Monday, April 11, 2005

Dreams, what do they mean?

Dreams…….. What are these mystical movies we see, awake and asleep?


What the heck does getting chased by a polar bear mean?  

Swimming in shark-infested waters while carrying a balloon? lol


As wacky as they seem, dreams are when the Universe, Creator, our Guides and Angels get our fearful waking self out of the way, so we can get some much needed guidance.


They get very colorful in order to get our attention so we will decipher their meanings. How many times have you said. “ I had the weirdest dream, I wonder what it means?” We inherently believe in communication in dreams, but cannot possibly see ourselves as clairvoyant beings who get these messages all of the time. We are much more receptive to the meaning of dreams, rather than spending time in meditation, asking for specific guidance.

We trust dreams, when we ignore our own “inner voice”.


There is no one way to interpret what dreams mean, they are seldom literal, they are however full of information…

I would love to have you post some dreams and we will help you unravel their meaning, then you can see how to understand them for yourself.


Emailthem to me and Iwill choose some to post on this blog page.


Sweet Dreams,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What does it mean when you dream about piles and piles of poop all over the place... in clothing, on the floor, etc?