Monday, November 14, 2011
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Getting serious about Serving.. Join us!
When I realized that I was about to embark on this Spiritual journey, I knew that once I went through that door, there was no turning back. I would be forever changed. There was no going back to my illusionary, problematic life- where I was whining and resistant to seeing anyones suffering but my own.
A Spiritual life is selfless- not in that you don't care for your own needs, but in a way that if my needs aren't met- I cannot fully Serve the needs of humanity.
Part of our Village philosphy is about Selfless serving and compassionate giving.
What the hell is that, you ask?
Well, Selfless Serving is unconditional, without condition- without being thanked, rewarded or acknowledged for our contribution.
Compassionate giving is to everyone, even those that some feel are not deserving- the addict- the imprisoned- the greedy- the demanding. the ungrateful. Because you see- it is not in what is given- it is given with compassion- the energy attached is not about the recipient, it is about the giver.
I began this journey serving women in transitional housing, and then contributed through the homeless shelters and then through other non profit outreach facilities- like the Salvation Army.
I didn't know (at that time) the impoverished commutity firsthand, so I alligned myself with those who work directly with those in need.
Since that time- I have advocated, raised awareness, collected non cash donations, solicited non cash donations from businesses and supported individuals, families and agencies that make a difference directly.
There are risks too-
There are liars, criminals, and deviant behaviors. There is pedophilia, rape and rap sheets. There is only a basic survival instinct to take- some are rude and ungrateful- somehow created by our separateness as a society and lack of Love.
and may fall in love...with mankind- even if they haven't bathed- or are mentally ill- or elderly and alone..their eyes tell a story, and their stories are amazing. They connect to your god light and you will become the weeping Buddha- for someone created their suffering and their suffering is palpable.
It can overwhelm and consume you.
Then there are the children-who never got to believe in Santa- because it is an illusion that parents can't fill. Like flowers in the sidewalk crack- they grow and thrive in spite of their living conditions, they laugh and play and wish wishes and dream dreams. Some, who's reality is your worst nightmare.
And we choose to Serve, even at great personal risk of insignificance.
Beginning this year- our Collective effort as a personal and spiritual development center is to commit to making a difference in our communities. Last year- we served over 100 individuals and falmilies with every day products, food and clothes, advocacy and spiritual support. This year, our goal is over 500 individuals and families that we can make a difference to. Sound like a tall order? Not really. Here is what we can do;
If every person on my facebook friends list contributed the following- Today, that would be 778 people. If those shared it with 1 friend- that number would double. So 500 seems relatively easy!
If you can give 1 thing. on the list.
Also, it doesn;t matter where you live- there are shelters and agencies in your area that need the support.
Here is what each person can contribute;
1 tube toothpaste
1 toothbrush
1 pack of mens socks
1 washcloth
1 towel
1 lotion
1 shampoo
1 laundry soap
2 paper towels
1 large toilet paper
1 pack light bulbs
laundry detergent
hydrogen peroxide
feminine products
mens under wear(new)
Now....there are other items that are in desperate need- new or used and CLEAN
mens clothing (all kinds)
Boots (men women and children)
Shoes (mens women and children)
Coats (mens women and children)
hats, scarves and gloves (mens women and children)
long under wear
Blankets and throws- new or used and CLEAN please. (no comforters -they are too hard to wash)
Care Alliance-Will take old prescription meds to redistribute to the sick homeless by doctors.There are a number of their health care facilities in Cleveland.
Thank you for being part of my Village, and together- we can make a difference in our changing world.
Peace and Love
Marianne Goldweber
A Spiritual life is selfless- not in that you don't care for your own needs, but in a way that if my needs aren't met- I cannot fully Serve the needs of humanity.
Part of our Village philosphy is about Selfless serving and compassionate giving.
What the hell is that, you ask?
Well, Selfless Serving is unconditional, without condition- without being thanked, rewarded or acknowledged for our contribution.
Compassionate giving is to everyone, even those that some feel are not deserving- the addict- the imprisoned- the greedy- the demanding. the ungrateful. Because you see- it is not in what is given- it is given with compassion- the energy attached is not about the recipient, it is about the giver.
I began this journey serving women in transitional housing, and then contributed through the homeless shelters and then through other non profit outreach facilities- like the Salvation Army.
I didn't know (at that time) the impoverished commutity firsthand, so I alligned myself with those who work directly with those in need.
Since that time- I have advocated, raised awareness, collected non cash donations, solicited non cash donations from businesses and supported individuals, families and agencies that make a difference directly.
There are risks too-
There are liars, criminals, and deviant behaviors. There is pedophilia, rape and rap sheets. There is only a basic survival instinct to take- some are rude and ungrateful- somehow created by our separateness as a society and lack of Love.
and may fall in love...with mankind- even if they haven't bathed- or are mentally ill- or elderly and alone..their eyes tell a story, and their stories are amazing. They connect to your god light and you will become the weeping Buddha- for someone created their suffering and their suffering is palpable.
