Monday, February 2, 2009

Compassion- a test from the Universe....

No matter where you are- it's never an accident. From the place you work to the situations and encounters that occur throughout the day. These encounters are not a coincidence-which leads me to my story...

Today I was in Giant Eagle. I live in a relatively Urban part of Cleveland- full of diversity- which I love- and why I have not moved in 12 years... This Giant Eagle it is one of those places where the diversity abounds. There are people from every ethnicity- from every socioeconomic level- and lifestyle. It is a virtual melting pot of humanity.

I don't frequent this store usually because everyone who works there seems unhappy and feels the need to let you know. So I usually have to have my 'psychic armor' on just to shop there.

My Disclaimer before I begin-This is not a judgment this is a spiritual observation of the goings

Today, I was in the checkout line, and the man running the register was in a very bad mood- picking on and making fun of the other man packing my groceries. He was being very sarcastic and mean- in a kidding way;but what I found most interesting is they both had physical disabilities; one more than the other.

Another employee came up and announced to the others that there were two elderly women begging for money in the parking lot. (they do this all the time-- so they said) Which started a tirade of judgment and opinion about people who beg- and what they 'need to do' about these women.

The customer and cashier from the line next to me chimed in about getting 'tired' of giving money to people who refuse to work or drink it away- "They should get a damn job" said the young man who made the announcement-and they went on and on.

I really couldn't be present to this situation and allow them to spew this intolerance anymore. I said "What about compassion?"They became very quiet. "It's not about the money- it's about compassion. No one wakes up deciding to be in poverty. They may not have the tools to change what's happened- or be aware of what to do next. They may be too proud or naive to ask for help in a better way."

The conversation abruptly ended.

A wave of sadness came over me.
When will we see there is no 'them'? 'They' are 'me' and all of us.
What befalls one, eventually befalls us all- we are all connected.

If you bear witness to these situations- they are the way the Universe presents opportunities to us- to challenge us- to see how we will respond.

Do we apply all the spiritual things we are reading?

Do we walk our talk?

We are being called to rise. To stamp out the darkness that has separated us.
Do you have the courage to answer?

Find the strength to Speak your Truth with love and make a difference in our World.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well put Marianne. You are such a beautiful person. I will admit to being in the negative category at times and must catch myself ....Sometimes force myself to look at things from the compassionate side. To put myself in their shoes, so to speak. Thank you for reminding me to avoid negativity. I sometimes need a swift kick to remind myself of that now and then!

Johnny U.