and Saturn.
A planet is described as retrograde when it appears to be moving backwards through the zodiac. This traditional concept arises in the illusory planetary motion created by the orbital rotation of the earth, with relation to other planets in our solar system. It's a bit like travelling on the road watching another car beside you: when the other car slows down, or you speed up, it looks as though the other car is moving backwards. So planets are never actually retrograde or stationary, they just seem that way, due to this optical illusion. Click here for more on the science of retrograde planetary motion.
Retrograde periods, although often problematic for us earthlings, are not particularly uncommon. Each planet retrogrades, except the Sun and Moon. As a rule, retrograde planets presage a period of seemingly inevitable or fated events, which relate to their sphere of influence. They present us with a series of events over which we seem to have little or no control, relating especially to the sign in which the retrogradation occurs. For example, transiting Pluto retrograde in Capricorn presents quite different sets of circumstances from those generated when it retrogrades into Sagittarius.
Ancient Astrologers at Work
Planetary Stations
A retrograde period is best seen as a cycle, which begins when the planet begins to slow to a halt before travelling backwards through the zodiac and ends when the planet returns to the point where it first paused. However, during the cycle, the planet's energy is most powerful (and more likely to generate critical events of universal importance) when the planet makes a station, appearing motionless in the sky. These stationary periods occur at the beginning of the cycle (when the planet first halts as it prepares to move backwards) and midway through the cycle when the retrograde planet slows to a stop before moving forward again.
The planetary direct station (when the retrograde planet seems to halt before moving forward through the zodiac again) is a time of significant power when matters to do with the energies of the planet, house and sign can be favorably activated. The few days either side of this time are ideal for making or implementing decisions in the nature of the planet, sign and house concerned. In particular, the stations of Jupiter and Saturn are important with regard to longer term intentions.
Remember that the outer planets turn retrograde every year for quite some months, so it is not at all unusual to have one or more of them retrograde in one's own personal chart. This is not necessarily unfortunate and the key issues of destiny in such a case depend largely upon the aspects to the retrograde outer planets from the inner personal planets and points.
Thoth, Egyptian Mercury
Current Retrograde Movements
Mercury Mercury usually turns retro three times a year, but in 2009, it's four! Click for more.
Venus Venus retros every eighteen months, in 2009 from March 6 to April 17. Click for more.
Mars Mars turns retro only once every two years. Click for more.
Jupiter Jupiter from June 15, 2009 until October 13, 2009. Click for more.
Saturn Saturn from December 31, 2008 until May 17, 2009. Click for more.
Uranus Uranus from July 1, 2009 until December 1, 2009. Uranus in Pisces
Neptune Neptune from May 29, 2009 until November 4, 2009. Neptune in Aquarius
Pluto Pluto from April 4, 2009 until September 11, 2009. Pluto in Capricorn
The Moon's North and South Nodes (the Dragon's Head and Tail) are normally retrograde in their movement through the zodiac. The Nodes are not actual planets, but rather sensitive points, or "shadow planets" that have a powerful influence comparable with planetary strength. The True Node from time to time turns direct in motion for a few days, due to the phenomenon known as the Moon Wobble; such direct periods are generally considered unfortunate. The Mean Node is always retrograde, as the "Wobble" is averaged out for convenience. Read more about the Moon's Nodes.
Retrograde Planetary Cycles
* Mercury
Retrograde 24 days
Stationary approx. 3 days
* Venus
Retrograde 42 days
Stationary approx. 11 days
* Mars
Retrograde 80 days
Stationary approx. 20 days
* Jupiter
Retrograde 120 days
Stationary approx. 10 days
* Saturn
Retrograde 140 days
Stationary approx. 10 days
* Uranus
Retrograde 150 days
Stationary approx. 16 days
* Neptune
Retrograde 160 days
Stationary approx. 16 days
* Pluto
Retrograde 160 days
Stationary approx. 16 days
Retrograde Planets
Retrograde Planetary Cycles: 2009
This article explains retrograde motion and outlines the retrograde periods for the planets as they dance through our cosmos in 2009. There are links to our main retrograde motion articles, which cover the actual meanings of the retrograde phases of the personal planets, as well as the effects of the annual movement of the two Great Chronocrators, Jupiter and Saturn.
A planet is described as retrograde when it appears to be moving backwards through the zodiac. This traditional concept arises in the illusory planetary motion created by the orbital rotation of the earth, with relation to other planets in our solar system. It's a bit like travelling on the road watching another car beside you: when the other car slows down, or you speed up, it looks as though the other car is moving backwards. So planets are never actually retrograde or stationary, they just seem that way, due to this optical illusion. Click here for more on the science of retrograde planetary motion.
Retrograde periods, although often problematic for us earthlings, are not particularly uncommon. Each planet retrogrades, except the Sun and Moon. As a rule, retrograde planets presage a period of seemingly inevitable or fated events, which relate to their sphere of influence. They present us with a series of events over which we seem to have little or no control, relating especially to the sign in which the retrogradation occurs. For example, transiting Pluto retrograde in Capricorn presents quite different sets of circumstances from those generated when it retrogrades into Sagittarius.
Ancient Astrologers at Work
Planetary Stations
A retrograde period is best seen as a cycle, which begins when the planet begins to slow to a halt before travelling backwards through the zodiac and ends when the planet returns to the point where it first paused. However, during the cycle, the planet's energy is most powerful (and more likely to generate critical events of universal importance) when the planet makes a station, appearing motionless in the sky. These stationary periods occur at the beginning of the cycle (when the planet first halts as it prepares to move backwards) and midway through the cycle when the retrograde planet slows to a stop before moving forward again.
The planetary direct station (when the retrograde planet seems to halt before moving forward through the zodiac again) is a time of significant power when matters to do with the energies of the planet, house and sign can be favorably activated. The few days either side of this time are ideal for making or implementing decisions in the nature of the planet, sign and house concerned. In particular, the stations of Jupiter and Saturn are important with regard to longer term intentions.
Remember that the outer planets turn retrograde every year for quite some months, so it is not at all unusual to have one or more of them retrograde in one's own personal chart. This is not necessarily unfortunate and the key issues of destiny in such a case depend largely upon the aspects to the retrograde outer planets from the inner personal planets and points.
Thoth, Egyptian Mercury
Current Retrograde Movements
Mercury Mercury usually turns retro three times a year, but in 2009, it's four! Click for more.
Venus Venus retros every eighteen months, in 2009 from March 6 to April 17. Click for more.
Mars Mars turns retro only once every two years. Click for more.
Jupiter Jupiter from June 15, 2009 until October 13, 2009. Click for more.
Saturn Saturn from December 31, 2008 until May 17, 2009. Click for more.
Uranus Uranus from July 1, 2009 until December 1, 2009. Uranus in Pisces
Neptune Neptune from May 29, 2009 until November 4, 2009. Neptune in Aquarius
Pluto Pluto from April 4, 2009 until September 11, 2009. Pluto in Capricorn
The Moon's North and South Nodes (the Dragon's Head and Tail) are normally retrograde in their movement through the zodiac. The Nodes are not actual planets, but rather sensitive points, or "shadow planets" that have a powerful influence comparable with planetary strength. The True Node from time to time turns direct in motion for a few days, due to the phenomenon known as the Moon Wobble; such direct periods are generally considered unfortunate. The Mean Node is always retrograde, as the "Wobble" is averaged out for convenience. Read more about the Moon's Nodes.
Retrograde Planetary Cycles
* Mercury
Retrograde 24 days
Stationary approx. 3 days
* Venus
Retrograde 42 days
Stationary approx. 11 days
* Mars
Retrograde 80 days
Stationary approx. 20 days
* Jupiter
Retrograde 120 days
Stationary approx. 10 days
* Saturn
Retrograde 140 days
Stationary approx. 10 days
* Uranus
Retrograde 150 days
Stationary approx. 16 days
* Neptune
Retrograde 160 days
Stationary approx. 16 days
* Pluto
Retrograde 160 days
Stationary approx. 16 days
Monday, August 3, 2009
Vampires amoing us.......
I had a very busy weekend, working with a lot of different people.
But the same message prevailed throughout the day;
Love is setting boundaries- helping can be enabling people to be destructive to themselves and to us, personal accountability means leaving people behind and loving yourself is imperative to loving others.
So, after such a busy day I had a dream last night It was disturbing enough to keep me up for over an hour in the middle of the night.
In my dream I was at an office building. It was being infiltrated by vampires. I had to escape the building, while trying to awaken people around me to the vampires existence without drawing attention to the fact that we were onto them. Inevitably- the vampires took us as hostages and I had to lead an escape with a few folks who were in agreement.
My goal was to get to my son- who was at my sisters house.
I wasn't sure if the vampires were outside the building- or how far reaching their invasion was- so I had to intuit and be observant to behavior that would indicate that they were not regular people. The rest was a like a Rambo movie- dodging and fighting the undead- narrowly escaping, and having to leave the injured or weak behind.
I finally arrived at my sisters house where our families were together- my brother and his children as well. I looked through the window to see them all dancing and having a fun time. Except my brother in law- who was acting like he was having fun and dancing- but he was really now one of the undead.
I came into the house- and pretended that I didn't know my brother in law was different. I said cheerily that I had to leave and tried to get not only my son, but my sister and the other children to come with me as well. It was then my brother in law attacked me- I was under him on the floor and had my hands around his neck. I could feel that his skin was cold and he had big fangs...then I woke up.....
This is how it is interpreted.
I feel that in my work I am trying to awaken others, and protect my loved ones.. I'm trying to teach others about these 'vampires',how to be aware of them and how to 'escape' their need to feed on the weak. Some hear me and follow along but some of the people are naive and oblivious and they have to get left behind and suffer because they won't set a boundary or they are afraid to change.. I am not attached to their fate. I am doing this for my loved ones- and even in my inner circle there are 'vampires among us'- even though they play along and think they have us fooled.
I feel under attack- but I also feel that it is a never ending battle of boundaries strength and faith to champion the light against the darkness.
"Dreams are a powerful tool that the soul employs
to commune with the divine- to sort out and shift our perception.
Then we can see the higher purpose of our waking daily life."
Marianne Goldweber
But the same message prevailed throughout the day;
Love is setting boundaries- helping can be enabling people to be destructive to themselves and to us, personal accountability means leaving people behind and loving yourself is imperative to loving others.
So, after such a busy day I had a dream last night It was disturbing enough to keep me up for over an hour in the middle of the night.
In my dream I was at an office building. It was being infiltrated by vampires. I had to escape the building, while trying to awaken people around me to the vampires existence without drawing attention to the fact that we were onto them. Inevitably- the vampires took us as hostages and I had to lead an escape with a few folks who were in agreement.
My goal was to get to my son- who was at my sisters house.
I wasn't sure if the vampires were outside the building- or how far reaching their invasion was- so I had to intuit and be observant to behavior that would indicate that they were not regular people. The rest was a like a Rambo movie- dodging and fighting the undead- narrowly escaping, and having to leave the injured or weak behind.
I finally arrived at my sisters house where our families were together- my brother and his children as well. I looked through the window to see them all dancing and having a fun time. Except my brother in law- who was acting like he was having fun and dancing- but he was really now one of the undead.
I came into the house- and pretended that I didn't know my brother in law was different. I said cheerily that I had to leave and tried to get not only my son, but my sister and the other children to come with me as well. It was then my brother in law attacked me- I was under him on the floor and had my hands around his neck. I could feel that his skin was cold and he had big fangs...then I woke up.....
This is how it is interpreted.
I feel that in my work I am trying to awaken others, and protect my loved ones.. I'm trying to teach others about these 'vampires',how to be aware of them and how to 'escape' their need to feed on the weak. Some hear me and follow along but some of the people are naive and oblivious and they have to get left behind and suffer because they won't set a boundary or they are afraid to change.. I am not attached to their fate. I am doing this for my loved ones- and even in my inner circle there are 'vampires among us'- even though they play along and think they have us fooled.
I feel under attack- but I also feel that it is a never ending battle of boundaries strength and faith to champion the light against the darkness.
"Dreams are a powerful tool that the soul employs
to commune with the divine- to sort out and shift our perception.
Then we can see the higher purpose of our waking daily life."
Marianne Goldweber
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Amazing Grace- History
I love the song Amazing Grace.
