Friday, April 17, 2009

The embodiment of Empowerment- A Parable

The embodiment of Empowerment

The embodiment of Empowerment-Marianne Goldweber

Empowerment is an interesting word. It’s not about giving someone power- it is encouraging, supporting and nurturing the power that is within everyone.
We tend that seed of our purpose- our greatness- that lies within us all….

I will share with you a gardening parable…..
Life is like a garden.

The seed already has within it, the power to be what it is destined to be. The gardener gives it fertile soil, moisture and the loving act of nurturing; as the seed becomes a sprout. The gardener continues to tend for that fragile sprout until it’s roots take hold and it is strong enough to seek it’s own sources of nourishment.

This is where the wisdom of the gardener knows she must wean the plant, gradually exposing it to the elements, as it instinctively reaches toward the sun. This makes the plant more hardy and self sufficient.

The gardener must encourage the plant through this weaning process- to drive it’s roots deep or the plant will not have the ability to withstand the drought, storms and winds that the gardener knows will come.

Each plant is unique- and the gardener gives each what it needs. Some of the things that the plant really needs- the gardener knows she can’t provide. The plant’s needs are far below the rich topsoil, and above; through the energy of the sun.
The gardener gives the plant-in the sowing and tending- a beginning that will increase it’s chances of survival, and in spite of her tender loving care- some plants may not thrive. It’s not solely through the tending that determines if the plant will survive.

The gardener knows when to come along and pull the weeds. She waits before giving the plant water or it will become dependent on the gardener.

The gardener rests and waits for the harvest and then enjoys the fruit of her labor.
Every season must come to an end and eventually each plant will die. But the gardener is not sad, for she knows the plant will pass on that wisdom to the seed that it carries- and she will teach others to tend the garden-and those seeds will go forth to be planted in the next season, by wise and loving hands.

Within each of us lies the seed of our destiny;
and within that seed is the love of the gardener
and the wisdom of the source from which it came.


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