Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Personal truth

Good Morning,
In order to facilitate change of any kind, it requires that we become accountable, responsible and unafraid to step into a place of personal power...
Good, clear communication is imperative to growth and change.
Speaking our truth, setting boundaries and communicating clearly, doing our personal best, not taking things personally and never judging.
This is the creed, whether you are leading, or  following..
Many people in our life are not doing this, that is why it is more important for us to be clear and convicted.
 It seems  "easier" than speaking our truth, or taking a stand, or accepting the responsibility that being accountable brings.
So often, people are all agreeing, then leave the conversation and then have all kinds of things to say, once the opportunity to be heard has passed.
It's safe, rather than having the dialogs in the moment, where they belong.
To stand fast to your personal truth, to set clear boundaries, to question authority, to get invested are all requirements of good leaders...and good followers...
The only way to create a peaceful loving existence is to demand that first from ourselves, and then applying that to people and places outside us....
Here is the thought for the day-
When we come to it
We must confess that we are the possible...
We are the miraculous, the true wonders of this world
Free to choose our ends, and our new beginnings
That is when, and only when...
We come to it

Maya Angelou, from her poem, 'A Brave And Startling Truth'

Marianne Goldweber

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