Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Sign, sign, everywhere a sign....

Good Morning!!
The best part of the Daily thoughts are the confirmations I receive from you guys...
Changing awareness so that you see the nuance of Spirit at work in your daily lives.
With permission, the following is an excerpt from an email I received from one of your fellow "villagers"..
Remember, Messengers and Spirit are at work, wherever you are, regardless of the day, or the location.
They make sure we get the message...even while shopping.......
all we have to do is pay attention......
Here is the thought for the day
Thank you for being a part of my life!!
Everyday I experience something amazing and I always think if it wasn't for my friend Marianne I wouldn't have the faith that I am building stronger and stronger everyday. 
 I have to tell you about my amazing situation that happened to me on Saturday.
I was at Marc's in North Olmsted and taking my good old time down each aisle. 
I was down the candy aisle when this elderly man approached me and said
"I don't mean to bother you, but I was wondering if you happened to see cup-of-soup while you were floating around these aisle's?" 
I told him no, and started talking to him. 
He then repeated "I don't want to bother you by taking up your time but I just have to tell you " You have the most beautiful smile I have ever seen", 
And me being shy, thanked him of course, and he was like " no I mean it"  "you have such a pretty smile and you made my day, you really did, you made my day"
After he left I felt like I was on air and I started to cry,
I felt so joyful at that moment and actually he made my day. 
I wanted to find him to see if he found his cup-of-soup,
God sure does work wonders, and so do his angels!!!
Marianne Goldweber

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