It can overwhelm and consume you.
Then there are the children-who never got to believe in Santa- because it is an illusion that parents can't fill. Like flowers in the sidewalk crack- they grow and thrive in spite of their living conditions, they laugh and play and wish wishes and dream dreams. Some, who's reality is your worst nightmare.
And we choose to Serve, even at great personal risk of insignificance.
Beginning this year- our Collective effort as a personal and spiritual development center is to commit to making a difference in our communities. Last year- we served over 100 individuals and falmilies with every day products, food and clothes, advocacy and spiritual support. This year, our goal is over 500 individuals and families that we can make a difference to. Sound like a tall order? Not really. Here is what we can do;
If every person on my facebook friends list contributed the following- Today, that would be 778 people. If those shared it with 1 friend- that number would double. So 500 seems relatively easy!
If you can give 1 thing. on the list.
Also, it doesn;t matter where you live- there are shelters and agencies in your area that need the support.
Here is what each person can contribute;
1 tube toothpaste
1 toothbrush
1 pack of mens socks
1 washcloth
1 towel
1 lotion
1 shampoo
1 laundry soap
2 paper towels
1 large toilet paper
1 pack light bulbs
laundry detergent
hydrogen peroxide
feminine products
mens under wear(new)
Now....there are other items that are in desperate need- new or used and CLEAN
mens clothing (all kinds)
Boots (men women and children)
Shoes (mens women and children)
Coats (mens women and children)
hats, scarves and gloves (mens women and children)
long under wear
Blankets and throws- new or used and CLEAN please. (no comforters -they are too hard to wash)
Care Alliance-Will take old prescription meds to redistribute to the sick homeless by doctors.There are a number of their health care facilities in Cleveland.
Health Care Alliance (216) 781-3414 2227 Payne Ave, Cleveland, OH Get Directions |
Thank you for being part of my Village, and together- we can make a difference in our changing world.
Peace and Love
Marianne Goldweber
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Maneuvering Life's Highway
There are always going to be people and things that cut you off on the highway of life.. but how you maneuver and respond makes all the difference...- Marianne Goldweber
This quote was inspired by a car adccident the other day. I was driving along- listening to the radio, the sun was out when all of the sudden- I saw an accident about to happen. I check the rear, tried to maneuver around it, but one of the drivers cut in front of me and I when I tried to maneuver away we collided anyway.
After the initial shock and aftermath I had some quiet tome to reflect on that situation and how it pertains to Life.
Many times, we see the situation coming- but we can only prepare so much and there are going to be times that no matter how much we prepare- things are not up to us. There are others involved and we can never anticipate how they are going to respond in the same situation. The outcome is now out of our control and we are left with the impact and the cleanup.
Had I not been careful and alert; armed with many years of driving and past experiences- this could have been much worse. So the lesson here is; You can only be adequately prepared for the unknown- how everyone will respond in life's situations will affect us- but there is great purpose and learning in each and every one for us and everyone else. :)
Friday, August 12, 2011
The Path
Marianne Goldweber

Marianne Goldweber
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Spiritual accountability- the key to freedom
We are groomed from birth to feel pain, pleasure, disappointment, success, guilt, and a myriad of emotions. However- as psychic spiritual beings- we are not taught how to separate the feelings or emotion of others from our own.
For most of us, culture and spirituality are very separate. Unlike most indigenous cultures, where the relationship from Creator to man is not separate; that they co-exist with the Divine. This teaching includes a great responsibility to themselves, the children and communities to stay on the Good Red Road; to serve selflessly and care for their brothers and sisters be they human, animal, plant or stone.
Lives of honor, truth and accountability to defend our planet- our Mother. Their thoughts and actions leading the way. Remembering that any negative experience that they have, has been created for growth- not as a punishment, but as an event to gather knowledge and use to evolve to a place of wisdom. Through those teaching, they become the wizened example of a committed life.
Now, in our western culture there are few leaders, that we hear of regularly, who can fit into that category. The leaders that we hold above and emulate are famous; however, not for the most honorable reasons. They are entertainers, or politicians, or recognizable because they are willing to put their dysfunctional lives on public display for money. Material wealth- not character, gives them a higher status of respect and reverence.
This is a culture of blame- not ownership. It's always someones fault for the suffering.- the victimization that permeates this negative culture. So instead of becoming a leader- we seek out diversions to escape a painful, uninspired existence. We numb ourselves with anything that will take us away from the truth of our lives for a while. We use alcohol, drugs, antidepressants and other pharmaceuticals, shopping, technology, television and video games.
In order to keep the illusion going, we must work grueling jobs we hate, for people who remind us that we are expendable. Just so we can buy more stuff, or pay for the stuff we bought- while our children are in day cares with strangers.
Where are the Heroes, the Elders, the Wise ones?
