Thursday, December 21, 2006

Peace of Winter Solstice to you

Good Morning,
Today is Winter Solstice, the origin of the word Solstice, which comes from Latin solstitium, from sol, “sun” and -stitium, “a stoppage.”
Today is the Beginning of Winter, the shortest day and the longest night.
It is a time for all things to die, to hibernate.
This year it is also occurring during the New Moon which allows us to finally put many things in our lives to rest.
It is not uncommon to see that this is a time of year when many people chose to cross over to the Blue Road of Spirit..It is a perfect time for death to occur...
Allow for the things that are no longer fitting to leave your life; purposefully allow them to "die" so we can begin to create new and better things for be brought out in the Spring.....
By using these natural cycles, we will feel in sync with the world. 
It's when we deny these transitional times that we feel scattered and out of balance.
The Universe is trying to right the things out of balance for us, so don't fight it, allow the natural times of death and rebirth to create the current...and enjoy the ride.
Here is the thought for the day
Deep peace of the Winter solstice to you.
Deep peace of the falling snow to you.
Deep peace of the love of friends to you.
Deep peace of the gentle deer to you.
Deep peace of the moon and stars to you.
Native American prayer
Marianne Goldweber

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