Friday, July 8, 2005

Finding Truth in the Lies we tell ourselves.


There area many difficulties on this Earthwalk, most of them have to do with coming to the Truth; the painfulness of the Truth as we emerge from the lies that we tell ourselves.  

We are set into these illusions from birth, the Tooth fairy, Santa Claus, The Easter bunny. We continue to set up fantasies because life could not be Magical enough the way it is...

Remenber how you felt when you found out it was a lie....  

My Son and I were having a discussion about secets, and lies, when he said; "Well Mom, tell me about Santa Claus, is that a lie?"

"Yes", I said, and  then I proceeded to "come clean" on all of these things, (the Tooth fairy, Easter bunny etc) 

He asked why we do that?  I said, "Well, parents just want you to believe in Magic." 

He said, "Mom, you show me that Magic happens every day" .....

How can we tell our children not to lie, when they cannot trust us to tell them the truth, always.

It took some time for me to redeem myself in his eyes. I never want to feel like that again.  

But, what of the fantasies that we continue to perpetuate, because we do not want to feel the pain of the realization that we have been duped?  Or we have duped someone else? That we have duped ourselves?

Thus begins the struggle...  

Instead of admitting our place and financial limitation, we live on the false security of extended credit. Rather that love and honor what and where we are, and live within our means..

We need to trust that we will receive abundance from the Universe, see the Magic that is already afoot in our lives with out creating false hopes..

Seeing the Magic of messages and messengers.

The ability to have Faith, ask for Guidance, and Listening patiently for the answer.  

If we look at life in the clarity of the Sun, Illuminating the shadows, life begins to be Peaceful, and we begin to live Free, walking in Beauty and Truth and make our Dreams come true..    

Here is the Thought for the day;  

One of the most tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living. We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon-instead of enjoying the roses blooming outside our windows today.

Dale Carnegie


Marianne Goldweber
Here is the web page:
Here is a link to my journal page: Walking the Red Road

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