Friday, August 24, 2007

1991 Buick- Gift from the Universe-deliverer of messages cont'd

1991 Buick- Gift from the Universe-deliverer of messages cont'd
Posted on Aug 24th, 2007 by Marianne : Spiritual Warrior on the Good Red Road Marianne

This car thing just get's better and better………
Ok, my 1991 Buick is a gift from the Universe, it gets stolen and returned  in the same night…..   and then 3 days later……..  

I'm at the grocery store, I get in my car- and starting it now requires a screwdriver that I keep in my purse- I have to open the drivers door to see the little thingy that I have to push to get it started…

so while I'm applying my new skill- a man is watching me since I am preventing him from getting in his car that is parked next to mine….. I assured him that it is my car and briefly told him about it being stolen and where they found it a couple of hours later…..  

He was very tall and extremely thin..he had a very sad but kind face, and he said to take my time- he was waiting for his elderly mom to shop….

I asked him his name….I told him mine…(his was printed on his work shirt)  

He said what day did this happen- I told him Friday…..  

He looked very strange and told me the most fascinating story……   He said he works in that same area where they found my car-at a industrial plant and they all went out at lunch to cash their checks and to get lunch.  

On the way back he stopped at the gas station where they found my car- and bought cigarettes when a man came up to him in the parking lot and asked for a smoke…  

He said “I'm really skinny and I couldn't reach into my pocket without my pants falling down- (he was in a work uniform  with his name on the front..and raised his shirt to show me that he had his pants bunched up and secured with a rubber band to hold them up) I needed both of my hands to get my cigarettes out of my pocket”   …another man approached and pulled a gun out -took his cigarettes and his paycheck that he just cashed…..  

His eyes were misty and he said why do people do such things……  

I said people in need do desperate things that always impact others…but there is a plan and a purpose..we just don't always get to know why……  

By that time, I started the car  and rolled down the window.. I said ***** don't lose faith in mankind- he smiled a very sad smile…  

I thought in a very quick moment about how blessed I have been over the course of the last few days- how peace and love have saved me from the pain of being a victim….how other spiritual beings just rose to the occasion and were of service to me when I was in need……  

We were side by side and all I had on me was a 20.00 bill- I handed it to him through our adjacent windows and said I know this doesn't make up for it but maybe it will help renew your faith….he started to cry.
He smiled and said thank you….just as his little gray haired mom came with her cart…..  

I put my screw driver back in my purse and drove away…  

I love this car………..  

Here is the thought for the day

I may speak in tongues of men or of angels, but if I am without love, I am a sounding gong or a clanging cymbal.

I may have the gift of prophecy, and know every hidden truth; I may have faith strong enough to move mountains; but if I have no love, I am nothing.

I may dole out all I possess, or even give my body to be burnt, but if I have no love, I am none the better.

Love is patient; love is kind and envies no one.
Love is never boastful, nor conceited, nor rude;
never selfish, not quick to take offense.
Love keeps no score of wrongs; does not gloat over other men's sins,
but delights in the truth.
There is nothing love cannot face;
there is no limit to its faith, its hope, and its endurance.

The Bible, 1st Book Of Corinthians

Peace and Love,
Marianne Goldweber

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Stolen- My 1991 Buick-gift from the Universe

Stolen- My 1991 Buick station wagon- gift from the
Posted on Aug 22nd, 2007 by Marianne : Spiritual Warrior on the Good Red Road Marianne

Now…I don't always take care of that gift from the Universe ; my 1991 Buick station wagon…..
(see yesterday's blog entry) like I should….  

I practically live in it and it is pretty messy….  

For the last week, the drivers side window would not go up…no matter what I did, so I surrendered to a piece of plastic (just in case it didn't already look like a hoopty) for nighttime in case of rain…lol  

I had an event last weekend in downtown Cleveland, and I parked it on the street.  I was only going to be a short time- but took my planner with me in case the car was stolen…..   When I came out at 2:30 with a couple of friends- it was gone…..  

I have been practicing peace at all costs and detachment from material things;  and as my friend was freaking out- I said ' Well, they must have needed it more than I do….  

He said- are you in shock??? You sound like some freaking' guru on a mountain…lol  

I was strangely amused with how peaceful I was…  

I immediately called the police- they took the report over the phone (which they never do)- I stopped at the police station a couple of blocks away to formally file a report.. So we got a ride home from a kind third party….(gratitude :)…….  

Once I got home- my friend suggested we go to breakfast since we were up- I agreed… While we ate, my friend said how inspiring it was to see me so peaceful about the whole thing- I told him- what can I do about it? There must be some higher order…by now it's 4:00 am- just as we finish eating- my cell phone rings ……  

“this is the Cleveland police- we have your vehicle….”   Really?  

Yes mam- can you pick it up????  

Is it in one piece???   Yes mam, it's running…….  

Where is it????   East 116 th and Woodland….. (not the greatest location in Cleveland..)  

I'm on my way…. Yipee!!!!  

So, off we go-  There is my car- lights on, running- the perpetrator in the back seat of the cruiser….I run up to the officer and give him a hug..  

He said they heard the call and were laughing about someone stealing a 1991 Buick wagon when it drove right past them….  

