Tuesday, August 21, 2007

My 1991 Buick is a gift from the Universe

My 1991 buick is a gift from the Universe
Posted on Aug 21st, 2007 by Marianne : Spiritual Warrior on the Good Red Road Marianne

About 6 years ago- the engine blew in my car-
I asked  the Universe for a station wagon- because I was always hauling something- including children, since I was not only a small business owner- but also the car pool mom…..I added 'If you could make it blue, that would be great!'  (my favorite color is blue.)

It was around the full moon and my son and I had a ritual of writing our thoughts down and putting them in our fire pit..we always talked about them if they weren't too private and my son (who was 5) said , I asked God to give you a car….

The very next day I started telling everyone I saw  that I needed a free station wagon- just to create the energy for my request to the Universe.

The only person that I didn't tell however was my ex husband ( I didn't like telling him I was in need -what ego!!)

3 days later- my ex husband called me and said, 'Do you still need a car?'  
I said yes…

He said “I have a friend that is selling an old 91station wagon….'.
I said 'A station wagon …how interesting!
He said  'I'll pay for it and you can pay me back half '…..

I was so surprised-I said thanks and hung up…first because it was a station wagon- and second because he offered to pay for it…lol

I called him right back and asked ….what color is that car….he said 'Blue'…….

When I told my son what happened he said-
'Mom we should have asked God for a newer car.”…..lol

Here is the thought for the day-

A little boy was having difficulty lifting a heavy stone.

His father came along just then.

Noting the boy's failure, he asked, “Are you using all your strength?”

“Yes, I am,” the little boy said impatiently.

“No, you are not,” the father answered.

“I am right here just waiting, and you haven't asked me to help you.”

Author Unknown

Have an abundant day!

Marianne Goldweber

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