Good Morning....
Our world is filled with chatter and clatter, people talking without listening.
No one being heard.
We forget that everyone here is in their own illusion, we look to them for the answers to our future, our problems,when they cannot even solve their own plight.
All along we have a higher guidance....within......
When we are always looking to others, they give us what would work for them, or what limits them by their fears, and they project that to us...
They cannot give us insight into our personal journey that we came here for.
It can confuse us.
We are also looking for someone to agree with our human for our victim..
Others cannot always tell us what we really need to hear......
Indigineous peoples call this going within Tiyoweh....the stillness....
When we are still and are looking for answers, we must enter the stillness in order to hear the guidance that is right for us, from a source that is here for OUR growth.
Today, do not share your concerns or troubles with others.
Find 10 minutes to be alone, still and enter the silence..
Take notes on what you see, hear and feel during this vision process..
Our inner voice speaks the loving truth, regardless of what we want to hear.
It is what we need to hear..
Here is the thought for the day-
Marianne Goldweber
Marianne Goldweber
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