Saturday, March 4, 2006

Happiness is.....

Once, there was a young woman,  who was not happy with herself or life who said...
"Ah, If I get married, then all will be well" she found a husband, and married him..Her husband brought her joy,but something was missing...she still was not happy..
So the Married woman said;
"Ah, I must have a house, then all will be well"........and so she and her husband bought a small but lovely house. The house brought her joy, but something was missing....
She was still not happy.......
"Ah if I have a child, then all will be well"....and so she had a child..the child brought her joy..but something was missing....
She still was not happy .....
Her husband felt her frustration,
her home reflected her frustration,
her child felt her frustration.
And so, in desperation, the woman went to the elder grandmother, and shared her feelings.
"I do not feel loved or complete,  I got married, I bought a home, I had a child; I have all of the things that should fill me as a woman, but I still do not have fulfillment." she said.
The grandmother listened......and explained to her daughter that people and things cannot fill the emptiness that comes from not Loving the Self. It is from within that this is filled. By nurturing and educating, taking time with our Spiritual self, Loving and Caring for our bodies, Listening and acknowledging our emotions.
It isn't something that exists outside us, like a home, or children or husbands.
Until we are full and loving from within, we cannot appreciate the gifts in our life. We are selfishly taking in order to fill our empty places. Unable to love without condition.   Once it is filled, we will respect and appreciate our life more than we can imagine.
The woman went home, looked within, and honored her cycles. She did the things for herself that brought her Joy. She shared her Love of the self and appreciated her husband, and she love and nurtured her child and her home was beautiful and welcoming and she was grateful for all of the other blessings in her life.
And she lived happily ever after.....
Marianne Goldweber

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