Thursday, July 27, 2006

Good Morning,

Mercury will be going direct, which means slowing and stopping, before it goes back the other way, just in time for Monday Morning (thank the heavens!!)

Time to get all those postponed plans underway.

Today is about gratitude...

Let's be grateful.

For lessons learned (even if they were difficult)

For guidance..

For Family...

For friends...

For our planet and Mother Earth...

Let's practice gratitude today and give in thanks for all the blessings that we have received.

Marianne Goldweber

Here is the thought for the day...

Live your life so that the fear of death can never enter your heart.

When you arise in the morning, give thanks for the morning light.

Give thanks for your life and strength.

Give thanks for your food and for the joy of living.

And if perchance you see no reason for giving thanks,

Rest assured the fault is in yourself.

Chief Tecumseh, Shawnee Indian Chief


Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Is there a purpose to this?

Good Morning All!!
The other day we talked about the fact that there are no coincidences.
That if we remain alert, and present, that we will see the "synchronicity" that the universe provides for us.
I was invited by a friend...( HI D  ) to attend a networking event, the Pisces procrastinator in me was VERY reluctant to go at 6:30 this morning.
However, my little voice has no snooze.... and I went.
When I arrived and I introduced myself to the greeter,and a man ran over to me and said that he had received a message from me through someone else a long time ago and he thought there was no way that we would ever meet me....(Guess again!)
The rest of the event was filled with messages such as this.
Sometimes.... we may be in places, inconvenienced, not where we think we belong, and cannot rationalize why...
Know that everything is exactly as it should be, and you may not ever realize why, or like me today; get a confirmation for why we are compelled to do things that seem out of place...
Here is the thought for the day!
The place God calls you to
is the place where your deep gladness
and the world's deep need meet.
Frederick Buechner
Marianne Goldweber

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Embrace the squirrel in you!!

Good Morning!
We don't allow for any of the natural cycles of life
(yes....there are cycles)
That's why they are so painful; From our menstrual cycles to menopause,
we fight it all the way....
We have been swimming upstream for so long, trying to reach the glittery thing ahead; only to get there and find out it's an old gum wrapper.........
We have believed the illusion that being still is "lazy"
That if we don't have every minute accounted for, and don't feel exhausted, then we aren't productive.
Says who?
Are  you satisfied with your life?
What would it take to make it the way you want it?
The moon....
The days and nights....
The seasons.....
The coming of ages in our lives....
These are all natural cycles...
They exist to bring us order, just like in Nature there is order..
Squirrels don't work hard all year... they plan and store.... and rest and play...
according to the seasonal cycles, the times of day.
Rather than keeping up with the Jones', Lets keep up with our friends in nature.
Just don't run across the street looking for a nut... without looking both ways.....
Here is the thought for the day!!!
Only when the last tree has died
and the last river has been poisoned
and the last fish has been caught
will we realize
we cannot eat money.

Cree Indian Expression

Marianne Goldweber

Monday, July 24, 2006


Good Morning!
Today is officially the New moon, and for us humans being; it means mourning what hasn't come to pass, and making plans for new and improved things in our lives to bring out by the Full Moon, 2 weeks from now.
We aren't meant to push though these cycles.
If we embrace them and allow them to be purposeful, life would go a lot smoother the rest of the month.
Time to get a new perspective on your old issues and release it to the Universe.
So if you are feeling a little sentimental and moving a little slow, take some time and allow yourself a little extra kindness today.Be gentle with the self; You'll be glad you did.
Here is the thought for the day.

'My heart is afraid that it will have to suffer,'
the boy told the alchemist one night as they looked up at the moonless sky.

'Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself.
And that no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams,
because every second of the search is a second's encounter with God and with eternity.'
Paulo Coelho
Marianne Goldweber

Monday, July 17, 2006

Celestine Prophecy

Good Morning all!!
A messenger came to me today, one of our villagers, (thank you J)
and It took me on a small adventure.
I was asked if I read the Celestine Prophecy By James Redfield.
The story that goes with that is amazing.
For any of you who have read it. I was like the hero in the novel. Unaware that there was a "synchronicity" to the way we are guided by the current of the Universe.
That things come to us when we need them.
The premise of the book is that if we can really understand that, and see it at work in our day, then, we are going to be advanced on the spiritual ladder; that then another "insight" will open to us...
I am here to tell you that it has....and does..
I told my messenger today... Everyone I talked to said to me "Did you read the Celestine Prophecy?" and I was so tired of hearing it, that I finally read it, and it changed my life, by awakening me to another perception...
Well, this is all leading up to .............
The Celestine Movie....I found out today is playing at the Cedar Lee 9:55 am every day...LOL
So..."J"  Thank you for the message ....
See the Universe does have a sense of humor...........
Here is the thought for the day
The 9 Insights from the CelestineProphecy.

