Monday, August 3, 2009

Vampires amoing us.......

I had a very busy weekend, working with a lot of different people.
But the same message prevailed throughout the day;
Love is setting boundaries- helping can be enabling people to be destructive to themselves and to us, personal accountability means leaving people behind and loving yourself is imperative to loving others.

So, after such a busy day I had a dream last night It was disturbing enough to keep me up for over an hour in the middle of the night.

In my dream I was at an office building. It was being infiltrated by vampires. I had to escape the building, while trying to awaken people around me to the vampires existence without drawing attention to the fact that we were onto them. Inevitably- the vampires took us as hostages and I had to lead an escape with a few folks who were in agreement.
My goal was to get to my son- who was at my sisters house.

I wasn't sure if the vampires were outside the building- or how far reaching their invasion was- so I had to intuit and be observant to behavior that would indicate that they were not regular people. The rest was a like a Rambo movie- dodging and fighting the undead- narrowly escaping, and having to leave the injured or weak behind.
I finally arrived at my sisters house where our families were together- my brother and his children as well. I looked through the window to see them all dancing and having a fun time. Except my brother in law- who was acting like he was having fun and dancing- but he was really now one of the undead.

I came into the house- and pretended that I didn't know my brother in law was different. I said cheerily that I had to leave and tried to get not only my son, but my sister and the other children to come with me as well. It was then my brother in law attacked me- I was under him on the floor and had my hands around his neck. I could feel that his skin was cold and he had big fangs...then I woke up.....

This is how it is interpreted.
I feel that in my work I am trying to awaken others, and protect my loved ones.. I'm trying to teach others about these 'vampires',how to be aware of them and how to 'escape' their need to feed on the weak. Some hear me and follow along but some of the people are naive and oblivious and they have to get left behind and suffer because they won't set a boundary or they are afraid to change.. I am not attached to their fate. I am doing this for my loved ones- and even in my inner circle there are 'vampires among us'- even though they play along and think they have us fooled.
I feel under attack- but I also feel that it is a never ending battle of boundaries strength and faith to champion the light against the darkness.

"Dreams are a powerful tool that the soul employs
to commune with the divine- to sort out and shift our perception.
Then we can see the higher purpose of our waking daily life."
Marianne Goldweber

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