Divine Grace is described as; 'enabling power sufficient for progression'. Grace divine is an indispensable gift from God for development, improvement, and character expansion, and without God's grace, there are certain limitations, weaknesses, flaws, impurities, and faults (i.e. carnality) mankind cannot overcome.
I know that in spite of me and the the things I have done in this life, the Universe has given me wonderful blessings and the ability to change.(Grace)
So with that- I am posting the wikipedia description of where the song amazing grace came from and a wonderful video from II Devo...
John Newton and the lyrics to Amazing Grace
Search Wikisource Wikisource has original text related to this article:
Amazing Grace
John Newton, the author of the lyrics to Amazing Grace, was born in 1725 in Wapping, London, England.[1] Despite the powerful message of "Amazing Grace," Newton's religious beliefs initially lacked conviction; his youth was marked by religious confusion and a lack of moral self-control and discipline.[1]
After a brief time in the Royal Navy, Newton began his career in slave trading. The turning point in Newton's spiritual life was a violent storm that occurred one night while at sea. Moments after he left the deck, the crewman who had taken his place was swept overboard. Although he manned the vessel for the remainder of the tempest, he later commented that, throughout the tumult, he realized his helplessness and concluded that only the grace of God could save him. Prodded by what he had read in Thomas à Kempis' Imitation of Christ, Newton took the first step toward accepting faith.[1]
These incidents and his 1750 marriage to Mary Catlett changed Newton significantly. On his slave voyages, he encouraged the sailors under his charge to pray. He also began to ensure that every member of his crew treated their human cargo with gentleness and concern. Nevertheless, it would be another 40 years until Newton openly challenged the trafficking of slaves.[1]
Some three years after his marriage, Newton suffered a stroke that prevented him from returning to sea; in time, he interpreted this as another step in his spiritual voyage. He assumed a post in the Customs Office in the port of Liverpool and began to explore Christianity more fully. As Newton attempted to experience all the various expressions of Christianity, it became clear that he was being called to the ministry. Since Newton lacked a university degree, he could not be ordained through normal channels. However, the landlord of the parish at Olney was so impressed with the letters Newton had written about his conversion that he offered the church to Newton; he was ordained in June 1764.[1]
In Olney, the new curate met the poet William Cowper, also a newly-converted Christian. Their friendship led to a spiritual collaboration that completed the inspiration for "Amazing Grace," the poem Newton most likely wrote in Kineton, Warwickshire[citation needed] around Christmas 1772.[1] The lyrics are based on his reflections on an Old Testament text he was preparing to preach on, adding his perspective about his own conversion while on his slave ship, the Greyhound, in 1748.
Newton's lyrics have become a favourite for Christians, largely because the hymn vividly and briefly sums up the doctrine of divine grace. The lyrics are based on 1 Chronicles 17:16-17, a prayer of King David in which he marvels at God's choosing him and his house. Newton apparently wrote this for use in a sermon he preached on this passage on New Year's Day 1773, and for which he left his sermon notes, which correspond to the flow of the lyrics[2]. (He entitled the piece "Faith's review and expectation.")
The song has also become known as a favorite with supporters of freedom and human rights, both Christian and non-Christian, in part because many assume it to be Newton's testimony about his slave trading past.
The hymn was quite popular on both sides in the American Civil War.
While on the "Trail of Tears," the Cherokee were not always able to give their dead a full burial. Instead, they sang a translation (or rather, paraphrase) previously made by Samuel Worcester.[7][8] For this reason, many contemporary Native American musicians have recorded the song.
Divine Grace is described as; 'enabling power sufficient for progression'. Grace divine is an indispensable gift from God for development, improvement, and character expansion, and without God's grace, there are certain limitations, weaknesses, flaws, impurities, and faults (i.e. carnality) mankind cannot overcome.
I know that in spite of me and the the things I have done in this life, the Universe has given me wonderful blessings and the ability to change.(Grace)
So with that- I am posting the wikipedia description of where the song amazing grace came from and a wonderful video from II Devo...
John Newton and the lyrics to Amazing Grace
Search Wikisource Wikisource has original text related to this article:
Amazing Grace
John Newton, the author of the lyrics to Amazing Grace, was born in 1725 in Wapping, London, England.[1] Despite the powerful message of "Amazing Grace," Newton's religious beliefs initially lacked conviction; his youth was marked by religious confusion and a lack of moral self-control and discipline.[1]
After a brief time in the Royal Navy, Newton began his career in slave trading. The turning point in Newton's spiritual life was a violent storm that occurred one night while at sea. Moments after he left the deck, the crewman who had taken his place was swept overboard. Although he manned the vessel for the remainder of the tempest, he later commented that, throughout the tumult, he realized his helplessness and concluded that only the grace of God could save him. Prodded by what he had read in Thomas à Kempis' Imitation of Christ, Newton took the first step toward accepting faith.[1]
These incidents and his 1750 marriage to Mary Catlett changed Newton significantly. On his slave voyages, he encouraged the sailors under his charge to pray. He also began to ensure that every member of his crew treated their human cargo with gentleness and concern. Nevertheless, it would be another 40 years until Newton openly challenged the trafficking of slaves.[1]
Some three years after his marriage, Newton suffered a stroke that prevented him from returning to sea; in time, he interpreted this as another step in his spiritual voyage. He assumed a post in the Customs Office in the port of Liverpool and began to explore Christianity more fully. As Newton attempted to experience all the various expressions of Christianity, it became clear that he was being called to the ministry. Since Newton lacked a university degree, he could not be ordained through normal channels. However, the landlord of the parish at Olney was so impressed with the letters Newton had written about his conversion that he offered the church to Newton; he was ordained in June 1764.[1]
In Olney, the new curate met the poet William Cowper, also a newly-converted Christian. Their friendship led to a spiritual collaboration that completed the inspiration for "Amazing Grace," the poem Newton most likely wrote in Kineton, Warwickshire[citation needed] around Christmas 1772.[1] The lyrics are based on his reflections on an Old Testament text he was preparing to preach on, adding his perspective about his own conversion while on his slave ship, the Greyhound, in 1748.
Newton's lyrics have become a favourite for Christians, largely because the hymn vividly and briefly sums up the doctrine of divine grace. The lyrics are based on 1 Chronicles 17:16-17, a prayer of King David in which he marvels at God's choosing him and his house. Newton apparently wrote this for use in a sermon he preached on this passage on New Year's Day 1773, and for which he left his sermon notes, which correspond to the flow of the lyrics[2]. (He entitled the piece "Faith's review and expectation.")
The song has also become known as a favorite with supporters of freedom and human rights, both Christian and non-Christian, in part because many assume it to be Newton's testimony about his slave trading past.
The hymn was quite popular on both sides in the American Civil War.
While on the "Trail of Tears," the Cherokee were not always able to give their dead a full burial. Instead, they sang a translation (or rather, paraphrase) previously made by Samuel Worcester.[7][8] For this reason, many contemporary Native American musicians have recorded the song.
It has taken me most of my life to come into acceptance of who I am and what I bring to the world.
The best word to describe me is a 'catalyst' which Websters defines as;
Main Entry: cat•a•lyst
Pronunciation: 'ka-t & l-&st
2 : an agent that provokes or speeds significant change or action
I realize that I facilitate change just from my presence. I used to take the reactions that I received personally.
But now I know; that for some, I am like warm loving breeze, clearing the cobwebs, inspiring them to be more, to do more...and for others I am like sand paper on skin, abrasive and uncomfortable....
Whichever people feel, it is about looking within themselves.....finding permission within to grow, or resist violently..... There is no middle ground......
Look at the catalysts in your life; is it really what they do to you, or are they just bringing up all your issues?
Either way, it is about looking at ourselves and having the strength to change; to look at your life from another perspective.....regardless of the catalyst...
Here is the thought for the day;
Well, son, I'll tell you:
Life for me ain't been no crystal stair.
It's had tacks in it,
And splinters,
And boards torn up,
And places with no carpet on the floor --
But all the time
I'se been a-climbin' on,
And reachin' landin's,
And turnin' corners,
And sometimes goin' in the dark
Where there ain't been no light.
So boy, don't you turn back.
Don't you set down on the steps
'Cause you finds it's kinder hard.
Don't you fall now --
For I'se still goin', honey,
I'se still climbin',
And life for me ain't been no crystal stair.
Langston Hughes
Marianne Goldweber
The best word to describe me is a 'catalyst' which Websters defines as;
Main Entry: cat•a•lyst
Pronunciation: 'ka-t & l-&st
2 : an agent that provokes or speeds significant change or action
I realize that I facilitate change just from my presence. I used to take the reactions that I received personally.
But now I know; that for some, I am like warm loving breeze, clearing the cobwebs, inspiring them to be more, to do more...and for others I am like sand paper on skin, abrasive and uncomfortable....
Whichever people feel, it is about looking within themselves.....finding permission within to grow, or resist violently..... There is no middle ground......
Look at the catalysts in your life; is it really what they do to you, or are they just bringing up all your issues?
Either way, it is about looking at ourselves and having the strength to change; to look at your life from another perspective.....regardless of the catalyst...
Here is the thought for the day;
Well, son, I'll tell you:
Life for me ain't been no crystal stair.
It's had tacks in it,
And splinters,
And boards torn up,
And places with no carpet on the floor --
But all the time
I'se been a-climbin' on,
And reachin' landin's,
And turnin' corners,
And sometimes goin' in the dark
Where there ain't been no light.
So boy, don't you turn back.
Don't you set down on the steps
'Cause you finds it's kinder hard.
Don't you fall now --
For I'se still goin', honey,
I'se still climbin',
And life for me ain't been no crystal stair.
Langston Hughes
Marianne Goldweber
Monday, July 20, 2009
One of the things I love about being a minister is officiating at weddings. This is my "wedding season" and I typically perform at least 10 or more from May to August. Some are intimate; on the beach, just the couple and I- and some are elaborately planned and orchestrated, like a Broadway show.
The reasons for getting married are also as diverse as the ceremonies themselves.
But what ties them all together is the natural need to partner with someone who is all the things we are not; that we love, admire and respect...
Like the Yin and Yan the two halves come together to create the whole; both remaining separate enough to be unique to the self-
but complete enough to create the circle.
So it is with Marriage.
The differences between us creates integrity to the whole.
Sometimes along the way we forget that the differences in our partner and ourselves is the beauty of marriage- and we become critical of these same differences that attracted us in the first place.
Which creates a division in the whole.
Today- let's remember that gratefully our partners are very different from ourselves and those differences are what we fell in love with.
Maybe use this as a reason to reflect on your own relationships, and remember the beauty of having someone to share this journey with.
I am blessed to have received the following writing from my spirit guide, which I use in part, in the ceremonies I perform.
It is directed to those who are entering the covenant of Marriage.
Marriage,- Running Bear
In our single-mindedness, our perception is one dimensional.
As we find balance within, we begin to see that we are not meant to travel alone, that in partnering, we gain the insight of another who we admire love and respect.
It gives us that which we do not see in ourselves-
this creating a balance of its own.
You have come together on this path,
now each with a new perspective;
able to see with each others eyes,
Love with each others hearts.
Each of you bringing into this journey gifts to complete the whole-
each in balance.
So as you gift yourselves to one another always remember to:
See with the others eyes, for they are now your own.
Love with the others heart, for it is precious and belongs to you too.
Hear with the others ears for now you hear with knew understanding.
Be thankful, for some in their search are not perceptive enough or cannot step out of themselves to appreciate the journey shared.
So go forward and Love with one heart,
treat it as your own, for it now belongs to you.
See with four eyes, to gain knew perspective.
Hear with new clarity and walk in peace on your journey together.
The reasons for getting married are also as diverse as the ceremonies themselves.
But what ties them all together is the natural need to partner with someone who is all the things we are not; that we love, admire and respect...
Like the Yin and Yan the two halves come together to create the whole; both remaining separate enough to be unique to the self-
but complete enough to create the circle.
So it is with Marriage.
The differences between us creates integrity to the whole.
Sometimes along the way we forget that the differences in our partner and ourselves is the beauty of marriage- and we become critical of these same differences that attracted us in the first place.
Which creates a division in the whole.
Today- let's remember that gratefully our partners are very different from ourselves and those differences are what we fell in love with.
Maybe use this as a reason to reflect on your own relationships, and remember the beauty of having someone to share this journey with.
I am blessed to have received the following writing from my spirit guide, which I use in part, in the ceremonies I perform.
It is directed to those who are entering the covenant of Marriage.
