Good Morning all!!
A messenger came to me today, one of our villagers, (thank you J)
and It took me on a small adventure.
I was asked if I read the Celestine Prophecy By James Redfield.
The story that goes with that is amazing.
For any of you who have read it. I was like the hero in the novel. Unaware that there was a "synchronicity" to the way we are guided by the current of the Universe.
That things come to us when we need them.
The premise of the book is that if we can really understand that, and see it at work in our day, then, we are going to be advanced on the spiritual ladder; that then another "insight" will open to us...
I am here to tell you that it has....and does..
I told my messenger today... Everyone I talked to said to me "Did you read the Celestine Prophecy?" and I was so tired of hearing it, that I finally read it, and it changed my life, by awakening me to another perception...
Well, this is all leading up to .............
The Celestine Movie....I found out today is playing at the Cedar Lee 9:55 am every day...LOL
So..."J" Thank you for the message ....
See the Universe does have a sense of humor...........
Here is the thought for the day
The 9 Insights from the CelestineProphecy.
1) The awareness begins with a feeling of restlessness - an inner urging to find more meaning in life. As we respond to this inner prompting we begin to notice the "chance coincidences" - strange synchronistic events in our life. We begin to realize that some underlying process is operating our life.
2) We take a look at the evolution of consciousness (thought) of humankind, and we begin to see everything in a larger prospective. We become conscious of our preoccupation with the material world and begin to seek a deeper meaning and purpose to our lives.
3) We begin to see our connectedness. We become aware of the subtle energy that infuses all things and the relationship we have with that energy. By consciously becoming co-creators and choosing what we think we can have a positive effect on our world.
4) We unconsciously compete for energy from other people and this competition underlies all conflicts. As we begin to become aware of these power struggles, we learn that there is, in Reality, no lack of energy - there is another Greater Source of endless energy.
5) The key to overcoming conflict is tapping into the Greater Source through the mystical experience. In this experience we sense our connectednss and oneness with everything. This experience is available to everyone, as we allow ourselves to be filled with a sense of love.
6) Childhood traumas block our ability to fully experience the mystical. All of us carry wounding and false messages from our past. As we get in touch with our own personal control issues we can begin healing the blocks of our past and transcending them.
7) Once cleared of our past traumas, we can build energy through contemplation and meditation. As we focus on our basic life question, we receive the guidance we need through intuition, dreams, and synchronistic connections that guide us in the direction of our own evolution and transformation.
8) Evolution can't be done alone, so practice uplifting those who cross your path. We are here to support and teach each other. Release addictive relationships, and integrate and embrace all parts of yourself, so that you become a whole person.
9) Our purpose here is to evolve consciously. As our planet evolves through greater technology we are freed up to spend more time to evolve spiritually. As we spend more time connecting with our Higher Source we experience a higher vibratory energy which nurtures ourselves, each other, and our planet. We eventually connect with God's energy in such a way that we become beings of light and the kingdom of heaven is manifested here on earth.
- James Redfield, from the book "The Celestine Prophecy"
Marianne Goldweber