The thought of the day;
a letter to Oprah
Dear Oprah,
It is my dream to awaken Millions of women.
I want to give them permission to stop being victims, to shake off the blanket of self-doubt.
To stop blaming and start empowering themselves, regardless of their calling or status in this Life journey.
To become a Nation of healthy women, so we can begin to help our sons and daughters. Spreading the word to our Sisters all over the World.
I want women to see the power exists within.
To love themselves and be free from the need for external validation; Physically, Sexually, Emotionally and Spiritually.
I want to teach our daughters to see themselves as Life Givers, fertile soil from which Life, Ideas and the Future is born...
To believe so strongly in their own sense of self that they will not look to someone else to fill them with who they need to be.
Women are the keepers of the power, which we give away to those who do not honor it and then we resent it when we are used.
This World of ours needs Love, and who better to do that than the Women, the Life Givers, the Nurturers...The Dreamers of Dreams.
However, we are not healthy, we are not sure of what our role is.
We are so busy doing it alone, the supreme martyr, working in jobs we hate, for people who do not appreciate us, we cannot find the time to take a bubble bath let alone hug the world....
Our children are in day care being nurtured by strangers, just so we can limp by financially. Too tired to do more than make dinner and go to bed.
Just to do it again in the morning....
Women are waiting for someone to notice their suffering, and then, when we finally get the attention, they want something from us like overtime or sex...
Women give it away, hoping to be rescued.....
A woman, The statue of Liberty stands in our harbor, saying;
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
The Women and the Children of the United States are the huddled masses,
I hate to break it to you girls, but there is no magic cream or injection that can plump up your self esteem or self worth other than; a good hard look in the mirror, the loving support of the Universe, and other healthy women .
Many have bravely gone before us.
These are some women who took a stand in spite of the odds, judgment and ridicule, ancestors who’s stories bring us courage;
Sojourner Truth, Lucy Stone, Mary Eliza Church Terrell, Susan B Anthony, Margaret Higgins Sanger
Betty Friedan,,Gloria Steinem. Just to name a few.
So, my message to the women of the United States;
This is the land of opportunity, and we must be willing to Believe...
In the Divine that loves us and in our Future.
Enough to stand up, get educated, get excited and get moving...
Marianne Goldweber
Walking the Red Road