Thursday, September 19, 2013

Shifting Perspective- A Life Skill

The ability to step into another person's perspective is a life skill. Being judgmental or critical of others is a sign of ignorance. Seeing ourselves through them shows moral maturity. Until we've experienced everything someone else has, we can never completely understand. We assume everyone has had the life we've had or the opportunities we've had.
I remember having a childhood acquaintance whose hair was always greasy and she wasn't always clean. It wasn't until we were adults that I found out that her mother used shampoo, soap and bathing as a cruel punishment. She suffered greatly at home and the hands of many bullies and judgmental people. I cried and asked her why she never told anyone. She said she didn't think anyone would understand. So she suffered in silence and accepted her lot.
Never judge a man until you've walked a mile in his moccasins- Until then we will never fully understand-Marianne Goldweber

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