Sunday, December 17, 2006

It's a Wonderful Life

 Good Morning!!

I want to that all of you for being part of my life...For your words of encouragement and support.....Thank you for coming into my journey....

I wish all of you Love and Peace in this Holiday season, and for those you Love.

There are times in all of our lives, where we feel that life is cruel and the road is long...

It's not always easy to see the beauty that is our life. We feel we have not made an impact, that our journey is without purpose and in vain....

When I'm feeling this way, I watch "It's a Wonderful Life"...

My favorite part is where all the prayers for George are being heard by God...... they send an Angel as an answer to those prayers...

George is a man, who has expectations, dreams and aspirations, but they are always being positioned to do something else...To put his dreams away to take up responsibility.  

Finally... one day, faced with impending doom, he looks back at the regret and missed opportunities of his life, the seeming insurmountable dilemma facing him, and sees that killing himself would be the best way to leave everyone in a better financial place, since he had a life insurance policy.  

So, down to the river he goes ... he stands looking into the water, and out of nowhere, into the river jumps another man...

Being the man he is, George jumps in to save him. Even in his most desperate hour, he looks beyond himself to instinctively do the higher thing.  

After pulling the man to safety, the man, Clarence, innocent and odd, tells him that he is an Angel, sent to show him the beauty that is his life. He must convince and help George in order to get his "wings".  

George tells the Angel, that it would have been better if had not been born at all, AND SO IT WAS....  

As his reality is unraveled, life without him ever existing was decadent, seedy and without love, compassion and joy...The town he loved and the people were suffering and unhappy...without his small interventions in their life.. 

For the ripple effect of his life in this existence, had impacts that even he could not comprehend.  

George does not like what he sees, and realizes that he indeed has a Wonderful life, and whatever he is facing is better that never existing at all...

George wanted to go back, he had seen enough, but he lost Clarence the Angel.

So down to the river he goes, and it is there that he steps back into his reality. 

He hurries home, to find that, in his hour of need, when he had felt so alone, the man who helped everyone unconditionally, forgot to ask when he was in need.   

Here came everyone he ever helped, willing to give to the man who had so selflessly gave to them. 

Even people who he didn't know, saw this outpouring of love and gave too.  

And on top of the pile of money was the book "Tom Sawyer" from the Angel Clarence inscribed;  

Our thought of the day;  

Dear George;-

Remember, no man is a failure who has friends.

Thanks for the wings!



It is indeed a Wonderful life.

Marianne Goldweber
Here is the web page:


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