Good Morning!!
Well, In case you didn't notice, the Sturgeon Full Moon is above us!!! Please click on the blog link under my name, and view the archives on the full moon.
It is time to bring things forth. New ideas, old stuff, and send it to the Universe.
Now that Mercury has returned to it's original direction, we should start feeling like we are being understood again...
(that is,...if you were ever understood before!!)
Let's get excited about the unknown, since we are releasing the past,
Let's get excited about the future. As scary as that is, we need to get over the fear and see the fun...
The rush of endorphins and adrenaline...
When was the last time you got this excited about life?
Life is like a book you have never read, written page by page every day..... What kind of book would yours be?
Horror story?
Fairy tale?
History book?
Love Story?
Romance novel?
How about this one, .......
Chapter 1; Getting up, going to work, make dinner, kids to bed, go to sleep...
Chapter 2: Getting up, going to work, make dinner, kids to bed, go to sleep... Chapter 3:...............
(This is a book they use at the sleep clinic to cure insomnia.....)
Whatever your Novel, you are the Author, make it your own....
Get excited, and make some changes.
This thought for the day is dedicated to a group that I was with recently.... Bon Voyage.... I can't wait to see you "pictures" and hear of your adventures...
Here is the thought for the day....
Friends are an integral part of your life,
but every friend you have must live life at their own pace.
When the time comes & they must leave you,
there is no need to grieve over their parting from your life.
it is the very essence of life that it should be so,
but it hurts nonetheless and we grieve nonetheless,
but we hold them in our hearts forever.
Always cherish the joy, laughter, memories and love
that they have brought into your lives.
Always remember them with a warm smile
for what they have given you.

Marianne Goldweber
Here is the web page:
Here is a link to my journal page: Walking the Red Road