Today's topic is Retrogrades in astrology
Astronomically speaking- it is an optical illusion full of scientific reasons- but planets appear to be moving backward. When this happens Astrologically speaking- it creates 'situations' here for us humans- depending on what planet is retrograde and when. It may affect the sun sign for instance, as this month (LEO) more than others..
Every planet has an aspect- such as Mercury- governs communication. so when Mercury is retrograde- it puts all communications into a spin- in reverse. computers- email- misunderstandings etc. This retrograde forces us to communicate- it stirs up all of our un said issues; which can help bring it up and clear the air- or create more misunderstanding if we don't use it effectively!
Here is a web site that can explain what each planet governs, so when we talk about aspects being retrograde- you will understand what that means better. http://www.freehoroscopesastrology.com/planets-signs.aspx
Some planets have a more positive influence and some negative- but all are designed to expose us to the TRUTH of who we are and our motives.
Currently there are 3 planets retrograde- Uranus- Neptune- Pluto If you are a sign governed by those planets- such as Pisces (Neptune) Scorpio (Pluto) and Aquarius (Uranus)- or Leo- because it is retrograde in this sign at this time. The people who have these signs are under these planet's 'influence' to a greater degree.
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