Friday, May 19, 2006


Good Morning TGIF!!!
We are here for a reason...a purpose.....
So much of the time we are paralyzed by the fear, the unknown, the risk, the judgment, that we do not begin.
We sit and think, and plan, and think some more..
But meanwhile, we haven't moved an inch.
There is a grand adventure waiting for you.
Dare to Dream...
Dare to be Authentic.....
Dare to be Different......
Dare to be Happy...
Dare to be Joyful.....
Dare to be Peaceful....
Dare to be your biggest fear....Walk through it, and if you can't...ask for help...
Here is the thought for the day!!!
“Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.” -Will Rogers
Marianne Goldweber

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