This car thing just get's better and better………
Ok, my 1991 Buick is a gift from the Universe, it gets stolen and returned in the same night….. and then 3 days later……..
I'm at the grocery store, I get in my car- and starting it now requires a screwdriver that I keep in my purse- I have to open the drivers door to see the little thingy that I have to push to get it started…
so while I'm applying my new skill- a man is watching me since I am preventing him from getting in his car that is parked next to mine….. I assured him that it is my car and briefly told him about it being stolen and where they found it a couple of hours later…..
He was very tall and extremely thin..he had a very sad but kind face, and he said to take my time- he was waiting for his elderly mom to shop….
I asked him his name….I told him mine…(his was printed on his work shirt)
He said what day did this happen- I told him Friday…..
He looked very strange and told me the most fascinating story…… He said he works in that same area where they found my car-at a industrial plant and they all went out at lunch to cash their checks and to get lunch.
On the way back he stopped at the gas station where they found my car- and bought cigarettes when a man came up to him in the parking lot and asked for a smoke…
He said “I'm really skinny and I couldn't reach into my pocket without my pants falling down- (he was in a work uniform with his name on the front..and raised his shirt to show me that he had his pants bunched up and secured with a rubber band to hold them up) I needed both of my hands to get my cigarettes out of my pocket” …another man approached and pulled a gun out -took his cigarettes and his paycheck that he just cashed…..
His eyes were misty and he said why do people do such things……
I said people in need do desperate things that always impact others…but there is a plan and a purpose..we just don't always get to know why……
By that time, I started the car and rolled down the window.. I said ***** don't lose faith in mankind- he smiled a very sad smile…
I thought in a very quick moment about how blessed I have been over the course of the last few days- how peace and love have saved me from the pain of being a victim….how other spiritual beings just rose to the occasion and were of service to me when I was in need……
We were side by side and all I had on me was a 20.00 bill- I handed it to him through our adjacent windows and said I know this doesn't make up for it but maybe it will help renew your faith….he started to cry.
He smiled and said thank you….just as his little gray haired mom came with her cart…..
I put my screw driver back in my purse and drove away…
I love this car………..
Here is the thought for the day
I may speak in tongues of men or of angels, but if I am without love, I am a sounding gong or a clanging cymbal.
I may have the gift of prophecy, and know every hidden truth; I may have faith strong enough to move mountains; but if I have no love, I am nothing.
I may dole out all I possess, or even give my body to be burnt, but if I have no love, I am none the better.
Love is patient; love is kind and envies no one.
Love is never boastful, nor conceited, nor rude;
never selfish, not quick to take offense.
Love keeps no score of wrongs; does not gloat over other men's sins,
but delights in the truth.
There is nothing love cannot face;
there is no limit to its faith, its hope, and its endurance.
The Bible, 1st Book Of Corinthians
Peace and Love,
Marianne Goldweber