We are the future- what we feel in our depression is the pain of our changing world. The chaos and drama of others. Until we clear our own life and home, and create peace- we will not be able to understand and defend ourselves against the assault of negativity that surrounds us.
We must first decompress- and assess where we are, what we want and what is truly important in our lives. To (possibly for the first time) look at who we are authentically, not who we have been told to be. We must stop and gather our thoughts and take a clear look at what we have created while we were diverted- or asleep. It is in that stillness that the Divine speaks. The loving, higher knowing, reminds us of the better way.
As we awaken- and make changes, it becomes easier to know what makes us feel good, loved and peaceful. We can then come to see the source of what does not. It's then, that we can choose to create purpose filled lives, and begin to set boundaries to the fear and unhappiness of others.
You are the hero, you are the one you've been waiting for. :)
Be the change you wish to see- and you will find that the world is not as bad as it seems. There is Hope, Love and Joy. You will meet others, just like you that had the courage to lead.
Then the ripple will be created.
For most of us, culture and spirituality are very separate. Unlike most indigenous cultures, where the relationship from Creator to man is not separate; that they co-exist with the Divine. This teaching includes a great responsibility to themselves, the children and communities to stay on the Good Red Road; to serve selflessly and care for their brothers and sisters be they human, animal, plant or stone.
Lives of honor, truth and accountability to defend our planet- our Mother. Their thoughts and actions leading the way. Remembering that any negative experience that they have, has been created for growth- not as a punishment, but as an event to gather knowledge and use to evolve to a place of wisdom. Through those teaching, they become the wizened example of a committed life.
Now, in our western culture there are few leaders, that we hear of regularly, who can fit into that category. The leaders that we hold above and emulate are famous; however, not for the most honorable reasons. They are entertainers, or politicians, or recognizable because they are willing to put their dysfunctional lives on public display for money. Material wealth- not character, gives them a higher status of respect and reverence.
This is a culture of blame- not ownership. It's always someones fault for the suffering.- the victimization that permeates this negative culture. So instead of becoming a leader- we seek out diversions to escape a painful, uninspired existence. We numb ourselves with anything that will take us away from the truth of our lives for a while. We use alcohol, drugs, antidepressants and other pharmaceuticals, shopping, technology, television and video games.
In order to keep the illusion going, we must work grueling jobs we hate, for people who remind us that we are expendable. Just so we can buy more stuff, or pay for the stuff we bought- while our children are in day cares with strangers.
Where are the Heroes, the Elders, the Wise ones?
We are the future- what we feel in our depression is the pain of our changing world. The chaos and drama of others. Until we clear our own life and home, and create peace- we will not be able to understand and defend ourselves against the assault of negativity that surrounds us.
We must first decompress- and assess where we are, what we want and what is truly important in our lives. To (possibly for the first time) look at who we are authentically, not who we have been told to be. We must stop and gather our thoughts and take a clear look at what we have created while we were diverted- or asleep. It is in that stillness that the Divine speaks. The loving, higher knowing, reminds us of the better way.
As we awaken- and make changes, it becomes easier to know what makes us feel good, loved and peaceful. We can then come to see the source of what does not. It's then, that we can choose to create purpose filled lives, and begin to set boundaries to the fear and unhappiness of others.
You are the hero, you are the one you've been waiting for. :)
Be the change you wish to see- and you will find that the world is not as bad as it seems. There is Hope, Love and Joy. You will meet others, just like you that had the courage to lead.
Then the ripple will be created.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Independence Day
I woke up today, thinking about Independence and Patriotism. they are both interesting words, meaning;
Independence-freedom from the control, influence, support and aid of others.
Patriot-a person who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and its interests with devotion.
a person who regards himself or herself as a defender, especially of individual rights, against presumed interference by the federal government.
I was reflecting on how the United States wanted their independence from England- that they wanted the freedom to self govern. I was thinking about all the people who saw this country as a place where they could be free to think for themselves, to make money by creating their own business, to take care of their families, to believe what they wanted and to escape from persecution.
Some of our inhabitants were not here willingly, but enslaved and eventually earned their freedom. I think about the Native peoples of this country, and every country- the First Peoples- our Native American brothers, who have had to relinquish their freedom in order for us to have ours; who still suffer today.
I thought about the courage and challenge and effort it took to be Self Governing, and to stand in that truth amidst the criticism of the naysayers, critics and large powers who sabotaged that fight for Freedom at every turn.
I see the result of that Dream of our ancestors, and ask- would they be proud of what we've become?
I saw a commentary by Tony Blair on what makes America great- and I have to say that it inspired me as a Patriot. I don't always agree with our politics, or the decisions our government makes- but I do believe that by having the Freedom to not agree; I am blessed to live in a place that allows me to do that.
It is through the hard work- determination of every immigrant that made this country what is is and through the kindness and tolerance of our Native peoples, that I have these freedoms today.
I am inspired to see tomorrow as my own Independence day- to be free from the tyranny of the greatest enemy- myself and seek to be self governing- disciplined and raise my flag in truth, integrity and faith.
