Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Embrace the squirrel in you!!

Good Morning!
We don't allow for any of the natural cycles of life
(yes....there are cycles)
That's why they are so painful; From our menstrual cycles to menopause,
we fight it all the way....
We have been swimming upstream for so long, trying to reach the glittery thing ahead; only to get there and find out it's an old gum wrapper.........
We have believed the illusion that being still is "lazy"
That if we don't have every minute accounted for, and don't feel exhausted, then we aren't productive.
Says who?
Are  you satisfied with your life?
What would it take to make it the way you want it?
The moon....
The days and nights....
The seasons.....
The coming of ages in our lives....
These are all natural cycles...
They exist to bring us order, just like in Nature there is order..
Squirrels don't work hard all year... they plan and store.... and rest and play...
according to the seasonal cycles, the times of day.
Rather than keeping up with the Jones', Lets keep up with our friends in nature.
Just don't run across the street looking for a nut... without looking both ways.....
Here is the thought for the day!!!
Only when the last tree has died
and the last river has been poisoned
and the last fish has been caught
will we realize
we cannot eat money.

Cree Indian Expression

Marianne Goldweber

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