Wednesday, August 2, 2006

Where is allthat smoke coming from?

Good Morning,
I had some computer problems (thanks to the retrograde!!) and I am back on line!
I did some shuffling of things in my personal space, and needed to be conscious of  aligning the energy as I went.
Energy is in all things, there is a constant flow of energy in our homes, offices, even or car.
When we enter that energy, some of us can perceive it, we "feel" it when our own aura contact it, so we get good and bad feelings about places.
Most "hauntings" can be attributed to old stagnant energy that is still on the move and is in desperate need of removal or release. It is not always old inhabitants. It can be just as disruptive, causing sleep problems and dreams and lack of abundance.
It is important to constantly be aware of clutter, removing it to allow a clear path for the flow of energy, or "chi" and the importance of clearing energy after purging or moving things.
Because, we are saying "I am releasing what I no longer need, so I am ready for what is to come...."
Some use a broom to "sweep" the energies away, others use smoke, or "smudge".
Burning herbs and plant that are significant for energy clearing, like sage and frankincense, to name a couple.
By consciously removing old energies,we give old things permission to move on.... we open our spaces to a better abundance, good things and love.
I believe that re-aligning energies through smudging should be  a regular ritual, after cleaning, or whenI move things around I also smudge when I pray, or when I make changes in myself.
Then I am at peace in my space, because our energies are the same..
Just soap doesn't clean a house, think about Clear ing your space today!
Here is the thought for the day!!
When you clean your house... 
clean it as if God were going to be your special guest.
Because He is.

When you prepare a meal...
prepare it as if God were going to be sitting at your table.
Because He is.

When you work...
work as if God will be your customer.
Because He is.

And when you speak with another...
speak as if you were speaking with God.
Because you are.

Ron Atchison

Marianne Goldweber

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