Good Morning Everyone!!!
We have become separate. Isolated. Without the extended family of a Village, or community, smaller disconnected nuclear families are disintegrating and we cannot exist alone.
It is a daunting task to be a parent, expecting to teach your children everything they need to know to be healthy adults, adults need healthy elders to give us insight from their wealth of experience. That is why we need to create extend families that share the same values and viewpoints, bring to the table new perceptions and insights on the same subjects. Children, Parents and grandparents benefit from the life experiences and Love of others in their "Family".
Our separateness creates isolation. Many of us believe that no one could possibly understand the strangeness that is our lives. We are in fear of being criticized and judged so we don't ask for help. We don't want to be perceived as weak, as not having all the answers. We become Martyrs, victims and control freaks, suffering in silence. Trying to manage everyone's lives but our own.
Until I got a job at 13, (at a local beauty shop) I had no idea how "different" and diverse people were from my Nuclear family. I was amazed at the diversity of thought, of foods, of emotions, of lifestyles. My little village at the beauty shop was a variety of females from 14 to 95; from all walks of life. I worked there for 7 years part time and gained a lifetime of experiences that I still benefit from today.
I see now, how purposeful my working there was. At the time, It offered me a number of "Mothers" all with something to teach me that my own Mother could not. Not just due to the fact that she did not have the answers, but they all had a different life perception, they problem solved in different ways, some were analytical and some creative.
One woman showed me how to knit, which my mother didn't know how to do. I knit to this day, andI offer thanks still. She probably did not realize the far reaching impact our few minutes on Saturdays would have on a young girls life. I learned to Macramé and learned fashion sensibility from the gay men that were friends of the owner. I learned systematic cleaning from the shop owners mother (she had control issues!!!) She taught me how to create a pattern so that if I was interrupted, I knew where I left off!! (see there was a method to her madness!!)
I learned that your hair can fall out from stress and hormones, and perms don't come out when you are pregnant.
We laughed, cried and talked; there was much love there. They allowed me to be myself, the most important part of all; never judged me. I felt as if I was adopted into a giant family.
I learned to converse. I was, before that, a wallflower, who cried when I had to talk in public. I became confident and resilient.
The universe positions us to get what we need, and back then, I needed that job, not just for the money I earned, but for the wealth of experience it offered me. These wonderful women gave me insight into my relationship with my Mother.
See yourself as not separate, but part of the universe. That in our isolation, we are missing out on the cornucopia of thought, feeling, emotion and love that this connectedness offers, and most of all, a sense of belonging. You may never know how your experiences and "stuff" you know will benefit someone else.
So reach out, take a risk and let someone in, or reach out and get connected. Start your own Village.
Here is the Thought for the Day!!
A human being is part of the whole called by us 'universe,' a part limited in time and space. We experience ourselves, our thoughts, and feelings as something separate from the rest -- a kind of optical delusion ofconsciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few people nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty Author :Albert Einstein
Marianne Goldweber
Here is the web page:
Here is a link to my journal page: Walking the Red Road
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