Monday, May 2, 2005

Life is a Karmic Party

Good Morning and Happy Monday to everyone!!!  

 Life is a  Karmic Party.

    I say that life lessons and Karma, are like having a big party, where you invite all kinds of people, but in the end, everyone leaves and you are left to clean up your apartment alone..with a hangover.   What can we learn from this? well;

 1) We made a conscious choice to have a party, but don't have control over some of the goings on.  

2) We invited lots of people, and maybe some we regretted inviting, but it sounded good at the time. Some crashed and were not invited.  

3) When left to clean up, we criticized everyone for not staying to clean up, and remained resentful. Because we didn't communicate clearly.  

 So, here we are, the victim. Having to clean up this big mess.  

VICTIM- 2) : one that is subjected to oppression, hardship, or mistreatment <a frequent victim of political attacks> b : one that is tricked or duped <a con man's victim>    

It would be easy to sit here and cry over these events, or........  

We can take two aspirin, get the garbage bags out and start cleaning up. We can also call friends and ask for help, and finally; say, "The next party I have I will; Communicate better what I want so there is no misunderstanding. I will haveeveryone bring something to the party. I will take responsibility for the decisions I make. I will be more selective in my guest list!

  So what does your karmic party look like?  

A)    In denial that it was you that invited all these people over, and some  crashed the party?

B)    Are you still sitting there, being a victim, surrounded by a big mess?  C)    Or still having a party since the place is trashed anyway?

D)    Or calling for help and getting motivated to start the clean up?    

The events of our life are something that did not happen to you, it just happened. All of these events are bringing us lessons and growth, but not until we are willing to look at the purpose. Even the horrific things that happen in our life, as awful as they are have a higher purpose. We may not ever know why, but we do know, through faith that there is a higher order.  If we remain a victim to these negative events, there is no healing. In fact, all our decisions after that are fear based and we postpone Joy and Love. 

It is one thing to be victimized, it is another to remain a victim.

No one can make these changes for you, and you do not have to do it alone. We all have these events, the difference is how we respond to them. They prevent us from moving forward. It is up to you to want it enough, because it is not easy or comfortable when you are a victim.  

Here is our thought for the day!!  

It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power.
Alan Cohen

Marianne Goldweber
Web page:

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