I will strive to be courageous and blaze my own trail .
I will seek to be independent and pull my own load.
I will not burden another with my lack of accountability.
I will defend that independence and be a beacon of it in this world.
I will be an expression of my Faith.
I am proud to be an American and a Patriot- and Our United States, like any family it has it's quirky bits- but we love each other and will do whatever it takes to defend it and keep it together.
That is what makes us great. :)
Friday, June 24, 2011
Guides- a parable
Two spirit guides are on the other side having coffee....
Cleo- "Hey Bob, how's it going?"
Bob- "Pretty good, had a rough week with my assignment"
Cleo- "Amen brother- there's a lot going on down there now."
Bob- "There is so much chatter and interference that she can't hear me. Although, most of the chatter is that damn critical voice of hers. She's constantly on that computer, and don't even get me started on that cell phone. She keeps saying the same things over and over. 'I need guidance, I need help, send me more money.'
I sent her money last month and instead of paying her bills, she bought something called a cafe late' and a video game system for the kids' I really hate to watch her struggle. I even sent a messenger as a little old lady in the grocery store, but she passed her by. "
Cleo-" No one said this job was going to be easy. They don't get enough sleep, so I can't even get the team together for Dream time messages. The challenge Bob, is that they never learned how to look for the signs we send. My assignment was looking for a sign about the relationship she was in and I posted a sign on the back of the truck in front of her at a traffic light that said 'You deserve the best' but she thought it was funny and brushed it off as a coincidence."
Bob- "It's hard being invisible. Can you pass me a doughnut?"
Cleo- "Hey Bob, how's it going?"
Bob- "Pretty good, had a rough week with my assignment"
Cleo- "Amen brother- there's a lot going on down there now."
Bob- "There is so much chatter and interference that she can't hear me. Although, most of the chatter is that damn critical voice of hers. She's constantly on that computer, and don't even get me started on that cell phone. She keeps saying the same things over and over. 'I need guidance, I need help, send me more money.'
I sent her money last month and instead of paying her bills, she bought something called a cafe late' and a video game system for the kids' I really hate to watch her struggle. I even sent a messenger as a little old lady in the grocery store, but she passed her by. "
Cleo-" No one said this job was going to be easy. They don't get enough sleep, so I can't even get the team together for Dream time messages. The challenge Bob, is that they never learned how to look for the signs we send. My assignment was looking for a sign about the relationship she was in and I posted a sign on the back of the truck in front of her at a traffic light that said 'You deserve the best' but she thought it was funny and brushed it off as a coincidence."
Bob- "It's hard being invisible. Can you pass me a doughnut?"
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Anxious feelings stir
as the rain approaches.
Not because of the storm-
but the drought within me.
My Soul thirsts--
cracked and parched
as the Painted Desert.
In the distance
the Thunder gently rolls
announcing the arrival of
the Thunder beings
bringing the much needed rain.;
the nourishment and cleaning I need.
Like the parched grass- I wait.
The fist drops kiss my skin;
Then another
In the rumble of the thunder
I hear the Sacred Voice as it whispers-
‘Drink, let me quench your thirst Daughter
and wash away the dust that clouds your Vision.’
To the Great Sky Nation
I raise my face.
The rain washes me gently.
As it mingles with my tears,
it refreshes my Soul.
Marianne Goldweber
Anxious feelings stir
as the rain approaches.
Not because of the storm-
but the drought within me.
My Soul thirsts--
cracked and parched
as the Painted Desert.
In the distance
the Thunder gently rolls
announcing the arrival of
the Thunder beings
bringing the much needed rain.;
the nourishment and cleaning I need.
Like the parched grass- I wait.
The fist drops kiss my skin;
Then another
In the rumble of the thunder
I hear the Sacred Voice as it whispers-
‘Drink, let me quench your thirst Daughter
and wash away the dust that clouds your Vision.’
To the Great Sky Nation
I raise my face.
The rain washes me gently.
As it mingles with my tears,
it refreshes my Soul.
Marianne Goldweber
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Walking the Good Red Road in Faith
I know that until any of us take the 'final trip ' the truth about belief and faith is just a speculation. None of us knows first hand the mysteries that the Universe holds.
There are many spiritual paths to adopt and allign with that describe our personal 'Belief' and whatever our connection is to the Divine- and that choice is personal.
Our need to criticize, judge and admonish the 'belief' of others seems inaccurate- for there is no 'truth' except for the personal truths that we each hold and express through Living our Faith.
Our lives are the example of the path that we follow- there should be no need to 'convince' another of the rightness of what we believe. If we are living examples of what faith brings to our life- then my Life is my Testimony- there is no need for words to explain my spiritual choosing.
I remember as a child, there was a song that we used to sing in school- it was called- They will know we are Christians by our Love. I would observe others and see if I could 'see' who the Christians were. I tried to see if you could really know if someone was a follower of Christ just though their actions- as an expression of Christ's love. Walking examples of the teachings of Christ.
