Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Remembering Success

Greetings to all!!!
In preparing for leaps and risks, I have recently found it necessary to scrutinize my past in order to plan for the next adventure..
Having to look at the minute details of successes and failures in order to compile a plan for the future can make your stomach turn....
We are so good at reviewing where we have been with a critical eye and forget to look at the achievements with the same gusto.
We are already a success, by overcoming challenges, taking risk, learning lessons, being open to new ideas.... by trying in spite of the odds.
Giving ourselves credit for all the things we did right... seems selfish and uncomfortable...
Until we can look in retrospect with pride and with a sense of accomplishment, we will not be able to look forward to new adventures.
Here is the thought for the day:
I have done so much
with so little
for so long
that today
I can do almost anything
with absolutely nothing.
Marianne Goldweber

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