Friday, December 8, 2006


Happy Friday!!!!!
The other day, some religious messengers came to my door, to warn me of the coming of the end of the world.
I don't think they expected me to agree, however and I'm sure I'm on the "don't-go-to that-house- again"
There are many prophecies, many visions of the world, as we know it coming to an end.
Not necessarily in the literal sense, but in visions, such as the book of Revelations, in the new testament.
The Hopi, who are the Keepers of knowledge have prophesied the ending of the 4th world of separation- separation from Creator, being utterly human, the world, satisfied need with the material things, and no need for things of Spirit.- and we will begin to enter the Fifth world of Peace.. During the transition, there will be much upheaval as with any transition.
All visions need to be interpreted.
Visions are the way the Universe shows us what is going on in our reality.
The search for so many to a simpler, more meaningful life, of searching spiritually is also part of the prophecy.
The time for change, the time for Peace and Love;to care for Our Mother Earth
The time is now.
For more info here is a link 
Here is the thought for the day
The old Fourth World was a paradigm where, when one individual has something, instead of using it to help the others, trying to keep it for themselves, with the result that in time a system was made that is now collapsing because its foundations were irresponsible in relation to the whole.
As people develop their gifts, which all come from Spirit, and use them for the benefit of All Our Relations, we are building a system founded on that which is eternal and based in love.
Maria Yraceburu is a Quero Apache diiyin - a storyteller, healer, ceremonial facilitator, teacher, and guardian of the ancient Snake Clan knowledge that has been passed down through countless generations..
Marianne Goldweber

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