If I was to sing this song now- as a woman of faith I would sing it "They will know I'm a _________ by my love."...... Am I? I try to be, and hold MYSELF to that observation. When people meet me- am I a walking example of my Faith? That is my question.
When I leave this journey- I want to go to the Source of all there is with clean hands and a glad heart- and none of the other things will matter. My impression on those I have met and leave behind, is my testimony.
Just pondering today..... :)
There are many spiritual paths to adopt and allign with that describe our personal 'Belief' and whatever our connection is to the Divine- and that choice is personal.
Our need to criticize, judge and admonish the 'belief' of others seems inaccurate- for there is no 'truth' except for the personal truths that we each hold and express through Living our Faith.
Our lives are the example of the path that we follow- there should be no need to 'convince' another of the rightness of what we believe. If we are living examples of what faith brings to our life- then my Life is my Testimony- there is no need for words to explain my spiritual choosing.
I remember as a child, there was a song that we used to sing in school- it was called- They will know we are Christians by our Love. I would observe others and see if I could 'see' who the Christians were. I tried to see if you could really know if someone was a follower of Christ just though their actions- as an expression of Christ's love. Walking examples of the teachings of Christ.
If I was to sing this song now- as a woman of faith I would sing it "They will know I'm a _________ by my love."...... Am I? I try to be, and hold MYSELF to that observation. When people meet me- am I a walking example of my Faith? That is my question.
When I leave this journey- I want to go to the Source of all there is with clean hands and a glad heart- and none of the other things will matter. My impression on those I have met and leave behind, is my testimony.
Just pondering today..... :)
Let us pray to the One who holds us
in the hollow of His hands,
To the One who holds us in the curve of Her arms,
To the One whose flesh is the flesh of hills and
hummingbirds and angleworms,
Whose skin is the color of an old Black woman
and a young white man; and the color of the leopard
and the grizzly bear and the green grass snake,
Whose hair is like the aurora borealis, rainbows,
nebulae, waterfalls, and a spider's web,
Whose eyes sometime shine like the Evening Star,
and then like fireflies, and then again like an open wound,
Whose touch is both the touch of life and the touch of death,
And whose name is everyone's, but mostly mine.
And what shall we pray?
Let us say, 'thank you.'
Reprinted with the author's kind permission. Reverend Max Coots is the Minister Emeritus of the Unitarian Universalist Church in Canton, New York. © Max Coots.
in the hollow of His hands,
To the One who holds us in the curve of Her arms,
To the One whose flesh is the flesh of hills and
hummingbirds and angleworms,
Whose skin is the color of an old Black woman
and a young white man; and the color of the leopard
and the grizzly bear and the green grass snake,
Whose hair is like the aurora borealis, rainbows,
nebulae, waterfalls, and a spider's web,
Whose eyes sometime shine like the Evening Star,
and then like fireflies, and then again like an open wound,
Whose touch is both the touch of life and the touch of death,
And whose name is everyone's, but mostly mine.
And what shall we pray?
Let us say, 'thank you.'
Reprinted with the author's kind permission. Reverend Max Coots is the Minister Emeritus of the Unitarian Universalist Church in Canton, New York. © Max Coots.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Love is all we have....
Earlier in life I allowed the painful experiences to make me seperate from others. I felt that people just wanted to hurt and take, and didn't really give a damn. I sadly spent much of that time taking, to prevent being taken, and withheld my love to punish. In spite of that, I had many people during that time who loved me anyway. I can't ever thank them all or enough.
Once my perception shifted, I realized that Love can't be contained. It is a free flowing stream from the deepest part of ourselves to another. I have allowed myself to be swept away by this divine flow.
I honestly can't look at another human being without feeling that love connection. It's the only thing I have that I can freely give. I will never run out of it if I stay connected to that place.
It seems that that Love takes risk, but if it is unconditional, there is no risk.
Occasionally I feel like the little boy throwing the beached starfish back into the water. Millions of them at risk of dying in the sun. The sheer magnitude of this mission can be overwhelming, but knowing that just a little love will revive the light in another soul- one person at a time, makes it do-able.
Every human thirsts for love- demonstrated in their need for attention, value, kindness, compassion, and worth. What I can do is be present, and notice another who feels invisible or without identity or hurting. I can remind them that they are a perfect expression of the Divine- and no matter who took that from them, they are Loved.
I love you.
Happy Valentines day
Once my perception shifted, I realized that Love can't be contained. It is a free flowing stream from the deepest part of ourselves to another. I have allowed myself to be swept away by this divine flow.
I honestly can't look at another human being without feeling that love connection. It's the only thing I have that I can freely give. I will never run out of it if I stay connected to that place.
It seems that that Love takes risk, but if it is unconditional, there is no risk.
Occasionally I feel like the little boy throwing the beached starfish back into the water. Millions of them at risk of dying in the sun. The sheer magnitude of this mission can be overwhelming, but knowing that just a little love will revive the light in another soul- one person at a time, makes it do-able.
