Tuesday, May 24, 2005

The selfish I

Greetings to Everyone!!!!  

How many times do we have our own agenda and are so self focused on filling our want...our need, that we mow over the boundries and sacred space and point of view of others?

Or do things for others to manipulate a desired outcome?  

If we work on loving and accepting ourself, forgiving and filling our empty places, we will  be less likely to run around taking what we want and waiting to be gifted with what we need. Then we are a gift to others.    

 If we want to be self focused on our growth and not Self-ish, then we need to direct our energies to unconditional kindness and love....  

 Introspection,checking our motives, using past experiences as a tool to being a better Human-being.  

Not giving with condition...as a way to fill a dark place in ourself..   

Not demanding that others be grateful, but giving for the sake of bringing joy to another, even if our gift is refused or thrown away...  

The litmus test is doing things because we want to, not because we need to, or because someone expects us to, or because if I do this, then they will think that....

That is manipulative and conditional.  Let's examine our intent.

Not an easy reflection to look at.  

The greatest gift we can give others  and the world are our healthy and complete selves, with no strings attached, and if there are,the puppet is you.  

Here is the thought for the day!  

 No matter what you do, no matter how stupid, dumb or damaging you judge it to be, there is a lesson to be learned from it.  

No matter what happens to you, no matter how unfair, inequitable or wrong, there's something you can take from the situation and use for your advancement.

Peter McWilliams 

Marianne Goldweber
Here is the web page:
Here is a link to my journal page: Walking the Red Road

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