Thursday, March 11, 2010


I looked around for this thing called peace
I looked and looked everywhere for it.
and all I found was chaos.

I became angry that no one would tell me where I could find it.
until an amazing thing happened.
I heard the Voice..
it said 'sit down'

I did what I was told.
I sat down..
it felt strange to be still.
I observed that nothing around me stopped moving

I watched as everyone and everything swirled and twirled in the chaos.

I then became aware of my separateness..I was alone......
which was uncomfortable yet nice at the same time...
no one seemed to notice me just sitting.

I began to examine my surroundings.
taking a inventory of where I was and what I thought
something I never had the time to do before I sat.

I began to hear the Voice clearer as it answered my questions and gave me insight...
I came to trust the Voice because it  was kind, patient and loving.
I was liking this new feeling
and realized that I found what I was looking for,
the surprise was; it was here all along.

And as I sat,  people would notice.
They would come over and ask me 'Do you know where I can find Peace?'
I said 'Come and sit down with me awhile.......'

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