Marriage,- Running Bear
In our single-mindedness, our perception is one dimensional.
As we find balance within, we begin to see that we are not meant to travel alone, that in partnering, we gain the insight of another who we admire love and respect.
It gives us that which we do not see in ourselves-
this creating a balance of its own.
You have come together on this path,
now each with a new perspective;
able to see with each others eyes,
Love with each others hearts.
Each of you bringing into this journey gifts to complete the whole-
each in balance.
So as you gift yourselves to one another always remember to:
See with the others eyes, for they are now your own.
Love with the others heart, for it is precious and belongs to you too.
Hear with the others ears for now you hear with knew understanding.
Be thankful, for some in their search are not perceptive enough or cannot step out of themselves to appreciate the journey shared.
So go forward and Love with one heart,
treat it as your own, for it now belongs to you.
See with four eyes, to gain knew perspective.
Hear with new clarity and walk in peace on your journey together.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Gluing the soapdish- a story about diversion
I left home at a pretty early age, vowing I would never be back.
But-less than a year later I found myself between apartments and unemployed. The girl I moved out with found out she was pregnant and need her share of the rent and utilities for an abortion- and then decided that living on her own was not for her and she moved out.I was left with all the obligation. Then to make matters worse I mutually agreed with my employer to leave my job as a telemarketing phone room manager.
For a short time and I had no choice other than to humble myself and move back to the place that brought me so much unhappiness, my childhood home.
I immediately fell into a fit of depression, staying in my pajamas all day, giving up looking for work and an apartment. Subjecting myself to the internal critic of failure; in addition to the external punishment for failing, by my passive aggressive mother- who never actually called me a failure but treated me like one through snide remarks and superior references.
The changing moment for me was a day that I use in teaching to this day.
I broke a ceramic soap dish in the kitchen one morning. Everyone was at work or school, and I spent the entire day doing nothing but piecing and gluing together this dime store soap dish. Minutes turned into hours; I lost all sense of time in the pursuit of perfectly gluing my little project back to it's original form.
At 4pm, my sister arrived home from school and found me still in my pajamas; the house around me a disaster, and me fervently bent over my diversion for the day.
She said "Marianne what the hell have you done all day?? This place is a wreck and mom is coming home in an hour?? You're still in your pajamas for chrissake"
With pride in my accomplishment I held up my work of art and said "I glued the soapdish!!"
She said "Are you high??"
I said "No, but look, it's perfect."
Then reality crept in- "What the hell have I been doing all day???"
She snapped me back into reality as I looked around me- looked at myself and thought this is not who I am.I found a job and an apartment in the next week.
When the reality of life gets too painful to look at we all create diversions to keep us off the really important things. I have a friend that makes spreadsheets that he never uses, and another friend that uses garage sales and eBay as a diversion from life. Creating the illusion of doing.
These activities stop us from looking at our own itinerary, our own to do list and keep us from seeing the need for change our life.
What's your soapdish?
But-less than a year later I found myself between apartments and unemployed. The girl I moved out with found out she was pregnant and need her share of the rent and utilities for an abortion- and then decided that living on her own was not for her and she moved out.I was left with all the obligation. Then to make matters worse I mutually agreed with my employer to leave my job as a telemarketing phone room manager.
For a short time and I had no choice other than to humble myself and move back to the place that brought me so much unhappiness, my childhood home.
I immediately fell into a fit of depression, staying in my pajamas all day, giving up looking for work and an apartment. Subjecting myself to the internal critic of failure; in addition to the external punishment for failing, by my passive aggressive mother- who never actually called me a failure but treated me like one through snide remarks and superior references.
The changing moment for me was a day that I use in teaching to this day.
I broke a ceramic soap dish in the kitchen one morning. Everyone was at work or school, and I spent the entire day doing nothing but piecing and gluing together this dime store soap dish. Minutes turned into hours; I lost all sense of time in the pursuit of perfectly gluing my little project back to it's original form.
At 4pm, my sister arrived home from school and found me still in my pajamas; the house around me a disaster, and me fervently bent over my diversion for the day.
She said "Marianne what the hell have you done all day?? This place is a wreck and mom is coming home in an hour?? You're still in your pajamas for chrissake"
With pride in my accomplishment I held up my work of art and said "I glued the soapdish!!"
She said "Are you high??"
I said "No, but look, it's perfect."
Then reality crept in- "What the hell have I been doing all day???"
She snapped me back into reality as I looked around me- looked at myself and thought this is not who I am.I found a job and an apartment in the next week.
When the reality of life gets too painful to look at we all create diversions to keep us off the really important things. I have a friend that makes spreadsheets that he never uses, and another friend that uses garage sales and eBay as a diversion from life. Creating the illusion of doing.
These activities stop us from looking at our own itinerary, our own to do list and keep us from seeing the need for change our life.
What's your soapdish?
Saying no is a loving act
One of my favorite books is the Four Agreements- by Don Miguel Ruiz.
One of the Four agreements is "Speak with Integrity"
Saying no is not something that was honored in my family- there were no personal
boundaries, I was never heard. So I had a very hard time not acting out of
obligation. Which eventually made me very resentful.
My mother did things for people because "You may need them someday" so all
giving was with condition. If you were the recipient it was lorded over you-
even if it was repaid.
I have found that saying no and not obligating myself to things I do not want to
do is a loving act toward others and myself.
I only obligate myself to things and people that I'm REALLY on board with-
unconditionally. Then there is no resentment.
When I am doing something that I don't want to be doing - everyone knows it- I
am pouty and curt- and act like it's their fault like I'm doing them some big
Saying no has also allowed people who I enable to find another solution. To do
it themselves- or- they find someone other than me to take advantage of.
At first it felt like I was saying no to everything, but I was committed to a
lot of things I was resentful of. But now- I only commit to things that I can
perform 100%-with joy and unconditional service.
Marianne Goldweber
One of the Four agreements is "Speak with Integrity"
Saying no is not something that was honored in my family- there were no personal
boundaries, I was never heard. So I had a very hard time not acting out of
obligation. Which eventually made me very resentful.
My mother did things for people because "You may need them someday" so all
giving was with condition. If you were the recipient it was lorded over you-
even if it was repaid.
I have found that saying no and not obligating myself to things I do not want to
do is a loving act toward others and myself.
I only obligate myself to things and people that I'm REALLY on board with-
unconditionally. Then there is no resentment.
When I am doing something that I don't want to be doing - everyone knows it- I
am pouty and curt- and act like it's their fault like I'm doing them some big
Saying no has also allowed people who I enable to find another solution. To do
it themselves- or- they find someone other than me to take advantage of.
At first it felt like I was saying no to everything, but I was committed to a
lot of things I was resentful of. But now- I only commit to things that I can
perform 100%-with joy and unconditional service.
Marianne Goldweber
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
My Ego is not my Amigo
I have had a huge issue with authority my whole life.
I enjoyed making myself self important and dishonored others to feed my insatiable ego and need for control.
I have found that it is my insecurity and arrogance that made me want to be the superstar or savior- not because of my desire to do a good job, but to do a AMAZING job to rub it in your face or to make someone else look and feel inferior.
It was my way of sucking energy, gaining attention; otherwise known as Bullying.
I hated being disrespected and therefore I gave no respect.
I have applied the following exercise brought to me by my spiritual teachers.
1. I write down 3 things I can criticize about the person I am observing.
2.Then I write down 3 things I like about them.(Much harder)
In front of each write "I am"
I can't change others- but I can change that behavior in myself. I can relent to do what I am told- because everyone has a different way to do things- not just my way.
Being a good follower is just as important as being a great leader.
My need to be right, or powerful or in control is my insecurity.
I enjoyed making myself self important and dishonored others to feed my insatiable ego and need for control.
I have found that it is my insecurity and arrogance that made me want to be the superstar or savior- not because of my desire to do a good job, but to do a AMAZING job to rub it in your face or to make someone else look and feel inferior.
It was my way of sucking energy, gaining attention; otherwise known as Bullying.
I hated being disrespected and therefore I gave no respect.
I have applied the following exercise brought to me by my spiritual teachers.
1. I write down 3 things I can criticize about the person I am observing.
2.Then I write down 3 things I like about them.(Much harder)
In front of each write "I am"
I can't change others- but I can change that behavior in myself. I can relent to do what I am told- because everyone has a different way to do things- not just my way.
Being a good follower is just as important as being a great leader.
My need to be right, or powerful or in control is my insecurity.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Steel Horse
Steel Horse
Wind in my hair astride my steed
Ancient memories of great prairies
Abundant with Buffalo
Majestic mountains
Gold grass waving
Freedom in the wind
Over ancient lands
Colors magnificent
Warrior pride
The days of wild ponies a memory
The horse is steel
The spirit lives
The ancestors in the wind call my name.
Marianne Goldweber
(Inspired on a cross country trip)
Read more:
Wind in my hair astride my steed
Ancient memories of great prairies
Abundant with Buffalo
Majestic mountains
Gold grass waving
Freedom in the wind
Over ancient lands
Colors magnificent
Warrior pride
The days of wild ponies a memory
The horse is steel
The spirit lives
The ancestors in the wind call my name.
Marianne Goldweber
(Inspired on a cross country trip)
Read more:
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Spiritual Warrior
Our society uses labels to define people and things. I have struggled to define myself using these societal labels but finally have decided that one of them is Spiritual Warrior.
I searched the internet and found an amazing writing by Ryan Androsoff that describes exactly how I perceived myself.
I emailed him and was honored that he responded and gave me permission to use his inspirational piece in my blog...
This is for all the spiritual warriors out there.
The Spiritual Warriors Creed
I am a Spiritual Warrior.
Love is my only sword,
Faith my only shield.
Truth my only map,
Wisdom my only commander.
I stand for all that is good, I protect the light.
I reject all that is evil, I conquer the darkness.
My wars are not fought on the battlefield.
Wherever there is ignorance, hatred, suffering or fear I wage war.
Wars not fought with bombs and bullets.
Wars where blood is not spilt or lives destroyed.
Wars fought only with truth and light.
Wars where evil is conquered and darkness destroyed.
I fight for no country or army.
No leader, money or power.
I fight for the spirit of creation.
I fight to clear the way so it's love and goodness
may once again embrace all creation.
I do all this selflessly and with humility.
I cleanse my body, temple of the creative force.
I live in harmony with all things.
I resist temptation and embrace enlightenment.
I vigilantly toil to gain knowledge and wisdom.
And above all I stand firm as a beacon in the night,
for all mankind to follow.
I am a Spiritual Warrior
~ Ryan Androsoff
I wrote it awhile ago now, I believe back in 1996, and it seems to have spread around the internet on a few different websites over the years. The inspiration was my religious/cultural background which is the Doukhobors (, the English translation of which means “Spirit Wrestlers”.
Ryan Androsoff
I searched the internet and found an amazing writing by Ryan Androsoff that describes exactly how I perceived myself.
I emailed him and was honored that he responded and gave me permission to use his inspirational piece in my blog...
This is for all the spiritual warriors out there.
The Spiritual Warriors Creed
I am a Spiritual Warrior.
Love is my only sword,
Faith my only shield.
Truth my only map,
Wisdom my only commander.
I stand for all that is good, I protect the light.
I reject all that is evil, I conquer the darkness.
My wars are not fought on the battlefield.
Wherever there is ignorance, hatred, suffering or fear I wage war.
Wars not fought with bombs and bullets.
Wars where blood is not spilt or lives destroyed.
Wars fought only with truth and light.
Wars where evil is conquered and darkness destroyed.
I fight for no country or army.
No leader, money or power.
I fight for the spirit of creation.
I fight to clear the way so it's love and goodness
may once again embrace all creation.
I do all this selflessly and with humility.
I cleanse my body, temple of the creative force.
I live in harmony with all things.
I resist temptation and embrace enlightenment.
I vigilantly toil to gain knowledge and wisdom.
And above all I stand firm as a beacon in the night,
for all mankind to follow.
I am a Spiritual Warrior
~ Ryan Androsoff
I wrote it awhile ago now, I believe back in 1996, and it seems to have spread around the internet on a few different websites over the years. The inspiration was my religious/cultural background which is the Doukhobors (, the English translation of which means “Spirit Wrestlers”.
Ryan Androsoff
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
The Hero Within
"Every child saved with my help is the justification of my existence on this Earth, and not a title to glory."[9]
Irena Sendler—Letter to the Polish Parliament
In every one of us there is a hero waiting to get out.
