Happy Wednesday!! Good Morning!
Manifesting your desire. Many believe that this existence is just an illusion, a dream that we create, for the scenarios and lessons that it brings each of us.
The topic today is teaching us that the Universe makes happen that which we speak or pray out loud.
This is not just about the positive abundance's that we receive, this is also about speaking aloud our fears, just to watch them become real in our physical world.
We must understand, this is why we pray, create rituals, sing, chant, worship. It is sending our requests to the Universe, to be heard and manifested.
Now, with this new perception, we need to see the power in articulating out loud. The object of our meditating is giving energy to our thoughts and fears.
I know, many of you who are getting whiplash nodding in agreement!! We all have stories of "coincidence" of getting exactly what we asked for.
These instances are so powerful, and amazing, but we must get over the amazement and see that we are not alone, the Creator, the Universe, Guides, Angels and Ancestors hear us, and answer those "prayers, requests, intentions" but we were not always aware, it comes disguised sometimes.
But, it is always what you asked for.
If any of you have a story to share. Email me, or post it as a a comment on the web log, Walking the Red Road we would love to hear them, they are great confirmations!
Be careful what you wish for!! I wish you Peace and Blessings...
Marianne Goldweber
Here is the web page:http://hometown.aol.com/blueroadspirit/myhomepage/business.html
Here is a link to my journal page: Walking the Red Road
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