Monday, October 16, 2006

Cycles- All Our Relations

Good Morning,
I'm sure you have all noticed the large energy let down after this last full moon as it wanes to New, we are feeling a little melancholy, ill prepared and emotional.
There are many cycles in our life, the word cycle comes from Greek kyklos circle, wheel, cycle.
Our indigenous peoples see all things round, the cycles of the day, the month, seasons, years; as well as cycles of life, from child to young adult, adult to elder.
Their Medicine wheel reflects these cycles.
As we become more and more aware of our connection, outside ourselves to the rest of the world, we will begin to see our physical, emotional and spiritual changes as these cycles change.
Like when we change the time in the spring and fall, all of us are thrown "off" our internal clock.
These cycles, or hoops, start with the self, then family, then community, then country and world, like a ripple, with the stone in the center being you. This is why, these daily messages are designed to make you self aware, because if all is well in the first hoop (the self) it will ripple to the next, and the next.
If all is not well with the self, it will also affect the rest.
Whether or not we want to admit it, who you are and how you think and behave affects people, and our relations in nature you don't even know.
Your mood, your thoughts, energy and actions all have a ripple effect.
If you aren't in a good place, your energy is altered, others can "feel" it, and most of the world is not aware, and they feel this and own it. they take it personally. Just as we take it personal when another interrupts our hoop with their mood, energy and attitude.
Lesson 1) Don't take it personally, usually it has nothing to do with you.
You can be responsible for putting others in a bad mood, just with your energy.
Be an observer today, be aware of how you are influencing your space, and those around you.
Heal the self, then heal your relations with family, then heal your relations to your community, and so on.
When the Native Americans say "All our relations", they mean everything.
Be at peace with all things, and apply that to your life.
Here is the thought for the day
O Great Creator,
I come before you in a humble manner
and offer you this sacred pipe.
With tears in my eyes and an ancient song from my heart
I pray.
To the four powers of Creation,
To the Grandfather Sun,
To the Grandmother Moon,
To the Mother Earth,
And to my ancestors.

I pray for all my relations in Nature,
All those who walk, crawl, fly and swim,
Seen and unseen,
To the good spirits that exist in every part of Creation.

I ask that you bless our elders and children,
families and friends,
And the brothers and sisters who are in prison.
I pray for the ones who are sick on drugs and alcohol
And for those who are now homeless and forlorn.
I also pray for peace among the four races of humankind.

May there be good health and healing on this earth,
May there be Beauty above me,
May there be Beauty below me,
May there be Beauty in me,
May there be Beauty all around me.
I ask that this world be filled with Peace, Love and Beauty.

Medicine Grizzly Bear
Earth Healing Ceremony

Marianne Goldweber

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