When I was in the fourth grade, we had to do a project on the 12 Commandants.
When I got to 'Thou shalt not kill' I was having trouble understanding how this commandment would apply to me. I would never kill someone.
I brought this to the attention of the Nun who was my teacher.
She told me that there is more than one way to kill;
You can take someones life physically,or you can kill them with your words and deeds.
I was severely bullied in grade school- so I completely understood the power of hurtful words and lies.
Gossip and slander are a form of murder.
Not in the physical sense; Gossip is an erosion of one's reputation and self esteem; Sadly- some have taken their own lives over such acts.
Our media is even based on sensational reality programming and true journalism is a thing of the past; becoming judgmental and biased. I heard a local anchor person call someone a jerk.
Refuse to watch- refuse to be a part of such destructive behavior.
Get comitted to your own life and find someone to help.
Let's spend our time talking about the achievements of others.
Let's listen more and talk less.
Let's create lives dedicated to Truth and Love.
Let's spread words of encouragement and stories that inspire.
“What is evil? Killing is evil, lying is evil, slandering is evil, abuse is evil, gossip is evil: envy is evil, hatred is evil, to cling to false doctrine is evil; all these things are evil.
And what is the root of evil?
Desire is the root of evil,
Illusion is the root of evil.”
Buddha (Hindu Prince Gautama Siddharta, the founder of Buddhism, 563-483 B.C.)
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