Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Stolen- My 1991 Buick-gift from the Universe

Stolen- My 1991 Buick station wagon- gift from the
Posted on Aug 22nd, 2007 by Marianne : Spiritual Warrior on the Good Red Road Marianne

Now…I don't always take care of that gift from the Universe ; my 1991 Buick station wagon…..
(see yesterday's blog entry) like I should….  

I practically live in it and it is pretty messy….  

For the last week, the drivers side window would not go up…no matter what I did, so I surrendered to a piece of plastic (just in case it didn't already look like a hoopty) for nighttime in case of rain…lol  

I had an event last weekend in downtown Cleveland, and I parked it on the street.  I was only going to be a short time- but took my planner with me in case the car was stolen…..   When I came out at 2:30 with a couple of friends- it was gone…..  

I have been practicing peace at all costs and detachment from material things;  and as my friend was freaking out- I said ' Well, they must have needed it more than I do….  

He said- are you in shock??? You sound like some freaking' guru on a mountain…lol  

I was strangely amused with how peaceful I was…  

I immediately called the police- they took the report over the phone (which they never do)- I stopped at the police station a couple of blocks away to formally file a report.. So we got a ride home from a kind third party….(gratitude :)…….  

Once I got home- my friend suggested we go to breakfast since we were up- I agreed… While we ate, my friend said how inspiring it was to see me so peaceful about the whole thing- I told him- what can I do about it? There must be some higher order…by now it's 4:00 am- just as we finish eating- my cell phone rings ……  

“this is the Cleveland police- we have your vehicle….”   Really?  

Yes mam- can you pick it up????  

Is it in one piece???   Yes mam, it's running…….  

Where is it????   East 116 th and Woodland….. (not the greatest location in Cleveland..)  

I'm on my way…. Yipee!!!!  

So, off we go-  There is my car- lights on, running- the perpetrator in the back seat of the cruiser….I run up to the officer and give him a hug..  

He said they heard the call and were laughing about someone stealing a 1991 Buick wagon when it drove right past them….  

We looked in the car- and there was the big mess that I made..I was embarrassed and said to the officer - Wow- he sure made a big mess!!!!! (lol)  

The column was stripped and I wasn't sure how I would start it again- he said at least it's still running- that's why they called..If they turned it off- they would have had to tow it..  
(Or I could have had the guy who stole it how me how to turn it back on…lol)  

I asked if it was a young person- he said no- an older man..  
I was sad for him…I saw him solemnly sitting in the car and thought how hard his journey must be to steal my car…….. I smiled at him…sending love…  

I thanked the officers for what they did- letting me come for the car rather than towing it; for the dangerous  job they do and how much this car means to me on so many levels…  
(If it means so much to you Marianne- why did you leave it downtown with the window down?)  
He looked at my like I was some kind of fruitcake…(which I am)  

On my way home that night- it was cold- and I tried the window just for fun- and it went right up….  
It was almost like my car had work to do without me, and returned…mission accomplished…..  

I think I'll clean it out and give it a bath…..  

here is the thought for the day

Love is what we are born with.
Fear is what we learn.
The spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear and prejudices and the acceptance of love back in our hearts.
Love is the essential reality and our purpose on earth.
To be consciously aware of it, to experience love in ourselves and others, is the meaning of life.
Meaning does not lie in things.
Meaning lies in us.

Marianne Williamson

Here is another thought for the day-

Though we can't always see it at the time,
if we look upon events with some perspective,
we see things always happen for our best interests.
We are always being guided in a way
better than we know ourselves.

Swami Satchidananda

Marianne Goldweber

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