Every human thirsts for love- demonstrated in their need for attention, value, kindness, compassion, and worth. What I can do is be present, and notice another who feels invisible or without identity or hurting. I can remind them that they are a perfect expression of the Divine- and no matter who took that from them, they are Loved.
I love you.
Happy Valentines day
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Psychicness- there is no instruction manual.
So the day came where my life was unmanageable.
I was obsessively controlling, and my life was slowly eroding into a nine car pileup. My husband could do nothing right at this point and when he made an appointment to go to marriage counseling I figured if it would make him better, I'm all for
So I sat in the counselors office and he listened to me vent about (and blame) everyone and everything for the state of my life. He said 'why are you trying so hard Marianne'...and I replied 'becasue if I didn't it would fall apart' He then said 'If you have to try that hard it IS apart...stop trying.' Then he said, 'You are co- dependent.' I was like, what the F*%$# is that? He handed me the book Co-dependent no more and said 'Don't come back till you've read it.'
I read it, and never went back.
Not because the book changed my life, but because there was nothing wrong with me- it was my husband and my boss and my family and strangers I encountered- but certainly not
This was the beginning of the spiral to the bottom...
So you ask,'what does this have to do with being psychic?
Well, I just 'knew' what people needed- even if they didn't. I was constantly interfering with my unsolicited opinion- I helped and helped and ran people over with my helping- I was faster- smarter- and more knowledgeable that anyone else and felt COMPELLED to help those too ignorant (judgment) to help themselves.Everyone was stupid (another judgment) and I had their answers. (REALLY??
I am almost embarrassed to admit this - but I have many times confessed this- in order to forgive myself and ask for forgiveness from others.
I was using my psychic 'knowing' to butt in and evesdrop on unsuspecting people so I could 'help them'...( yup...) Even though, back in my own back yard there was a horrific disaster I could not face that was my life. I was not emotionally attached to their drama- but I was to my own- fixing them was 'less painful.'
It was during this time that my spiritual awakening was slowly occurring-people from every spiritual path were appearing day after day with a message. My awareness and need to understand my psychic abilities was becoming stronger..
I am compelled to share this story this morning because there is a great spiritual awakening occurring in our world-but it is painful as the ILLUSION we have created dies.
There is a much faster way to it if we can just shift our perception.
My spiritual Teacher Dave awakened me to this spiritual knowing and I was forced into changing by this amazing shift in perspective. (click here for the teaching)
Dave was not afraid to stand up to me, in his gentle Native American way- and blindsided me with his Spiritual wisdom. I am forever indebted to him. I was using my Psychic connection on everyone but myself. In fact- I could not see myself or (my behavior) or my relationship to the world at all.
There have been many scientific studies that suggest psychic ability is born from childhood trauma. Some say that it is a learned behavior (entering a trance-like state of separation from the physical stressful, abusive events) and a heightened ability to notice when the triggers for these events are going to occur. In psychics studied, something like 75 percent have reported childhood trauma.
I have found in this work that most addicts, physical and otherwise, are flaming psychics, untrained.
This is so they can use the healing of their trauma and psychicness to heal our changing and emerging world. It can make them great and powerful teachers.
This is the stuff that fascinates me about this skill I have developed and use to help empower others to heal themselves.
So if life is a train wreck, and you are addicted to noticing the suffering of others and you are avoiding looking at your own life because it seems too big to fix- there is hope- there is help- there is understanding there is a spiritual solution. Through this process you can harness this ability, get in touch with the guides and universal knowing and emerge as a great teacher....
Then we can then really FIX the fixing our world ;)
Peace beyond all Understanding,
It takes A Village- find your Tribe!
To Join our village go to
or connect with Our fan page on Facebook Click here
or my personal page on Facebook Click here
I was obsessively controlling, and my life was slowly eroding into a nine car pileup. My husband could do nothing right at this point and when he made an appointment to go to marriage counseling I figured if it would make him better, I'm all for
So I sat in the counselors office and he listened to me vent about (and blame) everyone and everything for the state of my life. He said 'why are you trying so hard Marianne'...and I replied 'becasue if I didn't it would fall apart' He then said 'If you have to try that hard it IS apart...stop trying.' Then he said, 'You are co- dependent.' I was like, what the F*%$# is that? He handed me the book Co-dependent no more and said 'Don't come back till you've read it.'
I read it, and never went back.
Not because the book changed my life, but because there was nothing wrong with me- it was my husband and my boss and my family and strangers I encountered- but certainly not
This was the beginning of the spiral to the bottom...
So you ask,'what does this have to do with being psychic?
Well, I just 'knew' what people needed- even if they didn't. I was constantly interfering with my unsolicited opinion- I helped and helped and ran people over with my helping- I was faster- smarter- and more knowledgeable that anyone else and felt COMPELLED to help those too ignorant (judgment) to help themselves.Everyone was stupid (another judgment) and I had their answers. (REALLY??