We looked in the car- and there was the big mess that I made..I was embarrassed and said to the officer - Wow- he sure made a big mess!!!!! (lol)  

The column was stripped and I wasn't sure how I would start it again- he said at least it's still running- that's why they called..If they turned it off- they would have had to tow it..  
(Or I could have had the guy who stole it how me how to turn it back on…lol)  

I asked if it was a young person- he said no- an older man..  
I was sad for him…I saw him solemnly sitting in the car and thought how hard his journey must be to steal my car…….. I smiled at him…sending love…  

I thanked the officers for what they did- letting me come for the car rather than towing it; for the dangerous  job they do and how much this car means to me on so many levels…  
(If it means so much to you Marianne- why did you leave it downtown with the window down?)  
He looked at my like I was some kind of fruitcake…(which I am)  

On my way home that night- it was cold- and I tried the window just for fun- and it went right up….  
It was almost like my car had work to do without me, and returned…mission accomplished…..  

I think I'll clean it out and give it a bath…..  

here is the thought for the day

Love is what we are born with.
Fear is what we learn.
The spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear and prejudices and the acceptance of love back in our hearts.
Love is the essential reality and our purpose on earth.
To be consciously aware of it, to experience love in ourselves and others, is the meaning of life.
Meaning does not lie in things.
Meaning lies in us.

Marianne Williamson

Here is another thought for the day-

Though we can't always see it at the time,
if we look upon events with some perspective,
we see things always happen for our best interests.
We are always being guided in a way
better than we know ourselves.

Swami Satchidananda

Marianne Goldweber

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

My 1991 Buick is a gift from the Universe

My 1991 buick is a gift from the Universe
Posted on Aug 21st, 2007 by Marianne : Spiritual Warrior on the Good Red Road Marianne

About 6 years ago- the engine blew in my car-
I asked  the Universe for a station wagon- because I was always hauling something- including children, since I was not only a small business owner- but also the car pool mom…..I added 'If you could make it blue, that would be great!'  (my favorite color is blue.)

It was around the full moon and my son and I had a ritual of writing our thoughts down and putting them in our fire pit..we always talked about them if they weren't too private and my son (who was 5) said , I asked God to give you a car….

The very next day I started telling everyone I saw  that I needed a free station wagon- just to create the energy for my request to the Universe.

The only person that I didn't tell however was my ex husband ( I didn't like telling him I was in need -what ego!!)

3 days later- my ex husband called me and said, 'Do you still need a car?'  
I said yes…

He said “I have a friend that is selling an old 91station wagon….'.
I said 'A station wagon …how interesting!
He said  'I'll pay for it and you can pay me back half '…..

I was so surprised-I said thanks and hung up…first because it was a station wagon- and second because he offered to pay for it…lol

I called him right back and asked ….what color is that car….he said 'Blue'…….

When I told my son what happened he said-
'Mom we should have asked God for a newer car.”…

Here is the thought for the day-

A little boy was having difficulty lifting a heavy stone.

His father came along just then.

Noting the boy's failure, he asked, “Are you using all your strength?”

“Yes, I am,” the little boy said impatiently.

“No, you are not,” the father answered.

“I am right here just waiting, and you haven't asked me to help you.”

Author Unknown

Have an abundant day!

Marianne Goldweber

Monday, August 13, 2007

A Knock at Midnight- Will you answer?

A Knock at Midnight- Will you answer?
Posted on Aug 13th, 2007 by Marianne : Spiritual Warrior on the Good Red Road Marianne

For all of us, there comes a time in our life- the dark hour- where there is no hope- where there are no answers- where our life has become a swirling chaotic mess and there is no way to forseeably manage it…

This,  is the knock at midnight- the darkest hour in the soul of man…..

We are all called to a higher purpose-

In our own life- in the lives of others- but sometimes we do not hear the knock- nor do we have the courage to answer- our fear of the unknown has us cowering;  unable to face our midnight visitor……

The knock at midnight if you will….as explained in the sermon by Dr Martin Luther King-

What will you do when that knock comes at Midnight?

My knoock at midnight came during my spiritual awakening -I let go of control at my darkest hour -humbled myself before God and the Universe-

I knelt  and asked. (for the first time in my life)… I need help- I do not know how to manage this any longer and I knew my way was not working- so I succumbed to the will of of my purpose….and to the voice within that I so desperately tried to silence my whole life….

And as I hung to the end of the rope…the loving voice inside whispered…..Let go………

and I did and was realeased…..

My question to you - What will you do when the knock comes at midnight?

Here is the thought for the day;

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meaness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain all!
Even if they're a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.
Be grateful for whomever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.

Jalal ad-Din Rumi

To read the sermon A Knock at Midnight by Dr Martin Luther King Jr go to;
To hear an audio except  go to

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Living is an experience-it is a journey from birth to death.
We read and watch-we gather information like a Hoover vacuum and still we are lost.....
Knowledge is knowing......
Wisdom is in doing..and through doing learn....
however- doing requires effort.......
The most rewarding parts of the journey are when we sweat-and take risk-and stretch and climb...
You can read about gardening and know exactly how to grow things- you may even be an expert-
But, until you turn the soil and smell it's richness and plant the seed and water it and watch it grow and harvest the fruit and taste its sweetness then you have learned about gardening.
What is your purpose?
To Love and spread love
To be Peaceful and spread peace
To be Joyful and spread Joy
To be of service and allow others to be of service to you.
Be of service to everyone starting in your own home
Love everyone -starting in your own home
Be joyful to everyone- starting in your own home
Be of service to everyone-starting in your own home.
Your purpose is here.
Your time is now
Here is the thought for the day
Where are you?
What time is it?
What are you?
This moment.
Dan Millman
From the peaceful warrior