Like Underdog- just regular people with a desire to fight for justice,or fairness- or against dark forces; to be a voice for those who cannot speak up for themselves.
Society tells us to 'keep you head down' 'don't get involved' and 'don't rock the boat'.
I'm here to tell you that there is a hero in YOU.
The following is a story about one of these amazing souls that came to this Earth to be a hero. Their praises are not always sung and when they are it is usually after they've died.
Be inspired to be a Hero in your life through Irena Sendler's story.
The little lady above is Irean Sendler. Born Feb 15, 1910 and left this Earth May 12, 2008
She was a Polish Catholic social worker who served in the Polish Underground and the Żegota resistance organization in German-occupied Warsaw during World War II.
Assisted by some two dozen other Żegota members, Irena Sendler saved 2,500 Jewish children by smuggling them out of the Warsaw Ghetto, providing them false documents, and sheltering them in individual and group children's homes outside the Ghetto.[2]
She cooperated with the Children's Section of the Municipal Administration, linked with the RGO (Central Welfare Council), a Polish relief organization that was tolerated under German supervision. She organized the smuggling of Jewish children out of the Ghetto, carrying them out in boxes, suitcases and trolleys.[2] Under the pretext of conducting inspections of sanitary conditions during a typhoid outbreak, Sendler visited the Ghetto and smuggled out babies and small children in ambulances and trams, sometimes disguising them as packages.[6] She also used the old courthouse at the edge of the Warsaw Ghetto (still standing) as one of the main routes for smuggling out children.
The children were placed with Polish families, the Warsaw orphanage of the Sisters of the Family of Mary, or Roman Catholic convents such as the Little Sister Servants of the Blessed Virgin Mary Conceived Immaculate[7] at Turkowice and Chotomów. Some children were smuggled to priests in parish rectories. She hid lists of their names in jars in order to keep track of their original and new identities. Żegota assured the children that, when the war was over, they would be returned to Jewish relatives.[8]
In 1943 Irena was arrested by the Gestapo, severely tortured, and sentenced to death. Żegota saved her by bribing German guards on the way to her execution. She was left in the woods, unconscious and with broken arms and legs.[2] She was listed on public bulletin boards as among those executed. For the remainder of the war, she lived in hiding, but continued her work for the Jewish children. After the war, she dug up the jars containing the children's identities and attempted to find the children and return them to their parents. However, almost all of their parents had been killed at the Treblinka extermination camp or had gone missing otherwise.
After the war and the Soviet takeover of Poland, she was at first persecuted and imprisoned by the communist Polish state authorities for her relations with the Polish government in exile and with the Home Army. While in prison she miscarried her second child and her other children were later denied the right to study at communist controlled Polish universities.
In 2007 considerable publicity[11] accompanied Sendler's nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize.[12] While failed nominations for the award have not been officially announced by the Nobel organization for 50 years, the International Peace Research Institute, Oslo, reported in 2007 that Irena Sendler's nominator had made the nomination public. [13] Regardless of its legitimacy, talk of the nomination focused a spotlight on Sendler and her wartime achievements. The 2007 award instead went to Al Gore, former Vice President of the United States, and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Sendler's story was brought to light in the United States when students in Kansas found it described in a magazine and popularized it through their original play Life in a Jar.
On April 19, 2009, The Courageous Heart of Irena Sendler, a Hallmark Hall of Fame production written and directed by John Kent Harrison and starring Anna Paquin in the title role, was broadcast by CBS.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Choosing to Suffer...
There is an exercise that I use in teaching explains that
there are 2 kinds of energy- Light and Dark.
We have given these energies labels like good and bad....
God and Evil.
No matter what you call them they are still Light and Dark.
Light is light; you have to reach for it
and Dark is heavy;it pulls you down.
Light is Accountable and Dark Blames.
Light 'gives' and Dark 'takes'.
Light -- Dark
Love -- Hate
Peace -- Chaos/Drama
Joy -- Sadness/Misery
Service -- Selfishness
Accountability/ownership -- Blame/Victim
Faith -- Fear
Compassion -- Judgment
Another way to picture it is Light flows outward- and Dark is like a vacuum- it sucks.
This is why when we are in a good mood- it can be ruined by someone in a dark place in an instant. The dark energy drains us and we own it and allow it and they go away feeling better.
There are people who cannot create their own happiness and are addicted to taking- stealing- energy from others to fill their dark hole.
If we are accountable to our Lives- and see that we make a choice to be in the darkness- we can free ourselves and then set a boundary with others; reminding them that they are creating the suffering.
If they hear the message and want to apply it that is up to them- but if they don't they will soon look for someone else to take energy from and will think twice before they come to you looking for a 'fill'.
So....what side of the road are we operating from?
Be a light spreader-
Let your little light shine!!!!
there are 2 kinds of energy- Light and Dark.
We have given these energies labels like good and bad....
God and Evil.
No matter what you call them they are still Light and Dark.
Light is light; you have to reach for it
and Dark is heavy;it pulls you down.
Light is Accountable and Dark Blames.
Light 'gives' and Dark 'takes'.
Light -- Dark
Love -- Hate
Peace -- Chaos/Drama
Joy -- Sadness/Misery
Service -- Selfishness
Accountability/ownership -- Blame/Victim
Faith -- Fear
Compassion -- Judgment
Another way to picture it is Light flows outward- and Dark is like a vacuum- it sucks.
This is why when we are in a good mood- it can be ruined by someone in a dark place in an instant. The dark energy drains us and we own it and allow it and they go away feeling better.
There are people who cannot create their own happiness and are addicted to taking- stealing- energy from others to fill their dark hole.
If we are accountable to our Lives- and see that we make a choice to be in the darkness- we can free ourselves and then set a boundary with others; reminding them that they are creating the suffering.
If they hear the message and want to apply it that is up to them- but if they don't they will soon look for someone else to take energy from and will think twice before they come to you looking for a 'fill'.
So....what side of the road are we operating from?
Be a light spreader-
Let your little light shine!!!!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Faith and Fear
I believe we are here as a soul to have an experience.
Every event in our life- everyone we meet -have been strategically placed in our path in a Divine way to afford us an experience.
When it is a positive experience we can apply Faith that it is Divine.
But- when the experience is senseless and tragic- we have learned to apply Fear and cannot believe that there is anything Divine at work.
Fear is the absence of Faith.
Fear makes us a victim to tragedy- Faith offers us a freedom that it is purposeful in the Divine plan in our life- or the experience of another.
I have experienced many tragedies in my life. In the moment- it is very difficult to think that there is a Divine purpose- it makes me angry- it makes me helpless and it makes me want to control the uncontrollable.
Faith allows me to release my need to know- to control the outcome and be present to the event.
There are many things at work that I cannot understand from my limited perception as a human being. This is where I know- through Faith- that as senseless as it seems- there is Purpose.
In retrospect- I have seen these events inspire significant changes- without them happening, these changes would never have occurred.
Out of the rubble of despair- great things have been born.
Here is the thought for the day-
“There is nothing that wastes the body like worry,
and one who has any faith in God should be ashamed to worry
about anything whatsoever”
Mahatma Gandhi
Every event in our life- everyone we meet -have been strategically placed in our path in a Divine way to afford us an experience.
When it is a positive experience we can apply Faith that it is Divine.
But- when the experience is senseless and tragic- we have learned to apply Fear and cannot believe that there is anything Divine at work.
Fear is the absence of Faith.
Fear makes us a victim to tragedy- Faith offers us a freedom that it is purposeful in the Divine plan in our life- or the experience of another.
I have experienced many tragedies in my life. In the moment- it is very difficult to think that there is a Divine purpose- it makes me angry- it makes me helpless and it makes me want to control the uncontrollable.
Faith allows me to release my need to know- to control the outcome and be present to the event.
There are many things at work that I cannot understand from my limited perception as a human being. This is where I know- through Faith- that as senseless as it seems- there is Purpose.
In retrospect- I have seen these events inspire significant changes- without them happening, these changes would never have occurred.
Out of the rubble of despair- great things have been born.
Here is the thought for the day-
“There is nothing that wastes the body like worry,
and one who has any faith in God should be ashamed to worry
about anything whatsoever”
Mahatma Gandhi
marianne goldweber,
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Animal Messengers in Dreamtime
There was a time when the members of the Animal tribe were respected and revered and they spoke to us. But, man began dishonoring them and they stopped.
When, in Dreamtime, we meet these animal messengers- If we are aware enough to remember that they can talk, and you talk to them first- they will answer you.
I started to have a re-occuring dream during my spiritual awakening of a Polar Bear chasing me- no matter what dream I was having he would appear and chase me until I awoke afraid.
My Spiritual Teacher at that time reminded me to talk to the Bear...
The next night- while running from the Giant White Bear- I remembered to 'talk to the Bear'.... I stopped in my dream- turned and faced the Bear (scared to death- by the way!) and said 'What do you want?'
The Bear immediately replied 'You're running the wrong way.'
I awoke and realized- I was running the wrong way...I was running from Bear (introspection) afraid to face myself and the life I had created out of fear. White- (the North) a place of wisdom- when at that time of my life I was running from the wisdom I knew- and was being ruled by Coyote- tricking myself...being a victim to the events of my life.
This Messenger came to remind me that if I only look within- apply the wisdom I had- stop running from the message that my life needed and was on the brink of a great change- if I only had the courage to face myself and the illusion I created.
When, in Dreamtime, we meet these animal messengers- If we are aware enough to remember that they can talk, and you talk to them first- they will answer you.
I started to have a re-occuring dream during my spiritual awakening of a Polar Bear chasing me- no matter what dream I was having he would appear and chase me until I awoke afraid.
My Spiritual Teacher at that time reminded me to talk to the Bear...
The next night- while running from the Giant White Bear- I remembered to 'talk to the Bear'.... I stopped in my dream- turned and faced the Bear (scared to death- by the way!) and said 'What do you want?'
The Bear immediately replied 'You're running the wrong way.'
I awoke and realized- I was running the wrong way...I was running from Bear (introspection) afraid to face myself and the life I had created out of fear. White- (the North) a place of wisdom- when at that time of my life I was running from the wisdom I knew- and was being ruled by Coyote- tricking myself...being a victim to the events of my life.
This Messenger came to remind me that if I only look within- apply the wisdom I had- stop running from the message that my life needed and was on the brink of a great change- if I only had the courage to face myself and the illusion I created.
Friday, June 5, 2009
The Medicine Wheel of Life

The cycles of life revolve like the great Medicine Wheel.
Each of us on the never ending circle.
Like Grandmother Moon circles
from dark to full to dark again;
completing her monthly cycle.
As the seasons cycle
This circle is never ending.
From the time of our birth
that sets our feet on the Good Red Road-
Our mission is one of discovery and learning
as we walk day by day
season by season
around the great Medicine Wheel of our Life.
From Child to Adolescent
From Adult to Elder
the days unfold.
Learning and Teaching
Joy and Sadness
Plenty and Poverty
Love and Loss
The seasons of one's Life pass-
ever cycling.
Awakening us to the experience of living
sharing what we have learned,
and leaving that Legacy to All our Relations.
It then comes time when we must leave the Good Red Road;
a time when we 'Drop our Robe'
and shed this human vessel
that houses our souls for a short time-
and begin our journey on the Blue Road of Spirit.
There we enter the world of our Ancestors,
who rejoice at our return;
While our relations mourn our leaving.
To share what we have learned.
Becoming another spoke
on the Medicine Wheel of Life.
Marianne Goldweber
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
The silent killer.....
When I was in the fourth grade, we had to do a project on the 12 Commandants.
When I got to 'Thou shalt not kill' I was having trouble understanding how this commandment would apply to me. I would never kill someone.
I brought this to the attention of the Nun who was my teacher.
She told me that there is more than one way to kill;
You can take someones life physically,or you can kill them with your words and deeds.
I was severely bullied in grade school- so I completely understood the power of hurtful words and lies.
Gossip and slander are a form of murder.
Not in the physical sense; Gossip is an erosion of one's reputation and self esteem; Sadly- some have taken their own lives over such acts.
Our media is even based on sensational reality programming and true journalism is a thing of the past; becoming judgmental and biased. I heard a local anchor person call someone a jerk.
Refuse to watch- refuse to be a part of such destructive behavior.
Get comitted to your own life and find someone to help.
Let's spend our time talking about the achievements of others.
Let's listen more and talk less.
