Tuesday, April 5, 2005

Taking things personally

What others say cannot make you feel badly, unless you believe it.

If you are hurt by the things others say and take it personally, that is a painful place you have to heal.  But they are not doing it to you, they are just doing it.

 Being a victim is selfish.  Believing other peoples poison keeps you swirling in anger and chaos, ruining you day, and the day of those around. You then expect those who love you to re-assure you that your anger is justified and they have to re-assure you all of the time, sometimes against innocent comments. Having to fill your ego with praise, trying to undo the damage. How draining.

 How selfish can we  be to think that people with their judgements and opinions "have it out" just for us, when in reality, if you step back from the emotion,you will see that they actually do this same thing to everyone, you are not exclusive to this treatment.

Once you see that others do this because of their own insecurities and unfounded opinions, you become immune to it. It restores your power, defeating your inner victim.

I always say that it is like a rude, careless driver, running people off the road, oblivious to the chaos that lies in their wake. And there you are enraged, and they go on their merry way. So, you race to confront them, you are yelling, gesturing, and they look at you like you are crazy. They have no idea what your problem is. They do not even see that they have done anything wrong. Fueling you anger further. Get the point?

Try to see these people as children, so unsure of who they are that they must judge and condemn others. How sad for them. They create their own unraveling. Guaranteed.

Don't let them unravel you too :)

Marianne Goldweber
Here is the web page:http://hometown.aol.com/blueroadspirit/myhomepage/business.html

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