Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Giving Thanks

Good Morning!
The national day of thanks is upon us, all the preparation for a feast is underway..
It takes effort to be grateful every day, it takes being still and present to think about all the things that helped us to change, to help us to survive, to help us to feel loved...
Gratitude for these things and experiences extends an opportunity for us to give, to give encouragement, love, support, compassion, forgiveness, and thanks.
In doing these things, we complete the circle for all that we receive.
There is no time like now to start the gratitude chain, through selfless giving, letters, deeds, and word.
Days like Thanksgiving are a nice reminder,
but giving thanks every day would make every day a holy day.....
Here is the thought for the day:
Thank you Creator of all there is,
Thank you for repeating the message when I am not listening,
Thank you for my family and friends, who love me, in spite of me;
who help without judging.
Thank you for Children, especially my own, who remind me not to be so serious, who's hugs have no bias and remind me that love fixes everything.
Thank you for the tears that clean my soul, and remind me of my humanness.
Thank you for My Urban animal friends; the squirrels, who remind me to keep moving, and the crow that reminds me to look at things a different way and the hawk that tells me to look at the big picture, when I am a mouse.
Thank you for the trees, the standing people, who give my little house fresh air, and shelter from the elements, who remind me to bend during the storms of life.
Thank you for the souls that have drifted in and out of my life, for the mirror they hold as insight into myself.
Thank you for a life of plenty, even if some days, I am ungrateful when it seems not to be enough.
Thank you for my Spirit helpers, to whom I must be a source of amusement.
and please help me to return my gratitude tenfold, through unconditional love and giving as I have received.
Marianne Goldweber

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