Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Good Morning!
Now that we are finally having a break in the weather hopefully we can get out in the Sun.
Spring is a time to renew ourselves, look at what isn't working and make the changes necessary to attract love and peace to our lives.
Spring is about growth, trying new things, leaving our "caves" of hibernation and explore our world.
Going within to plan and dream is a vital part of living.
Being aware of the messages that Our loved ones and the Universe are sharing, thoughts of love, hope and peace.
What dreams have we had in winter that need to be planted and cultivated now that it's spring?
Now is the time, the ground is fertile and ready to accept the seeds, it is up to you to get your hands dirty.
Once your garden blooms it will be magnificent.
Here is the thought for the day!!
Life is change.
Growth is optional.
Choose wisely.
Karen Kaiser Clark
Marianne Goldweber

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