Sometimes we cannot hear the message of our purpoose and direction because we are unable to silence "life" long enough to listen. Messages are coming to us from many different sources. The things that happen to confirm a thought or feeling are signs, some are subtle, some are obvious. Today, be conscious of signs and messages coming to you, from others, animals, nature, even patterns in the "clouds". Have great day!
Here is the Thought for the Day
A little cloud wandered off to have a talk with Sacred Mountain. "Grandmother Mountain, I have come to ask if your forests need rain today?" she said. "I want to be of Service, and so I thought I better find out what is needed most."
Sacred Mountain told the little cloud that there was plenty of moisture today, but the little one could help in another way. Sacred Mountain taught little cloud how to understand the thoughts and questions that the human beings were having. It was fun for the little cloud to capture the waves of human thought rising from the Earth and to answer the humans unspoken questions by becoming shapes that formed into a series of ideas.
The little cloud approached Sacred Mountain at the end of the day with another question that caused Cloud to have a heavy heart. "Grandmother Mountain, I have worked all day to reflect helpful answers to the Human Tribe, but now I have one very important question. How do we get them to look up and pay attention?"
From daily meditations of "Earth Medicine ancestors way of harmony for many moons" by: Jamie Sams.
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