I am almost embarrassed to admit this - but I have many times confessed this- in order to forgive myself and ask for forgiveness from others.
I was using my psychic 'knowing' to butt in and evesdrop on unsuspecting people so I could 'help them'...( yup...) Even though, back in my own back yard there was a horrific disaster I could not face that was my life. I was not emotionally attached to their drama- but I was to my own- fixing them was 'less painful.'
It was during this time that my spiritual awakening was slowly occurring-people from every spiritual path were appearing day after day with a message. My awareness and need to understand my psychic abilities was becoming stronger..
I am compelled to share this story this morning because there is a great spiritual awakening occurring in our world-but it is painful as the ILLUSION we have created dies.
There is a much faster way to it if we can just shift our perception.
My spiritual Teacher Dave awakened me to this spiritual knowing and I was forced into changing by this amazing shift in perspective. (click here for the teaching)
Dave was not afraid to stand up to me, in his gentle Native American way- and blindsided me with his Spiritual wisdom. I am forever indebted to him. I was using my Psychic connection on everyone but myself. In fact- I could not see myself or (my behavior) or my relationship to the world at all.
There have been many scientific studies that suggest psychic ability is born from childhood trauma. Some say that it is a learned behavior (entering a trance-like state of separation from the physical stressful, abusive events) and a heightened ability to notice when the triggers for these events are going to occur. In psychics studied, something like 75 percent have reported childhood trauma.
I have found in this work that most addicts, physical and otherwise, are flaming psychics, untrained.
This is so they can use the healing of their trauma and psychicness to heal our changing and emerging world. It can make them great and powerful teachers.
This is the stuff that fascinates me about this skill I have developed and use to help empower others to heal themselves.
So if life is a train wreck, and you are addicted to noticing the suffering of others and you are avoiding looking at your own life because it seems too big to fix- there is hope- there is help- there is understanding there is a spiritual solution. Through this process you can harness this ability, get in touch with the guides and universal knowing and emerge as a great teacher....
Then we can then really FIX the fixing our world ;)
Peace beyond all Understanding,
It takes A Village- find your Tribe!
To Join our village go to
or connect with Our fan page on Facebook Click here
or my personal page on Facebook Click here
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Mitakuye Oyasin- A Lakota prayer
The first 35 years of my life was very complicated. It was chaos and drama and pain and suffering.
I felt very victimized and separate from everyone and everything- including the Divine.
I was unable to ease my suffering except through 'diversions' that just took my mind away from it for a little while. Just going day by day - year by year- in a constant state of existing.
This became normal.
I didn't even realize that I was suffering. That realization came once I began evolving.....awakening to another way... because the old tricks weren't working and the 'diversions' didn't stop me from feeling or stopping the bad things from happening.
Then it shifted, things were happening and I couldn't control them, or ignore them. There were so many things I was not in control of anymore.
The Divine began uncomplicating my life- I was not grateful, I was very angry that things were changing. Even though it was painful- the unknown without it was scary.
'The awakening' was not in one day, it was an ebb and flow of understanding and evolution.
Then I began uncomplicating my life...because with every awareness, there was a sense of Peace.
It was slowly removing or forcing me to look at the painful things that I created.
I created? Yes, I chose this life for all of these challenges- and then came here and created even more...(what was I
So, now you ask 'How do I do that?'
Well, first understanding that we complicate our lives, and are addicted to the chaos, like a junkie needs a fix...peace is boring, kindness is boring, simplicity is boring- while your life is 'complicated'.
At the end- my life took a dramatic turn where it became so complicated that I ran away.
I gave up and hid...for a year and I had to face the Truth.
During that downward spiral to stopping, I learned and heard many spiritual things and met many many spiritual teachers from every path. I didn'd realize that I was filing away their wisdom, unable to apply it, or understand it at that time- but during my year of nothingness, each insight came back to me at the right time- in the right moment.
During this time my birth religion failed me. It was too complicated, there were too many rules and none of it made sense. It didn't make me feel better- it made me feel worse and undeserving. It told me that God was punishing me.
I was drawn to the Native peoples religon. It was more than a religion- it was a way of life. It told me that The Great Mystery loves me enough to allow me to experience at my choosing.
I can change what I choose.
There are messengers giving me the answers-
If I learn to stop and observe the message all around me.
It taught me to Living simply, and seeing myself as the Co-Creator of my existence will bring Peace;
Connected to everyone and everything;
and through my example, I would be a mirror of hope and great change.
That I am accountable to the welfare of my brother.
I learned a prayer during that time.
I could not fully understand it until the last few years.
A two word prayer.
Mitakuye Oyasin- All My Relations
It is a prayer for all my Relatives-
and now that I saw that everyone was my Brother, Sister, Cousins, Grandparents,Teachers and my Father and Mother- it became increasingly difficult to be irresponsible, or sad, or unaccountable.
