Tuesday, December 31, 2013

end of the world...as we know it.

Happy New Year!
When the Great Shift occurred on Dec 21,2012 everyone asked ‘Is the world ending’ and my answer was yes…but not in the way you will expect.

In came 2013, and the shift began, we were leaving the prophesied Fourth world of Separation and were entering the Fifth World of Peace. But peace must be earned, by removing all the things that separate us- Hate, fear, judgment, chaos, blame…and so it began…

2013 was a year filled with removing of our blocks to peace…people, situations, ways of thinking, material things. Yes, 2013 was a year of ‘Taking out the trash’ which left us with big empty spaces…thank the heavens.

It was a year of upheaval and destruction- of assessing and deciding- of releasing and reaffirming;  2013 has been a year of hard work,  harder than most of us have worked in our entire lives…and now it is ending.
2013 is ending,  with clear spaces in our hearts, our homes and our souls…. 

What will we create in 2014?...ahhh that is the question- anything is possible!
 Abundant Blessings in the coming New Year my friends- Marianne Goldweber

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