Thursday, March 9, 2006

Beautiful souls

Good Morning!!


I am blessed to know the most amazing people, some of which, I am fortunate enough to be related to...


Sometimes, we need a reminder of how beautifully our souls shine.


We are quick to criticize and complain, but how often do we share with each other how much someone's soul light has impacted our day, our Life?


That just the presence of their Spirit in our Journey brings us Happiness, Joy, Love, Beauty.


Most people do not actually see their own gifts, that is why we must tell them, appreciate them;  for that same light of The source, Creator, God, exists in you too.


That by acknowledging theirs, you must then acknowledge your own.



Be the deliverer of gratitude to the God- Lights in your Life

and then celebrate your own.


Here is the thought for the day!!

Dedicated to my Sister and friend Sue


The most visible creators are those artists whose medium is life itself.

The ones who express the inexpressible -
without brush, hammer, clay, or guitar.
They neither paint nor sculpt.
Their medium is simply being.
Whatever their presence touches has increased life.
They see, but don't have to draw...
Because they are the artists of being alive.

J. Stone

Marianne Goldweber
Here is the web page:
Here is a link to my journal page: Walking the Red Road

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