Let's create lives dedicated to Truth and Love.
Let's spread words of encouragement and stories that inspire.
“What is evil? Killing is evil, lying is evil, slandering is evil, abuse is evil, gossip is evil: envy is evil, hatred is evil, to cling to false doctrine is evil; all these things are evil.
And what is the root of evil?
Desire is the root of evil,
Illusion is the root of evil.”
Buddha (Hindu Prince Gautama Siddharta, the founder of Buddhism, 563-483 B.C.)
When I got to 'Thou shalt not kill' I was having trouble understanding how this commandment would apply to me. I would never kill someone.
I brought this to the attention of the Nun who was my teacher.
She told me that there is more than one way to kill;
You can take someones life physically,or you can kill them with your words and deeds.
I was severely bullied in grade school- so I completely understood the power of hurtful words and lies.
Gossip and slander are a form of murder.
Not in the physical sense; Gossip is an erosion of one's reputation and self esteem; Sadly- some have taken their own lives over such acts.
Our media is even based on sensational reality programming and true journalism is a thing of the past; becoming judgmental and biased. I heard a local anchor person call someone a jerk.
Refuse to watch- refuse to be a part of such destructive behavior.
Get comitted to your own life and find someone to help.
Let's spend our time talking about the achievements of others.
Let's listen more and talk less.
Let's create lives dedicated to Truth and Love.
Let's spread words of encouragement and stories that inspire.
“What is evil? Killing is evil, lying is evil, slandering is evil, abuse is evil, gossip is evil: envy is evil, hatred is evil, to cling to false doctrine is evil; all these things are evil.
And what is the root of evil?
Desire is the root of evil,
Illusion is the root of evil.”
Buddha (Hindu Prince Gautama Siddharta, the founder of Buddhism, 563-483 B.C.)
Thursday, May 21, 2009
This Road called Life.........
There is no destination on this Road.
It is constant awakening, and reawakening,
discovery after discovery.
Awakening is like waking up after a long nap
and feeling like you have been sleeping your life away;
caught in the mundane rituals of living.
The learning process on this road is never finished.
There is no Master degree, there is no certification.
There is only the point where we Cross over
to the Blue Road of Spirit
and look upon this life
and see the beauty and magnificence
of it in the Great Web;
Of the lessons learned,
and the Lives touched.
It is constant awakening, and reawakening,
discovery after discovery.
Awakening is like waking up after a long nap
and feeling like you have been sleeping your life away;
caught in the mundane rituals of living.
The learning process on this road is never finished.
There is no Master degree, there is no certification.
There is only the point where we Cross over
to the Blue Road of Spirit
and look upon this life
and see the beauty and magnificence
of it in the Great Web;
Of the lessons learned,
and the Lives touched.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Two wolves- Our greatest teachers
There is a Cherokee poem that refers to two teachers- represented by wolf.
Wolf is the totem animal for teacher- or a teaching.
I always stress that everyone that comes into our journey is sent to teach us about ourselves. Some of these encounters are wonderful and pleasant and some are painful and difficult.
These are the people and situations that teach us the most.
I have had many teachers that have appeared on my journey but one in particular has challenged me to the core of my being. This individual challenges me to search within myself for a solution based not in anger,punishment and revenge; but in understanding, peace and love.. This is where my human/spirit struggle ensues and I have to take everything I have learned on my journey to awakening and apply it here.
It is an internal tug of war- an angel on one shoulder whispering love and the demon on the other whispering hate.
We all have such a teacher- and if you don't you will- these teachers are sent periodically to see if you are healing - if you are walking your talk- to remind you that you are human and evolution is a constant process.
So- I have two wolves in my heart- which one will win?
The one I feed.
Here is the thought for the day-
Two Wolves
An old Cherokee chief is teaching his grandson about life:
"A fight is going on inside me," he said to the boy. "It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves.
"One is evil - he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, self-doubt, and ego.
"The other is good - he is joy, peace, love, hope,
serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.
"This same fight is going on inside you - and inside every other person, too."
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?"
The old chief simply replied, "The one you feed."
Wolf is the totem animal for teacher- or a teaching.
I always stress that everyone that comes into our journey is sent to teach us about ourselves. Some of these encounters are wonderful and pleasant and some are painful and difficult.
These are the people and situations that teach us the most.
I have had many teachers that have appeared on my journey but one in particular has challenged me to the core of my being. This individual challenges me to search within myself for a solution based not in anger,punishment and revenge; but in understanding, peace and love.. This is where my human/spirit struggle ensues and I have to take everything I have learned on my journey to awakening and apply it here.
It is an internal tug of war- an angel on one shoulder whispering love and the demon on the other whispering hate.
We all have such a teacher- and if you don't you will- these teachers are sent periodically to see if you are healing - if you are walking your talk- to remind you that you are human and evolution is a constant process.
So- I have two wolves in my heart- which one will win?
The one I feed.
Here is the thought for the day-
Two Wolves
An old Cherokee chief is teaching his grandson about life:
"A fight is going on inside me," he said to the boy. "It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves.
"One is evil - he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, self-doubt, and ego.
"The other is good - he is joy, peace, love, hope,
serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.
"This same fight is going on inside you - and inside every other person, too."
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?"
The old chief simply replied, "The one you feed."
Monday, May 11, 2009
Relationship Building
Change begins with me!
Let's get invested!
When we're in a relationship, whether it's a marriage, a relationship with our children, career or job; we can get caught in the familiarity, and start to take it for granted.
We don't tend to it with the same vigor as when it was new.
Eventually we may find ourselves criticizing our relationship, and the people in it.
Any relationship is like a plant, it needs attention, investment, love, nurturing.
We usually become aware of our own lack of these elements first.
Waiting for these things to be done for us.
If they aren't,we become critical, and begin to withdraw, "separating" ourselves emotionally; looking for reasons to confirm our feelings.
We become a victim.
Lets change our perspective; if we aren't having these things done for us, it also means that we're probably not doing them for the others in our relationships.
We have also taken the situation for granted, we may not be fully invested or loyal.
Since most of you are at work, lets start with that relationship.then You can then try this at home, with kids, wife, husband,or partner later.
First, write down the things that we are dissatisfied with (I'm sure that will be hard!).
Are YOU doing all of these things for the others in your space, unconditionally?
Next, lets change perspective;How are you contributing to this?
Be honest.
Do you have a bad attitude or passive aggressive with you're boss or coworkers?
Are you negative, or usually complaining?
Do you turn in projects in the nick of time? Or procrastinate, scrambling to complete them?
Does everyone know you are unhappy?
Do you work through lunch, work long hours hoping someone will notice your dedication;
as you suffer, silently fuming?
Have you stopped getting dressed up, or stopped putting your best foot forward?
Are you coming in late?
Do you gossip?
This is sabotage, it is destructive. Not only to your own situation, but it spreads your unhappiness like a virus to everyone you "share" it with.
Do you have clear dialogs about your issues/conflicts with the person directly, or do you tell everyone but them?
Lack of Loyalty can be the undoing of any relationship.
It can be the unraveling of any business and can cost jobs.
People and companies can't change what they are doing if they don't know it is an issue.
Clear communication, mature dialog, taking ownership, and apologizing can clear the air.
Let's get honest, and be invested by keeping a positive attitude and speaking our truth.
Maybe we've just not been part of the team. Or, if after setting boundaries, and doing our personal best we are not satisfied, then maybe it is time to find something that will bring you joy.
You can't change people or businesses, get invested and see if it changes.
Find a place that brings you fulfillment.
From the Janitor, to the CEO; we all want validation, appreciation and thoughtfulness.
When we get it, we are willing to give it...
No one wants to do a good job when they aren't appreciated.
You go first and start a chain reaction.
Oh and by the way, feel free to share this with your coworkers.
Have an Awesome Day!
Here is the thought for the day!
The Guy in the Glass by Dale Wimbrow
When you get what you want in your struggle for self
And the world makes you king for a day
Just go to the mirror and look at yourself
And see what that man has to say.
For it isn't your Father or Mother or wife
Whose judgement upon you must pass.
The fellow whose verdict counts most in your life
Is the one staring back from the glass.
Some people may call you a straight shooting chum
And call you a wonderful guy,
but the man in the glass says you're only a bum
If you can't look him straight in the eye.
He's the fellow to please, never mind all the rest
For he's with you clear to the end,
And you have passed your most dangerous test
If the man in the glass is your friend.
You may face the whole world down the pathway of life
And get pats on the back when you pass,
But your final reward will be heartache and strife
If you've cheated the man in the glass.
- Dale Wimbrow, 1895-1954
Let's get invested!
When we're in a relationship, whether it's a marriage, a relationship with our children, career or job; we can get caught in the familiarity, and start to take it for granted.
We don't tend to it with the same vigor as when it was new.
Eventually we may find ourselves criticizing our relationship, and the people in it.
Any relationship is like a plant, it needs attention, investment, love, nurturing.
We usually become aware of our own lack of these elements first.
Waiting for these things to be done for us.
If they aren't,we become critical, and begin to withdraw, "separating" ourselves emotionally; looking for reasons to confirm our feelings.
We become a victim.
Lets change our perspective; if we aren't having these things done for us, it also means that we're probably not doing them for the others in our relationships.
We have also taken the situation for granted, we may not be fully invested or loyal.
Since most of you are at work, lets start with that relationship.then You can then try this at home, with kids, wife, husband,or partner later.
First, write down the things that we are dissatisfied with (I'm sure that will be hard!).
Are YOU doing all of these things for the others in your space, unconditionally?
Next, lets change perspective;How are you contributing to this?
Be honest.
Do you have a bad attitude or passive aggressive with you're boss or coworkers?
Are you negative, or usually complaining?
Do you turn in projects in the nick of time? Or procrastinate, scrambling to complete them?
Does everyone know you are unhappy?
Do you work through lunch, work long hours hoping someone will notice your dedication;
as you suffer, silently fuming?
Have you stopped getting dressed up, or stopped putting your best foot forward?
Are you coming in late?
Do you gossip?
This is sabotage, it is destructive. Not only to your own situation, but it spreads your unhappiness like a virus to everyone you "share" it with.
Do you have clear dialogs about your issues/conflicts with the person directly, or do you tell everyone but them?
Lack of Loyalty can be the undoing of any relationship.
It can be the unraveling of any business and can cost jobs.
People and companies can't change what they are doing if they don't know it is an issue.
Clear communication, mature dialog, taking ownership, and apologizing can clear the air.
Let's get honest, and be invested by keeping a positive attitude and speaking our truth.
Maybe we've just not been part of the team. Or, if after setting boundaries, and doing our personal best we are not satisfied, then maybe it is time to find something that will bring you joy.
You can't change people or businesses, get invested and see if it changes.
Find a place that brings you fulfillment.
From the Janitor, to the CEO; we all want validation, appreciation and thoughtfulness.
When we get it, we are willing to give it...
No one wants to do a good job when they aren't appreciated.
You go first and start a chain reaction.
Oh and by the way, feel free to share this with your coworkers.
Have an Awesome Day!
Here is the thought for the day!
The Guy in the Glass by Dale Wimbrow
When you get what you want in your struggle for self
And the world makes you king for a day
Just go to the mirror and look at yourself
And see what that man has to say.
For it isn't your Father or Mother or wife
Whose judgement upon you must pass.
The fellow whose verdict counts most in your life
Is the one staring back from the glass.
Some people may call you a straight shooting chum
And call you a wonderful guy,
but the man in the glass says you're only a bum
If you can't look him straight in the eye.
He's the fellow to please, never mind all the rest
For he's with you clear to the end,
And you have passed your most dangerous test
If the man in the glass is your friend.
You may face the whole world down the pathway of life
And get pats on the back when you pass,
But your final reward will be heartache and strife
If you've cheated the man in the glass.
- Dale Wimbrow, 1895-1954
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mother the same accross the world
Etymologgy states the word Mother means:
English mother and Latin mater and many similar maternal words contain the worldwide etymon ma ‘breast’ + ter an Indo-European agent suffix, so that the etymological meaning of the word mother is ‘breast-feeder.’
As this word implies- Mother is the source for nourishment- a self sustaining food source. Mother is not only the source for physical nourishment- but psychological and spiritual as well.
She is the channel for nurturing, care taking and connection to the Divine.
I share with you a Mothers day writing.
Mothering begins at birth-
In a moment of contrasts
The movement inside gone;a death.