My existence affected 'All my Relations.'
It Demanded more from me- to Love, to laugh, to celebrate to bring hope, to rise, to fight, to champion, to bring peace.
What experience did I give My Relations in my ignorance?
What experience do I want them to have when they encounter me?
Am I looking out for them while they are too weak to defend themselves?
How am I serving my Village?
Am I only taking and never giving back.
Am I hoeing my own row and then the row of another?
What legacy am I leaving the children- for the next seven generations?
So in this dark time of winter-
In the Grandmother Talks with Relations
my message to you who are reading this is;
You are choosing your suffering.
We have all suffered.
There is hope.
There is help
We are all connected in this great brotherhood.
You have a Village- send up a smoke signal.
Find Your Tribe.
Mitakuye Oyasi
Marianne Goldweber
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Guardian of Winter- Tatanka
Guardian of Winter- Tatanka
As I gaze across the frozen field,
in the whirl of the snow,
I begin to see the steaming breath.
Stepping forward through the wind
and flying frozen crystals He appears
with great majesty.
As if forming out of the air itself
the messenger arrives
white as the snow
massive head shaking,
it's gaze settling upon me.
Buffalo- guardian of the North.
So it is with visions,
so clear, it defies understanding
with human words.
It's voice is the wind-
it whispers and shouts.
"Do not forget that abundance is found
when you trust and forage.
It will require effort" he said.
"Trouble yourself no more in traveling backward-
there is nothing left in the past,
for all you need will be given to you in the future.
Wrap yourself in my coat- feel the depth of it's warmth.
I am slow- but my hooves make great thunder when I must run.
I am the very beating of your heart.
Trust the knowing others cannot feel.
I am with you always......"
And in a great wind that came from the North,
through the trees and in the swirling snow he faded
away, back to the land of the ancestors....
Marianne Goldweber
As I gaze across the frozen field,
in the whirl of the snow,
I begin to see the steaming breath.
Stepping forward through the wind
and flying frozen crystals He appears
with great majesty.
As if forming out of the air itself
the messenger arrives
white as the snow
massive head shaking,
it's gaze settling upon me.
Buffalo- guardian of the North.
So it is with visions,
so clear, it defies understanding
with human words.
It's voice is the wind-
it whispers and shouts.
"Do not forget that abundance is found
when you trust and forage.
It will require effort" he said.
"Trouble yourself no more in traveling backward-
there is nothing left in the past,
for all you need will be given to you in the future.
Wrap yourself in my coat- feel the depth of it's warmth.
I am slow- but my hooves make great thunder when I must run.
I am the very beating of your heart.
Trust the knowing others cannot feel.
I am with you always......"
And in a great wind that came from the North,
through the trees and in the swirling snow he faded
away, back to the land of the ancestors....
Marianne Goldweber
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
the feel of satin on my skin
sun on my face
my child neslted sleeping against my chest
the smell of grass after rain
unbridled laughter
leaves blowing
elderly couples walking hand in hand
squirrels chasing
a job well done
getting into bed with clean sheets
random kindness to strangers
peace of mind
Marianne Goldweber
the feel of satin on my skin
sun on my face
my child neslted sleeping against my chest
the smell of grass after rain
unbridled laughter
leaves blowing
elderly couples walking hand in hand
squirrels chasing
a job well done
getting into bed with clean sheets
random kindness to strangers
peace of mind
Marianne Goldweber
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
I believe.........
There is sacredness in this journey,
the number of it's days are the ultimate secret,
as well as the pleasure and pain of the future
and since this is one of the Great Mysteries to which there is no answer,
I believe
My faith allows me to surrender the need to know-
to embrace each day as a gift,
and although I may not understand the great purpose
in the trials and hardships of this human existance
I believe....
I get angry at injustice, or in a young life cut short,
hate and revenge and the unkindness of the world.
I know that it is part of the Divine Plan that I may never understand yet
I believe
There are days and times where it does not make sense,
I wince from the suffering and grief and death and tragedy.
Anger and sadness inside me churns and swells,
assaulting the shores of my soul like a great storm.
I scream- from my most human core
Why- how can this be?
and small voice within whispers the answer....
Marianne Goldweber
the number of it's days are the ultimate secret,
as well as the pleasure and pain of the future
and since this is one of the Great Mysteries to which there is no answer,
I believe
My faith allows me to surrender the need to know-
to embrace each day as a gift,
and although I may not understand the great purpose
in the trials and hardships of this human existance
I believe....
I get angry at injustice, or in a young life cut short,
hate and revenge and the unkindness of the world.
I know that it is part of the Divine Plan that I may never understand yet
I believe
There are days and times where it does not make sense,
I wince from the suffering and grief and death and tragedy.
Anger and sadness inside me churns and swells,
assaulting the shores of my soul like a great storm.
I scream- from my most human core
Why- how can this be?
and small voice within whispers the answer....
Marianne Goldweber
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