Good Morning!
Being a Pisces..(that already says a lot!) life's little details are the hardest part of being human for me and are the most debilitating. (not that it's an excuse!)
Getting the garbage out..just as the truck gets to my house.....
Taking something out for dinner to 4pm.......
Having the tire that I bought mounted and put on the car.....
Letters to mail....
Repairing my garage before it collapses
(can I squeak out one more winter???)..
Home repairs (are you turning on the cold water with vise grips??)
A mentor of mine (Harry- who now walks the Blue Road of Spirit) once made me a round cardboard disc that had the word TUIT written on it, and he ceremoniously gave it to me one day..
When I asked what it was, he said;
Well, so much of your day Marianne is spent wishing for enough time to get a round to it, I am giving you a priceless gift...
A round you have no excuse....
These untied ends are a source of angst disrupting the flow of energy...
running like a loop in our head, over and over.....
These are the barriers that keep us from seeing the goal, the big picture, so much energy invested in the insignificant details, it disrupts the dream....
This swirling vortex creates food for the inner judge, which adds guilt, which makes the process even slower...
My solution:
*Make your own Round TUIT and proudlydisplay it where you willsee it everyday- or gift it to a friend...
*Smudge the space- to negate the energy...(using smoke, or salt water)
*Make lists....get it out of your head, into the physical....
*Tackle one thing at a time even if it seems insignificant..
*The more emotion associated with a task puts it on the top of the list..
*Pretend I am doing it for someone else....which removes the emotion and guilt..
*Keep a spiritual eye on the human duty.
Thanks also must go to My sister the Aries..who taught me about removing the emotion that we associate with these things and the art of lists...
patient and firm..she is a genuine angel sent to me.
It's life's little details that make this a pleasure cruise or the Titanic..
Its how we respond that matters...
Make your own list, and take it one thing at a time,
the sense of accomplishment makes all the difference in the world.
Oh... and less to do
Here is the thought for the day-
To awaken each morning with a smile brightening my face;
to greet the day with reverence for the opportunities it contains;
to approach my work with a clean mind;
to hold ever before me, even in the doing of little things,
the ultimate purpose toward which I am working;
to meet men and women with laughter on my lips and love in my heart;
to be gentle, kind, and courteous through all the hours;
to approach the night with weariness that ever woos sleep
and the joy that comes from work well done -
This is how I desire to waste wisely my days.
Thomas Dekker
Marianne Goldweber