I had one of you write to me asking if I am writing specifically about them...
Sad to say, no, the thought for the day are things that are going on for me..... I too am a being on a journey.
I get many confirmations per day, that have a common theme; of late it is one about self reflection. Selfless giving.
These are things we are all doing because we are in the full moon. A time of purging, looking in our closets of stuff to get rid of (internal and external)...
From a higher perception, the moon and it's cycles, the seasons and such, everyone is struggling with these issues today, tomorrow, next week.
You are not alone...... I love that it is fitting however. lol
A powerful message, if you are getting so much from them...
We are all humans- being, including myself.
Marianne Goldweber
Here is the web page:http://hometown.aol.com/blueroadspirit/myhomepage/business.html
Here is a link to my journal page: Walking the Red Road
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