1) The awareness begins with a feeling of restlessness - an inner urging to find more meaning in life. As we respond to this inner prompting we begin to notice the "chance coincidences" - strange synchronistic events in our life. We begin to realize that some underlying process is operating our life.

2) We take a look at the evolution of consciousness (thought) of humankind, and we begin to see everything in a larger prospective. We become conscious of our preoccupation with the material world and begin to seek a deeper meaning and purpose to our lives.

3) We begin to see our connectedness. We become aware of the subtle energy that infuses all things and the relationship we have with that energy. By consciously becoming co-creators and choosing what we think we can have a positive effect on our world.

4) We unconsciously compete for energy from other people and this competition underlies all conflicts. As we begin to become aware of these power struggles, we learn that there is, in Reality, no lack of energy - there is another Greater Source of endless energy.

5) The key to overcoming conflict is tapping into the Greater Source through the mystical experience. In this experience we sense our connectednss and oneness with everything. This experience is available to everyone, as we allow ourselves to be filled with a sense of love.

6) Childhood traumas block our ability to fully experience the mystical. All of us carry wounding and false messages from our past. As we get in touch with our own personal control issues we can begin healing the blocks of our past and transcending them.

7) Once cleared of our past traumas, we can build energy through contemplation and meditation. As we focus on our basic life question, we receive the guidance we need through intuition, dreams, and synchronistic connections that guide us in the direction of our own evolution and transformation.

8) Evolution can't be done alone, so practice uplifting those who cross your path. We are here to support and teach each other. Release addictive relationships, and integrate and embrace all parts of yourself, so that you become a whole person.

9) Our purpose here is to evolve consciously. As our planet evolves through greater technology we are freed up to spend more time to evolve spiritually. As we spend more time connecting with our Higher Source we experience a higher vibratory energy which nurtures ourselves, each other, and our planet. We eventually connect with God's energy in such a way that we become beings of light and the kingdom of heaven is manifested here on earth.

- James Redfield, from the book "The Celestine Prophecy"

Marianne Goldweber

Friday, July 14, 2006

Masters of our Destiny!!!

Good Morning!!
Many of us are "managing our lives", not controlling them.
Working, being in debt, paying bills, and trying to fit in enough "time" for all of the other important things in our lives has become a vicious circle.
Today. Right now. Things have to change for you.
Now is the time to look with clarity at what is really going on in your life.
By our example we show our children that we have many masters, that we are indentured...slaves to our lives...
Our inability to be sustainable, responsible to ourselves;caused us to give our power away, and now, we need more and more  to keep this illusion going.
The price we pay for our denial gets higher and higher.
Our houses are full, even bulging, but we still aren't happy.
We stay in bad jobs or bad relationships because of fear..need...
Time for the self, for our health, physically, emotionally and spiritually is last on the list.
We have created this madness.
How can we live simpler?
Have the courage to face these issues and decide to change..
Become accountable and sustainable.
Ask for help.
The question left to you today is;
What can I do to take responsibility for my life???
What can I do to take the responsibility for  the system, our resources.. that is our society?
What can I do to make life simpler for myself and my family?
What can I do to make this world, Our Mother Earth a more loving peaceful place to live?
Be the Master of your destiny. It begins with you.
Here is the thought for the day! More of a Mantra actually ;)
My will shall shape my future. Whether I fail or succeed shall be no mans doing but my own.
I am the force;
I can clear any obstacle before me or I can be lost in the maze.
My choice, my responsibility;
win or lose,
only I hold the key to my destiny.
  Elaine Maxwell
Marianne Goldweber

Thursday, July 6, 2006

weighing our words

Good Morning all!!! 
Well, we've all made it through the first 2 days of retrograde!!
Weighing our words and being conscious of what we say is not easy.
That 's why, we need to be conscious of the fact that everything we say is like a contract that once uttered, it cannot be undone.
So when we speak fear, or judgement, or negativity it changes the energy around us.
So many times we have regretted the things we have said.
Let's speak love, encouragement, peace, and abundance and watch what happens.
Here is the thought for the day;
We shall do much in the years to come,
but what have we done today?
We shall give our gold in a princely sum,
but what did we give today?
We shall lift the heart and dry the tear,
We shall plant a hope in the place of fear,
We shall speak the words of love and cheer
but what did we speak today?

Nixon Waterman

Marianne Goldweber