But an indescribable celebration;
a new life at the breast
while the womb contracts and mourns it's loss.
The life sustaining umbilical cord severed;
but there will always be a cord that will never be cut.
I will continue to nourish you in a different way
from near or far
I will always know.
I am Mother;
Life bringer
Shape shifter
and Prophesier
I am the wellspring;
for any and all that thirst or need fed.
I fill my cup from an inexhaustible source;
I am love and comfort
I am patience and truth
I am encouragement and strength
I am Faith.
and give you my cup to slake your thirst.
Marianne Goldweber
English mother and Latin mater and many similar maternal words contain the worldwide etymon ma ‘breast’ + ter an Indo-European agent suffix, so that the etymological meaning of the word mother is ‘breast-feeder.’
As this word implies- Mother is the source for nourishment- a self sustaining food source. Mother is not only the source for physical nourishment- but psychological and spiritual as well.
She is the channel for nurturing, care taking and connection to the Divine.
I share with you a Mothers day writing.
Mothering begins at birth-
In a moment of contrasts
The movement inside gone;a death.
But an indescribable celebration;
a new life at the breast
while the womb contracts and mourns it's loss.
The life sustaining umbilical cord severed;
but there will always be a cord that will never be cut.
I will continue to nourish you in a different way
from near or far
I will always know.
I am Mother;
Life bringer
Shape shifter
and Prophesier
I am the wellspring;
for any and all that thirst or need fed.
I fill my cup from an inexhaustible source;
I am love and comfort
I am patience and truth
I am encouragement and strength
I am Faith.
and give you my cup to slake your thirst.
Marianne Goldweber
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Mother's Day 2009- The Sisterhood
Websters defines the word Mother in a number of ways- but my favorite is
"Source or origin".
The Female part of the Creative force is a fertile place where life springs from.
The mother represents the source of life-
Mother is the nurturing place we return to feel loved, and understood.
Mother is the lap we put our head and lay our fears.
Mother is where we go to ease our pain.
Being born female is a great responsibility- first to ourselves and then for others. We are the creative force- the fertile ground that nourishes and gives birth.
We are the breast from which everyone drinks.
The strength of this feminine force is divine.
The pain associated with our cycles and birthing is a rite of passage that represents acceptance of one's own pain and suffering as a means of spiritual purification and growth. Being a mother is not just the physical act of birthing- It is a celebration of the female creative force.
Giving birth signifies the time of "becoming"- that we are now responsible for another person and their well being and growth.
I am blessed to have given birth. It was a life changing event for me- it was also a life changing experience for my son's father. He witnessed a strength that came from the depths of human instinct. It was also something that he could never do.
It changed our relationship, something that I don't believe either of us expected.
Giving birth awoke in me an inner strength and resolve that I did not know I had.
It is now the litmus that I hold all other life challenges up to.
There was no quitting- there was no giving up- another life depended on me to "labor" and bring them into this world or they would die.
Motherhood is was the most responsibility I have ever taken in my life.
What I have come to find is that my monthly suffering and labor prepared me for other kinds of pain that being a mother bring;
The pain of having to allow my child to have his own thoughts and feelings.
His own aspirations that don't include me.It was the pain of their illness- where you feel alone and helpless.It was the pain of watching them fall- and letting it happen.It was the pain of watching them be hurt by the cruelty of people and the world; and encouraging them to rise.
It is summoning the courage to fight for them, to champion them - to defend them.
To change the world for their sake and to allow them to leave in order to take our love forward as they begin their own journey....
So in this celebration of Mothers Day-honor the anniversary of your Rite of passage- Celebrate all the things that being a Mother represent.
When you meet another Mother- remind her of her courage and her strength- because our experiences bind us all together in this sisterhood of Mother.
"Source or origin".
The Female part of the Creative force is a fertile place where life springs from.
The mother represents the source of life-
Mother is the nurturing place we return to feel loved, and understood.
Mother is the lap we put our head and lay our fears.
Mother is where we go to ease our pain.
Being born female is a great responsibility- first to ourselves and then for others. We are the creative force- the fertile ground that nourishes and gives birth.
We are the breast from which everyone drinks.
The strength of this feminine force is divine.
The pain associated with our cycles and birthing is a rite of passage that represents acceptance of one's own pain and suffering as a means of spiritual purification and growth. Being a mother is not just the physical act of birthing- It is a celebration of the female creative force.
Giving birth signifies the time of "becoming"- that we are now responsible for another person and their well being and growth.
I am blessed to have given birth. It was a life changing event for me- it was also a life changing experience for my son's father. He witnessed a strength that came from the depths of human instinct. It was also something that he could never do.
It changed our relationship, something that I don't believe either of us expected.
Giving birth awoke in me an inner strength and resolve that I did not know I had.
It is now the litmus that I hold all other life challenges up to.
There was no quitting- there was no giving up- another life depended on me to "labor" and bring them into this world or they would die.
Motherhood is was the most responsibility I have ever taken in my life.
What I have come to find is that my monthly suffering and labor prepared me for other kinds of pain that being a mother bring;
The pain of having to allow my child to have his own thoughts and feelings.
His own aspirations that don't include me.It was the pain of their illness- where you feel alone and helpless.It was the pain of watching them fall- and letting it happen.It was the pain of watching them be hurt by the cruelty of people and the world; and encouraging them to rise.
It is summoning the courage to fight for them, to champion them - to defend them.
To change the world for their sake and to allow them to leave in order to take our love forward as they begin their own journey....
So in this celebration of Mothers Day-honor the anniversary of your Rite of passage- Celebrate all the things that being a Mother represent.
When you meet another Mother- remind her of her courage and her strength- because our experiences bind us all together in this sisterhood of Mother.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Self Check- Mirror Mirror on the wall.......
The first principle I learned in my spiritual awakening that lead to my recovery
from co-dependence was to 'go first' and 'focus on my own growth only'.
Sounds simple enough...right!
A native American Teacher of mine had sent me out to 'observe' for a week, the
things and people that crossed my path.
Then return with the results.
So being a judgmental, co-dependent control freak...I was excited to get the
opportunity to observe who and what came into the path of my ever present
critical eye...I was writing things down like a mad woman....
I was in a restaurant and there was a woman at the next table who was loud and
abrasive- she was running over her friend and interrupted to 'one up'; her with
a bigger and better story.. I was annoyed- and felt angry at her..
How Rude! I thought.
I then observed a man bullying a woman at the gas station. I thought he was an
egomaniac- and was using his energy to overpower her.....and HER what's wrong with her????
Why didn't she see that this was not ok? Were was her backbone?
She just stood there and cried, like a victim. Where was her self respect????
After a week of these observations- my teacher asked me to write down all of the critical things I had observed.
I was very proud-
1. arrogance
2. abrasiveness
3. loud and overbearing
4. know it all
5. victim
6. bully
7. interrupter
8. bad listener
9. lack of self respect
10. (my favorite) bitch.
Then he asked me to write down the beautiful things I had observed..
Beautiful things? I had not written any beautiful things.
He then told me to write 'I AM' in front of all the criticisms.
He then went on to explain that the Great Mystery -Creator- had sent all of those people as messengers- so I could get a look at myself in the Smoking Mirror of Illusion of Self..
I was horrified.
He said the reason I could not write about anything beautiful is because I could not acknowledge anything beautiful about myself..
This exercise changed my life.
We are all but a mirror for each other. I stopped wanting to fix others because I was now too busy fixing those flaws in myself. Frankly I didn't want to look in that mirror any more than I had
I began looking for the beautiful things in others and began to truly accept the beautiful things I had not cultivated in myself because of my negative attitude and low self esteem.
My intense judgment soon turned to compassion. I now knew myself- and then could find compassion for my brothers and sisters who were suffering, like me- not so long ago. Not trying to fix them-but understanding that they too are receiving messengers like myself when they were ready they would see. I wasn't my job to interfere in their journey or their lessons.I had enough work of my own to do.
I then understood what Gandhi meant by-"Be the change you wish to see in the world."
I have made it my life mission to be the best mirror I can be to the world.
But there is always work to do ;)
from co-dependence was to 'go first' and 'focus on my own growth only'.
Sounds simple enough...right!
A native American Teacher of mine had sent me out to 'observe' for a week, the
things and people that crossed my path.
Then return with the results.
So being a judgmental, co-dependent control freak...I was excited to get the
opportunity to observe who and what came into the path of my ever present
critical eye...I was writing things down like a mad woman....
I was in a restaurant and there was a woman at the next table who was loud and
abrasive- she was running over her friend and interrupted to 'one up'; her with
a bigger and better story.. I was annoyed- and felt angry at her..
How Rude! I thought.
I then observed a man bullying a woman at the gas station. I thought he was an
egomaniac- and was using his energy to overpower her.....and HER what's wrong with her????
Why didn't she see that this was not ok? Were was her backbone?
She just stood there and cried, like a victim. Where was her self respect????
After a week of these observations- my teacher asked me to write down all of the critical things I had observed.
I was very proud-
1. arrogance
2. abrasiveness
3. loud and overbearing
4. know it all
5. victim
6. bully
7. interrupter
8. bad listener
9. lack of self respect
10. (my favorite) bitch.
Then he asked me to write down the beautiful things I had observed..
Beautiful things? I had not written any beautiful things.
He then told me to write 'I AM' in front of all the criticisms.
He then went on to explain that the Great Mystery -Creator- had sent all of those people as messengers- so I could get a look at myself in the Smoking Mirror of Illusion of Self..
I was horrified.
He said the reason I could not write about anything beautiful is because I could not acknowledge anything beautiful about myself..
This exercise changed my life.
We are all but a mirror for each other. I stopped wanting to fix others because I was now too busy fixing those flaws in myself. Frankly I didn't want to look in that mirror any more than I had
I began looking for the beautiful things in others and began to truly accept the beautiful things I had not cultivated in myself because of my negative attitude and low self esteem.
My intense judgment soon turned to compassion. I now knew myself- and then could find compassion for my brothers and sisters who were suffering, like me- not so long ago. Not trying to fix them-but understanding that they too are receiving messengers like myself when they were ready they would see. I wasn't my job to interfere in their journey or their lessons.I had enough work of my own to do.
I then understood what Gandhi meant by-"Be the change you wish to see in the world."
I have made it my life mission to be the best mirror I can be to the world.
But there is always work to do ;)
Monday, April 27, 2009
I was having lunch at school with my son and his friends. The school is having a poetry competition that had them memorizing and performing a 25 line poem- this exercise is mandatory. They were all excited because the semi-finalists came out today.
One of the girls recited her poem for me and it was entitled "Pain" by Ellen Kang.
I have been having some personal and spiritual growing pains of my own- so I saw it as a message- and I was very focused on what she was saying..
Her poem was dark and shocking; it dealt with someone wanting to silence the pain and run from it through addiction and suicide- but it was much more than that.
For me it identified the many painful places that I (not so long ago) had and still have on some level... I welled up as she finished and was amazed and her emotion as she recited it. I gave her a high Five and told her that was beautiful.
(She probably thinks I'm a said no one really liked it because it was about suicide. I told her it is about more than that. Her poem makes people uncomfortable with the pain of others and their own pain.
I've been reflecting on this during this New Moon-
Pain is necessary- whether physically,emotionally or spiritually; it is designed to stop us and have us look at the source of the pain for the lesson, the learning.
Then we will choose to allow it- accept it- and grow from it... OR
pain can also causes us to blame- to wallow in it and to deny it..and rid ourselves of the experience of it.
Pain is a change in the making- a change of consciousness- or a change in our physical way of doing. But the loving force of the Divine; allows us the free will and allows us to feel the pain- like a parent who knows what's best and allows us to do it our way. Knowing the pain will come. Knowing the pain will teach
Now that is purely unconditional love....
The thought for the day is From The Prophet- by Kahlil Gilbran
And a woman spoke, saying, 'Tell us of Pain.'
And he said:
Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.
Even as the stone of the fruit must break, that its heart may stand in the sun, so must you know pain.
And could you keep your heart in wonder at the daily miracles of your life, your pain would not seem less wondrous than your joy;
And you would accept the seasons of your heart, even as you have always accepted the seasons that pass over your fields.
And you would watch with serenity through the winters of your grief.
Much of your pain is self-chosen.
It is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals your sick self.
Therefore trust the physician, and drink his remedy in silence and tranquility:
For his hand, though heavy and hard, is guided by the tender hand of the Unseen,
And the cup he brings, though it burn your lips, has been fashioned of the clay which the Potter has moistened with His own sacred tears.
