Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Give Away

Over the last 3 years, I have been in a process of purging things that do not "grow corn"..or serve me any longer... It has been an arduous process, but I am at the end of this very long journey....
In order to create the space needed for abundance and opportunity, I went into the basement to face the last of the stuff that I have acquired and need to surrender..
Doing this requires an objective view, ability to let go, and surrender to what the Universe has yet to'm Makin room for NEW......
If we want new things in our life, we must be willing to remove what no longer serves us.
No judgement, no guilt, just the sense of completion and allowing things to go....on to a new life away from here.....
By keeping things that no longer serve us, we hoard the abundant energy ...creating fear and scarcity..
Hoarding stops the abundant flow. 
Because we are not honoring what we already have, there is no room for new things, new opportunities.
We cannot be trusted with new things, because we don't take care of what we already have.
I found a blender from 1968 that my mom gave me....but it is not being of service to anyone on a shelf in my basement... time to clean it off and let it go....
Make room for abundance.
For information about ethically recycling  your "treasures"go to or donate to your local Good Will or your favorite charity.
Your things would love a new home with people who will use them.
There are many people on the Sioux reservations who would appreciate clothing or blankets, especially for grandmothers, grandfathers or children. 
To learn more go to
Or to adopt a Native American elder  in desperate need go to
Here is the Thought for the day-
There is a wonderful mythical law of nature that the three things we crave most in life - happiness, freedom and peace of mind - are always attained by giving them to someone else.

Peyton Conway March


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