Friday, May 17, 2013

Sieze the Opportunity

One day I was at a motivational seminar and there were over 200 people in the room
 I was seated toward the back of the room. The speaker came on and  said, as he pulled a 10 dollar bill from his pocket and held it up, "Most people do not recognize an opportunity when it is presented to them, they are afraid to get up and take it" I promptly got up and walked up to the speaker and took the $10.00. As I got to the front, another woman saw what I was doing and got up but she was stuck in the middle of the row and couldn't get out.
 The speaker laughed and said, "That's what happens, people are inspired only when they see someone else going for it...but not you," he said to me " But ,you didn't wait for anyone to give you permission to go for it."For the rest of the event ,that woman gave me the stink eye.  
Don't wait for anyone to give you permission, or approve of you going after an opportunity.There will be many, who will not cheer for you in your efforts, but resent you for getting the prize..Go for it.~ Marianne Goldweber

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