Kahlil Gibran
One of the girls recited her poem for me and it was entitled "Pain" by Ellen Kang.
I have been having some personal and spiritual growing pains of my own- so I saw it as a message- and I was very focused on what she was saying..
Her poem was dark and shocking; it dealt with someone wanting to silence the pain and run from it through addiction and suicide- but it was much more than that.
For me it identified the many painful places that I (not so long ago) had and still have on some level... I welled up as she finished and was amazed and her emotion as she recited it. I gave her a high Five and told her that was beautiful.
(She probably thinks I'm a said no one really liked it because it was about suicide. I told her it is about more than that. Her poem makes people uncomfortable with the pain of others and their own pain.
I've been reflecting on this during this New Moon-
Pain is necessary- whether physically,emotionally or spiritually; it is designed to stop us and have us look at the source of the pain for the lesson, the learning.
Then we will choose to allow it- accept it- and grow from it... OR
pain can also causes us to blame- to wallow in it and to deny it..and rid ourselves of the experience of it.
Pain is a change in the making- a change of consciousness- or a change in our physical way of doing. But the loving force of the Divine; allows us the free will and allows us to feel the pain- like a parent who knows what's best and allows us to do it our way. Knowing the pain will come. Knowing the pain will teach
Now that is purely unconditional love....
The thought for the day is From The Prophet- by Kahlil Gilbran
And a woman spoke, saying, 'Tell us of Pain.'
And he said:
Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.
Even as the stone of the fruit must break, that its heart may stand in the sun, so must you know pain.
And could you keep your heart in wonder at the daily miracles of your life, your pain would not seem less wondrous than your joy;
And you would accept the seasons of your heart, even as you have always accepted the seasons that pass over your fields.
And you would watch with serenity through the winters of your grief.
Much of your pain is self-chosen.
It is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals your sick self.
Therefore trust the physician, and drink his remedy in silence and tranquility:
For his hand, though heavy and hard, is guided by the tender hand of the Unseen,
And the cup he brings, though it burn your lips, has been fashioned of the clay which the Potter has moistened with His own sacred tears.
Kahlil Gibran
Friday, April 24, 2009
A Village of One- Rise
Some days, I feel like a Village of One.
There are many times in our life when we will have to choose between doing the safe and easy thing- or the harder, better thing.
That sounds simple enough in theory, but as martin Luther King said;
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy"
--Martin Luther King Jr
Fear is a crippling thing.
Courage asks you to rise in spite of popularity- of the status quo- of harm- or retaliation.
Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he seeks in himself the courage of other persons.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
I marvel at how "gangs" band together to create destruction, chaos and fear..but seldom do we have "gangs" of do good-ers banding together to take a stand for Peace, Love..
Each loving sensitive person in this world feels like a Village of One; unable to have the strength to overcome these darker forces... alone.
Nice people are afraid of making people angry, we are conditioned to turn the other cheek; afraid to Rise, to become a target......
Setting Peaceful, Loving boundaries and speaking our truth will always annoy people who are not being their highest and best..
But your example will empower others to have the courage to Rise..........
With Love and Compassion and en-courage-ing each other,through our example- we can make a difference.
You are not alone, have the courage to speak up and speak out.
Speak of Love, Hope and Peace, justice and the right to be...
and before you know it you will not be alone anymore....
Here is the thought for the day;
And I Rise- Maya Angelou
Still I Rise
You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I'll rise.
Does my sassiness upset you?
Why are you beset with gloom?
'Cause I walk like I've got oil wells
Pumping in my living room.
Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still I'll rise.
Did you want to see me broken?
Bowed head and lowered eyes?
Shoulders falling down like teardrops.
Weakened by my soulful cries.
Does my haughtiness offend you?
Don't you take it awful hard
'Cause I laugh like I've got gold mines
Diggin' in my own back yard.
You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I'll rise.
Does my sexiness upset you?
Does it come as a surprise
That I dance like I've got diamonds
At the meeting of my thighs?
Out of the huts of history's shame
I rise
Up from a past that's rooted in pain
I rise
I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide,
Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.
Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into a daybreak that's wondrously clear
I rise
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
I rise
I rise
I rise.
Marianne Goldweber
There are many times in our life when we will have to choose between doing the safe and easy thing- or the harder, better thing.
That sounds simple enough in theory, but as martin Luther King said;
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy"
--Martin Luther King Jr
Fear is a crippling thing.
Courage asks you to rise in spite of popularity- of the status quo- of harm- or retaliation.
Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he seeks in himself the courage of other persons.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
I marvel at how "gangs" band together to create destruction, chaos and fear..but seldom do we have "gangs" of do good-ers banding together to take a stand for Peace, Love..
Each loving sensitive person in this world feels like a Village of One; unable to have the strength to overcome these darker forces... alone.
Nice people are afraid of making people angry, we are conditioned to turn the other cheek; afraid to Rise, to become a target......
Setting Peaceful, Loving boundaries and speaking our truth will always annoy people who are not being their highest and best..
But your example will empower others to have the courage to Rise..........
With Love and Compassion and en-courage-ing each other,through our example- we can make a difference.
You are not alone, have the courage to speak up and speak out.
Speak of Love, Hope and Peace, justice and the right to be...
and before you know it you will not be alone anymore....
Here is the thought for the day;
And I Rise- Maya Angelou
Still I Rise
You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I'll rise.
Does my sassiness upset you?
Why are you beset with gloom?
'Cause I walk like I've got oil wells
Pumping in my living room.
Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still I'll rise.
Did you want to see me broken?
Bowed head and lowered eyes?
Shoulders falling down like teardrops.
Weakened by my soulful cries.
Does my haughtiness offend you?
Don't you take it awful hard
'Cause I laugh like I've got gold mines
Diggin' in my own back yard.
You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I'll rise.
Does my sexiness upset you?
Does it come as a surprise
That I dance like I've got diamonds
At the meeting of my thighs?
Out of the huts of history's shame
I rise
Up from a past that's rooted in pain
I rise
I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide,
Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.
Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into a daybreak that's wondrously clear
I rise
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
I rise
I rise
I rise.
Marianne Goldweber
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Rainbow of gratitude
"There are times I forget to be grateful
easier to see things that are wrong
as I dishonor the the gifts I've been given
with worry, angst and woe.
There are times I need reminding
of the things I take for granted each day;
my children, my home or a stranger,
sent to brighten my way.
Take some time to say thank you
for the blessings that color your day;
Those colors will form a rainbow,
and chase the darkness away.
~Marianne Goldweber
easier to see things that are wrong
as I dishonor the the gifts I've been given
with worry, angst and woe.
There are times I need reminding
of the things I take for granted each day;
my children, my home or a stranger,
sent to brighten my way.
Take some time to say thank you
for the blessings that color your day;
Those colors will form a rainbow,
and chase the darkness away.
~Marianne Goldweber
Do you know God?
The more I know and accept myself,
the more I know God
The more I replace judgment and fear with Peace and Compassion,
The more I know God
The more I give myself in service to others,
The more I know God.
Marianne Goldweber
the more I know God
The more I replace judgment and fear with Peace and Compassion,
The more I know God
The more I give myself in service to others,
The more I know God.
Marianne Goldweber
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
A Comitted Life- The road to true wealth
The situation with our economy is a ‘wake-up call’ for our society and the way we’ve chosen to live.
We’ve skewed the priorities; where material wealth and 'things' have us working 2 jobs- putting our kids in the care of strangers. We pass our partner like a ship in the night, and generally having been financing our happiness.
We are spending our free time addicted to reality programming.
It's more amusing to watch the pain and drama in other people's lives than tuning in to your own reality show.
No one is tuning in to your life and it's chaos and drama- including you.
So how do you define a successful life?
I believe that true happiness asks us to re-evaluate our priorities
and accept our part in our unhappiness.
We need to stop blaming and get accountable.
We need to embrace gratitude.
We are being called to become truly powerful in our lives.
Purely accountable to what is really important for each individual.
Getting re-invested in our happiness by removing the things, thoughts and actions that are not Peaceful Loving and Joyful.
Not and easy task! But worth the effort.
Our disposable society has us devaluing things, people and relationships.
We are demanding more and more- but giving little.
And yet, we are dissatisfied.
So... you think your boss is a jerk and you can't get promoted? Maybe you have a bad attitude. Maybe you are not clear in communicating what you want. Are you a team player?.... It’s not so easy to just quit your job, because jobs are scarce- how can we better communicate, set a boundaries and find a common thread that brings us together?
You hate your neighbors or the neighborhood- and can’t move because you house won’t sell- but when was the last time you went out and helped your neighbors- or sat on the porch- played with the neighborhood kids (or your own for that matter)or started a watch group or had a block party?.
No one is responsible for your happiness but you.
It's not the money- or the job- or the house- or your boss- or your kids- or your partner.
It's YOU- you are part of the equation.
There is a personal investment and responsibility in commitment.
This change is forcing us to get INVESTED in our happiness;to be accountable to our job, our family, our home, and our neighbors.
People have been in a form of denial..
It's like waking up to a blaring horn and realizing you've been sleeping in the middle of the street; then wondering how you got there.
But the good news is there's hope!
By becoming accountable, instead of blaming;
we can own it, fix it and change it.
Human's only learn through pain and don’t really value what we haven’t worked for-
so put on your overalls- roll up you sleeves and dig in!
We can then lay a blueprint for our future- for our children's future.
Where a world of suffering, chaos hate and blame are something we read about in a history book.
Marianne is available for personal and spiritual development classes- seminars and one on one coaching sessions.
We’ve skewed the priorities; where material wealth and 'things' have us working 2 jobs- putting our kids in the care of strangers. We pass our partner like a ship in the night, and generally having been financing our happiness.
We are spending our free time addicted to reality programming.
It's more amusing to watch the pain and drama in other people's lives than tuning in to your own reality show.
No one is tuning in to your life and it's chaos and drama- including you.
So how do you define a successful life?
I believe that true happiness asks us to re-evaluate our priorities
and accept our part in our unhappiness.
We need to stop blaming and get accountable.
We need to embrace gratitude.
We are being called to become truly powerful in our lives.
Purely accountable to what is really important for each individual.
Getting re-invested in our happiness by removing the things, thoughts and actions that are not Peaceful Loving and Joyful.
Not and easy task! But worth the effort.
Our disposable society has us devaluing things, people and relationships.
We are demanding more and more- but giving little.
And yet, we are dissatisfied.
So... you think your boss is a jerk and you can't get promoted? Maybe you have a bad attitude. Maybe you are not clear in communicating what you want. Are you a team player?.... It’s not so easy to just quit your job, because jobs are scarce- how can we better communicate, set a boundaries and find a common thread that brings us together?
You hate your neighbors or the neighborhood- and can’t move because you house won’t sell- but when was the last time you went out and helped your neighbors- or sat on the porch- played with the neighborhood kids (or your own for that matter)or started a watch group or had a block party?.
No one is responsible for your happiness but you.
It's not the money- or the job- or the house- or your boss- or your kids- or your partner.
It's YOU- you are part of the equation.
There is a personal investment and responsibility in commitment.
This change is forcing us to get INVESTED in our happiness;to be accountable to our job, our family, our home, and our neighbors.
People have been in a form of denial..
It's like waking up to a blaring horn and realizing you've been sleeping in the middle of the street; then wondering how you got there.
But the good news is there's hope!
By becoming accountable, instead of blaming;
we can own it, fix it and change it.
Human's only learn through pain and don’t really value what we haven’t worked for-
so put on your overalls- roll up you sleeves and dig in!
We can then lay a blueprint for our future- for our children's future.
Where a world of suffering, chaos hate and blame are something we read about in a history book.
Marianne is available for personal and spiritual development classes- seminars and one on one coaching sessions.
we can do it,
Monday, April 20, 2009
Change- The river of life.....
I always share in lectures that human beings only learn through pain. Sounds grim but it is a fact....and resistance to change is the cause of suffering for many of us..We will do anything to avoid pain.
Change is a constant state; What I believed to be true from my limited perception in youth; due to lack of experience and my inflated ego- came to be a humbling.But I could not see that until I looked back in my adulthood.
Lack of faith-insecurity, ignorance and ego are the saboteurs in our ability to accept change.
What brings peace is understanding that there is a current under the canoe of life and no matter how hard we paddle that current is going to take you down river.
