Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Be a Self Starter

Good Morning!
I like to think of myself as independent, however there  is still part of me that wants to be rescued, waiting for someone to notice when I am in need, and save me.
I went from a corporate career to being self employed.
When I worked for someone else, I had a supervisor tell me that I  was not a self starter,
Aghast! I was certain that they were very misinformed...
Until I started my own business and realized...they were right...ha!
Some days...I really want someone to tell me where to be at a certain time, what to do, take responsibility for the bottom line and just put in my 8 hours and go home..
I never thought I would ever admit that out loud, or to myself.....
But what this journey has taught me is that I must learn to be sustainable.
Physically..emotionally...financially...spiritually and otherwise.... 
I am the creator of my reality, and if I am suffering, it is by my own doing.....
There is no time to be a victim. I have people who love me and are willing to help but it is not their job to do the things for me that I am perfectly capable for doing for myself.
There is a Creative Force in me that can make this reality anything I want it to be as long as I see that with every hurdle, with every step into the unknown that I learn many things about who I am and what I am truly capable of.
This builds the confidence that makes me keep trying new things, and reduces my fear of the unknown, or fear of trying...
I am also an example; many are watching as I moving fearlessly through my life.
I have a responsibility to be an example, even if I fail.
Giving someone else the courage to try.
Failure is just an opportunity to try again, in a different way.
So, with that, I am going outside and changing that flat tire.
Wish me luck, I'm not as strong as I used to be,
but, I am stronger than I have ever been...
Here is the thought for the day!
The Winner is always a part of the answer;
The Loser is always a part of the problem

The winner always has a plan
The loser always has an excuse

The Winner says "Let me do it for you"
The loser says "That's not my Job"

The winner sees an answer in every problem
The loser sees a problem in every answer

The winner sees a Green near every sand trap
The loser sees a sand trap near every green

The winner says "It may be difficult but its possible.
The loser says 'It may be possible but its difficult"

Author Unknown

Marianne Goldweber

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