Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Guardian of Winter- Tatanka

Guardian of Winter- Tatanka

As I gaze across the frozen field,
in the whirl of the snow,
I begin  to see the steaming breath.
Stepping forward through the wind
and flying frozen crystals He appears
with great majesty.

As if forming out of the air itself
the messenger arrives
white as the snow
massive head shaking,
it's gaze settling upon me.
Buffalo- guardian of the North.

So it is with visions,
so clear, it defies understanding
with  human words.
It's voice is the wind-
it whispers and shouts.

"Do not forget that abundance is found
when you trust and forage.
It will require effort" he said.

"Trouble yourself  no more in traveling backward-
there is nothing left in the past,
for all you need will be given to you in the future.

Wrap yourself in my coat- feel the depth of it's warmth. 
I am slow- but  my hooves make great thunder when I must run.

I am the very beating of your heart.
Trust the knowing others cannot feel.
I am with you always......"

And in a great wind that came from the North,
through the trees and in the swirling snow he faded
away, back to the land of the ancestors....

Marianne Goldweber

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