I am an avid canoeist- and we would take 3 day river trips- sometimes with people who never canoed in their life..We would stay in the rear and watch as the river took a turn, and in the bend there would be a tangle of debris. We would tell them not to paddle- but steer only at the bend- but inevitably they would not listen. It was amusing to watch people paddle their proverbial butts off- only to get caught in the debris- having to get out and drag the boat- as we gently and effortlessly glided past them...
Life is like that. We are faced with change and we resist, we struggle to stay where we are. With what is familiar- where we feel powerful.
Change asks us to admit we don't have all the answers, that there is an exciting opportunity waiting around the bend. We would rather struggle and fight- but inevitably the current takes you downriver- around the bend. Whether you like it or not.
Let's embrace change- not as something to fear- but as a chance to stretch- learn something new to explore the journey on the river of life...
Just remember as my friend Chuck used to say ":Just go with the natural flow of the river!!"
Then you can just enjoy the view....
Thought for the day
The river- Garth brooks
You know a dream is like a river
Ever changin' as it flows
And a dreamer's just a vessel
That must follow where it goes
Trying to learn from what's behind you
And never knowing what's in store
Makes each day a constant battle
Just to stay between the shores
And I will sail my vessel
'Til the river runs dry
Like a bird upon the wind
These waters are my sky
I'll never reach my destination
If I never try
So I will sail my vessel
'Til the river runs dry
Too many times we stand aside
And let the waters slip away
'Til what we put off 'til tomorrow
It has now become today
So don't you sit upon the shoreline
And say you're satisfied
Choose to chance the rapids
And dare to dance that tide
And I will sail my vessel
'Til the river runs dry
Like a bird upon the wind
These waters are my sky
I'll never reach my destination
If I never try
So I will sail my vessel
'Til the river runs dry
There's bound to be rough waters
And I know I'll take some falls
With the good Lord as my captain
I can make it through them all
And I will sail my vessel
'Til the river runs dry
Like a bird upon the wind
These waters are my sky
I'll never reach my destination
If I never try
So I will sail my vessel
'Til the river runs dry
Lord, I will sail my vessel
'Til the river runs dry
I always share in lectures that human beings only learn through pain. Sounds grim but it is a fact....and resistance to change is the cause of suffering for many of us..We will do anything to avoid pain.
Change is a constant state; What I believed to be true from my limited perception in youth; due to lack of experience and my inflated ego- came to be a humbling.But I could not see that until I looked back in my adulthood.
Lack of faith-insecurity, ignorance and ego are the saboteurs in our ability to accept change.
What brings peace is understanding that there is a current under the canoe of life and no matter how hard we paddle that current is going to take you down river.
I am an avid canoeist- and we would take 3 day river trips- sometimes with people who never canoed in their life..We would stay in the rear and watch as the river took a turn, and in the bend there would be a tangle of debris. We would tell them not to paddle- but steer only at the bend- but inevitably they would not listen. It was amusing to watch people paddle their proverbial butts off- only to get caught in the debris- having to get out and drag the boat- as we gently and effortlessly glided past them...
Life is like that. We are faced with change and we resist, we struggle to stay where we are. With what is familiar- where we feel powerful.
Change asks us to admit we don't have all the answers, that there is an exciting opportunity waiting around the bend. We would rather struggle and fight- but inevitably the current takes you downriver- around the bend. Whether you like it or not.
Let's embrace change- not as something to fear- but as a chance to stretch- learn something new to explore the journey on the river of life...
Just remember as my friend Chuck used to say ":Just go with the natural flow of the river!!"
Then you can just enjoy the view....
Thought for the day
The river- Garth brooks
You know a dream is like a river
Ever changin' as it flows
And a dreamer's just a vessel
That must follow where it goes
Trying to learn from what's behind you
And never knowing what's in store
Makes each day a constant battle
Just to stay between the shores
And I will sail my vessel
'Til the river runs dry
Like a bird upon the wind
These waters are my sky
I'll never reach my destination
If I never try
So I will sail my vessel
'Til the river runs dry
Too many times we stand aside
And let the waters slip away
'Til what we put off 'til tomorrow
It has now become today
So don't you sit upon the shoreline
And say you're satisfied
Choose to chance the rapids
And dare to dance that tide
And I will sail my vessel
'Til the river runs dry
Like a bird upon the wind
These waters are my sky
I'll never reach my destination
If I never try
So I will sail my vessel
'Til the river runs dry
There's bound to be rough waters
And I know I'll take some falls
With the good Lord as my captain
I can make it through them all
And I will sail my vessel
'Til the river runs dry
Like a bird upon the wind
These waters are my sky
I'll never reach my destination
If I never try
So I will sail my vessel
'Til the river runs dry
Lord, I will sail my vessel
'Til the river runs dry
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Angels in disguise!
This is a re-post- it is significant for many reasons......
Just when you think the Universe isn't listening a messenger arrives.
These are the people we meet, who appear for no other reason than to tell us we're special, that we're loved, or just that we are not alone.
Once, a long time ago, I had a little store that sold herbs,teas smelly soaps and such... It became a gathering place for people like yourselves who felt the need to connect, some without knowing why.. It was a peaceful place, and I still miss it dearly.
During this time, I personally went through a number of life altering changes in less than a 3 year period; I had to leave a career I loved. I became a mom for the first time- I started a business from scratch- Oh- and got divorced...each transition brought challenges of it's own, but in my case they all came pretty simultaneously.
One day,(the straw that broke the camel's back so to speak) I stood at the counter, in my little store talking to a client, when a rather surly man came in and said- "You're getting divorced" and served me with divorce papers.I knew my relationship wasn't good- but I was shocked. I was not able to contain my emotion. My client was horrified that she was witnessing this.
And at that very moment, there was someone ringing the doorbell, even though the door was open.
I pulled it together the best I could and went to the door. There stood the most amazing little white haired woman and her husband, they were less than 4 feet tall, and at least 80+ years old, the woman had a halo of white hair, and her lipstick was a little out of the edges.
Her smiling husband stood silently next to her.
I told her were were open and I invited her in; but instead she said- "Are you the owner?" I said yes. She said "I heard what a nice person you are and what a darling little shop you have. I don't have time to come in today, but I just stopped to meet you and to give you something."
She took my hand, and drew me outside to her, and gave me the most powerful hug I have ever had. I felt like I was being hugged by God himself; the outpouring of loving energy took my breath away..I was speechless...
When she let me go, she said, "I'll be back another time" and they turned and walked away.
I stood there in disbelief, knowing that I had received a visit from a spiritual being. I went back inside, and my client was standing there, crying.
She said, "Those people were Angels"....
I don't think either of us were the same after that day....
Remember, that all is never lost.
Angels are everywhere, sometimes even disguised as Grandmas and Grandpas...
on a mission of Love.....
Marianne Goldweber
Just when you think the Universe isn't listening a messenger arrives.
These are the people we meet, who appear for no other reason than to tell us we're special, that we're loved, or just that we are not alone.
Once, a long time ago, I had a little store that sold herbs,teas smelly soaps and such... It became a gathering place for people like yourselves who felt the need to connect, some without knowing why.. It was a peaceful place, and I still miss it dearly.
During this time, I personally went through a number of life altering changes in less than a 3 year period; I had to leave a career I loved. I became a mom for the first time- I started a business from scratch- Oh- and got divorced...each transition brought challenges of it's own, but in my case they all came pretty simultaneously.
One day,(the straw that broke the camel's back so to speak) I stood at the counter, in my little store talking to a client, when a rather surly man came in and said- "You're getting divorced" and served me with divorce papers.I knew my relationship wasn't good- but I was shocked. I was not able to contain my emotion. My client was horrified that she was witnessing this.
And at that very moment, there was someone ringing the doorbell, even though the door was open.
I pulled it together the best I could and went to the door. There stood the most amazing little white haired woman and her husband, they were less than 4 feet tall, and at least 80+ years old, the woman had a halo of white hair, and her lipstick was a little out of the edges.
Her smiling husband stood silently next to her.
I told her were were open and I invited her in; but instead she said- "Are you the owner?" I said yes. She said "I heard what a nice person you are and what a darling little shop you have. I don't have time to come in today, but I just stopped to meet you and to give you something."
She took my hand, and drew me outside to her, and gave me the most powerful hug I have ever had. I felt like I was being hugged by God himself; the outpouring of loving energy took my breath away..I was speechless...
When she let me go, she said, "I'll be back another time" and they turned and walked away.
I stood there in disbelief, knowing that I had received a visit from a spiritual being. I went back inside, and my client was standing there, crying.
She said, "Those people were Angels"....
I don't think either of us were the same after that day....
Remember, that all is never lost.
Angels are everywhere, sometimes even disguised as Grandmas and Grandpas...
on a mission of Love.....
Marianne Goldweber
Friday, April 17, 2009
The embodiment of Empowerment- A Parable
The embodiment of Empowerment
The embodiment of Empowerment-Marianne Goldweber
Empowerment is an interesting word. It’s not about giving someone power- it is encouraging, supporting and nurturing the power that is within everyone.
We tend that seed of our purpose- our greatness- that lies within us all….
I will share with you a gardening parable…..
Life is like a garden.
The seed already has within it, the power to be what it is destined to be. The gardener gives it fertile soil, moisture and the loving act of nurturing; as the seed becomes a sprout. The gardener continues to tend for that fragile sprout until it’s roots take hold and it is strong enough to seek it’s own sources of nourishment.
This is where the wisdom of the gardener knows she must wean the plant, gradually exposing it to the elements, as it instinctively reaches toward the sun. This makes the plant more hardy and self sufficient.
The gardener must encourage the plant through this weaning process- to drive it’s roots deep or the plant will not have the ability to withstand the drought, storms and winds that the gardener knows will come.
Each plant is unique- and the gardener gives each what it needs. Some of the things that the plant really needs- the gardener knows she can’t provide. The plant’s needs are far below the rich topsoil, and above; through the energy of the sun.
The gardener gives the plant-in the sowing and tending- a beginning that will increase it’s chances of survival, and in spite of her tender loving care- some plants may not thrive. It’s not solely through the tending that determines if the plant will survive.
The gardener knows when to come along and pull the weeds. She waits before giving the plant water or it will become dependent on the gardener.
The gardener rests and waits for the harvest and then enjoys the fruit of her labor.
Every season must come to an end and eventually each plant will die. But the gardener is not sad, for she knows the plant will pass on that wisdom to the seed that it carries- and she will teach others to tend the garden-and those seeds will go forth to be planted in the next season, by wise and loving hands.
Within each of us lies the seed of our destiny;
and within that seed is the love of the gardener
and the wisdom of the source from which it came.
The embodiment of Empowerment-Marianne Goldweber
Empowerment is an interesting word. It’s not about giving someone power- it is encouraging, supporting and nurturing the power that is within everyone.
We tend that seed of our purpose- our greatness- that lies within us all….
I will share with you a gardening parable…..
Life is like a garden.
The seed already has within it, the power to be what it is destined to be. The gardener gives it fertile soil, moisture and the loving act of nurturing; as the seed becomes a sprout. The gardener continues to tend for that fragile sprout until it’s roots take hold and it is strong enough to seek it’s own sources of nourishment.
This is where the wisdom of the gardener knows she must wean the plant, gradually exposing it to the elements, as it instinctively reaches toward the sun. This makes the plant more hardy and self sufficient.
The gardener must encourage the plant through this weaning process- to drive it’s roots deep or the plant will not have the ability to withstand the drought, storms and winds that the gardener knows will come.
Each plant is unique- and the gardener gives each what it needs. Some of the things that the plant really needs- the gardener knows she can’t provide. The plant’s needs are far below the rich topsoil, and above; through the energy of the sun.
The gardener gives the plant-in the sowing and tending- a beginning that will increase it’s chances of survival, and in spite of her tender loving care- some plants may not thrive. It’s not solely through the tending that determines if the plant will survive.
The gardener knows when to come along and pull the weeds. She waits before giving the plant water or it will become dependent on the gardener.
The gardener rests and waits for the harvest and then enjoys the fruit of her labor.
Every season must come to an end and eventually each plant will die. But the gardener is not sad, for she knows the plant will pass on that wisdom to the seed that it carries- and she will teach others to tend the garden-and those seeds will go forth to be planted in the next season, by wise and loving hands.
Within each of us lies the seed of our destiny;
and within that seed is the love of the gardener
and the wisdom of the source from which it came.
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