Friday, July 14, 2006

Masters of our Destiny!!!

Good Morning!!
Many of us are "managing our lives", not controlling them.
Working, being in debt, paying bills, and trying to fit in enough "time" for all of the other important things in our lives has become a vicious circle.
Today. Right now. Things have to change for you.
Now is the time to look with clarity at what is really going on in your life.
By our example we show our children that we have many masters, that we are indentured...slaves to our lives...
Our inability to be sustainable, responsible to ourselves;caused us to give our power away, and now, we need more and more  to keep this illusion going.
The price we pay for our denial gets higher and higher.
Our houses are full, even bulging, but we still aren't happy.
We stay in bad jobs or bad relationships because of fear..need...
Time for the self, for our health, physically, emotionally and spiritually is last on the list.
We have created this madness.
How can we live simpler?
Have the courage to face these issues and decide to change..
Become accountable and sustainable.
Ask for help.
The question left to you today is;
What can I do to take responsibility for my life???
What can I do to take the responsibility for  the system, our resources.. that is our society?
What can I do to make life simpler for myself and my family?
What can I do to make this world, Our Mother Earth a more loving peaceful place to live?
Be the Master of your destiny. It begins with you.
Here is the thought for the day! More of a Mantra actually ;)
My will shall shape my future. Whether I fail or succeed shall be no mans doing but my own.
I am the force;
I can clear any obstacle before me or I can be lost in the maze.
My choice, my responsibility;
win or lose,
only I hold the key to my destiny.
  Elaine Maxwell
Marianne Goldweber

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy the way you think . You inspire optimissim in me and i am sure others . I try and always see the silver lining in every bad situation . keep focused and keep moving . Thank you for shareing this !