A long time ago my son came to me with some of his little friends and said...Mom- we've noticed that you are no fun lately. I came to realize that I was not fun because I was not having fun. I was attacking my 'to do' resentfully and critically. At that time- work work work- I made work a bad thing.
Our children are a reminder that in the sacred balance Joy is part of the equation.
In this reflective time at winters end, I realized I have created this amazing Life- winter provided me some much needed re-evaluating. Life being what it is, we can get swept away in activity and doing- so in returning to 'center' I reflected on my Core Principles. These are; Love, Peace, Joy, Faith, Service, Compassion and Accountability. These are the foundation of my Faith and Life.
I reminded myself that I AM Love I AM Peace, I AM Joy and so forth. Therefore- anything that takes me away from that plan must be re-evaluated. It's in this process that we tell the Universe that we are accountable to our own well being- that we have faith- that we are setting a higher standard of responsibility for ourselves- clearing the way to an Abundant and Peaceful life- committed to Serving Humanity unconditionally.
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
end of the world...as we know it.
Happy New Year!
When the Great Shift occurred on Dec 21,2012 everyone asked ‘Is
the world ending’ and my answer was yes…but not in the way you will expect.
In came 2013, and the shift began, we were leaving the
prophesied Fourth world of Separation and were entering the Fifth World of
Peace. But peace must be earned, by removing all the things that separate us- Hate,
fear, judgment, chaos, blame…and so it began…
2013 was a year filled with removing of our blocks to peace…people,
situations, ways of thinking, material things. Yes, 2013 was a year of ‘Taking
out the trash’ which left us with big empty spaces…thank the heavens.
It was a year of upheaval and destruction- of assessing and
deciding- of releasing and reaffirming; 2013 has been a year of hard work, harder than most of us have worked in our entire
lives…and now it is ending.
2013 is ending, with
clear spaces in our hearts, our homes and our souls….
What will we create in 2014?...ahhh that is the question- anything
is possible!
Abundant Blessings in
the coming New Year my friends- Marianne Goldweber
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Shifting Perspective- A Life Skill
Marianne Goldweber
6 hours ago via mobile
I remember having a childhood acquaintance whose hair was always greasy and she wasn't always clean. It wasn't until we were adults that I found out that her mother used shampoo, soap and bathing as a cruel punishment. She suffered greatly at home and the hands of many bullies and judgmental people. I cried and asked her why she never told anyone. She said she didn't think anyone would understand. So she suffered in silence and accepted her lot.
Never judge a man until you've walked a mile in his moccasins- Until then we will never fully understand-Marianne Goldweber
Monday, August 5, 2013
Retrogrades Aug 2013- what they mean and how they effect us.
Hi Villagers!
is a long studied science- and is a great tool to understand what
our natural, inherent strengths and weaknesses are and it can be
used (like an octane booster) to align with the celestial tides in
order to make changes and propelling ourselves forward.A Good place to
start is by getting your Natal- or Birth chart. It is a great tool
that can help you understand yourselves better.
Today's topic is Retrogrades in astrology
Astronomically speaking- it is an optical illusion full of scientific reasons- but planets appear to be moving backward. When this happens Astrologically speaking- it creates 'situations' here for us humans- depending on what planet is retrograde and when. It may affect the sun sign for instance, as this month (LEO) more than others..
Every planet has an aspect- such as Mercury- governs communication. so when Mercury is retrograde- it puts all communications into a spin- in reverse. computers- email- misunderstandings etc. This retrograde forces us to communicate- it stirs up all of our un said issues; which can help bring it up and clear the air- or create more misunderstanding if we don't use it effectively!
Here is a web site that can explain what each planet governs, so when we talk about aspects being retrograde- you will understand what that means better. http://www.freehoroscopesastrology.com/planets-signs.aspx
Some planets have a more positive influence and some negative- but all are designed to expose us to the TRUTH of who we are and our motives.
Currently there are 3 planets retrograde- Uranus- Neptune- Pluto If you are a sign governed by those planets- such as Pisces (Neptune) Scorpio (Pluto) and Aquarius (Uranus)- or Leo- because it is retrograde in this sign at this time. The people who have these signs are under these planet's 'influence' to a greater degree.

Today's topic is Retrogrades in astrology
Astronomically speaking- it is an optical illusion full of scientific reasons- but planets appear to be moving backward. When this happens Astrologically speaking- it creates 'situations' here for us humans- depending on what planet is retrograde and when. It may affect the sun sign for instance, as this month (LEO) more than others..
Every planet has an aspect- such as Mercury- governs communication. so when Mercury is retrograde- it puts all communications into a spin- in reverse. computers- email- misunderstandings etc. This retrograde forces us to communicate- it stirs up all of our un said issues; which can help bring it up and clear the air- or create more misunderstanding if we don't use it effectively!
Here is a web site that can explain what each planet governs, so when we talk about aspects being retrograde- you will understand what that means better. http://www.freehoroscopesastrology.com/planets-signs.aspx
Some planets have a more positive influence and some negative- but all are designed to expose us to the TRUTH of who we are and our motives.
Currently there are 3 planets retrograde- Uranus- Neptune- Pluto If you are a sign governed by those planets- such as Pisces (Neptune) Scorpio (Pluto) and Aquarius (Uranus)- or Leo- because it is retrograde in this sign at this time. The people who have these signs are under these planet's 'influence' to a greater degree.
Friday, May 17, 2013
Sieze the Opportunity
One day I was at a motivational seminar and there were over 200 people in the room.
I was seated toward the back of the room. The speaker came on and said, as he pulled a 10 dollar bill from his pocket and held it up, "Most people do not recognize an opportunity when it is presented to them, they are afraid to get up and take it" I promptly got up and walked up to the speaker and took the $10.00. As I got to the front, another woman saw what I was doing and got up but she was stuck in the middle of the row and couldn't get out.
The speaker laughed and said, "That's what happens, people are inspired only when they see someone else going for it...but not you," he said to me " But ,you didn't wait for anyone to give you permission to go for it."For the rest of the event ,that woman gave me the stink eye.
Don't wait for anyone to give you permission, or approve of you going after an opportunity.There will be many, who will not cheer for you in your efforts, but resent you for getting the prize..Go for it.~ Marianne Goldweber
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