Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The monster under the bed?? Or old smelly sock?

When will we learn that when we put off things, that they may be out of our of sight, BUT not really out of mind.
Out of sight also does not mean that they aren't getting bigger while we are not looking...
Our "little voice" says;
"Hey, you know that ______ that you put off, it's over there getting bigger!"
"Psst...hey, hello, there is this big ugly thing over here, it doesn't look happy..."
"Hey, Yo! Yea you.... it's coming for you!!!"
And then, it re-appears, but, less manageable than before, wether it's a toothache, squeaky brakes, or unpaid debt.......
Here is the thought for the day:
For want of a nail, the shoe was lost;
For want of the shoe, the horse was lost;
For want of the horse, the rider was lost;
For want of the rider, the battle was lost;
For want of the battle, the kingdom was lost;
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.
Marianne Goldweber

Friday, March 17, 2006

Good Morning!
It takes courage to change.
It takes courage to stand up for what you believe.
To take a stand, means to be exposed to the criticism, and the fear of others.
Change anyway.
Believe anyway.
Take a stand anyway.
Because once you do, you will not be alone for long.
You will give others the courage to come forward, to find their voice, to speak their truth.
That is how we change the world.
It starts with you.
Here is the thought for the day!
Power is of two kinds.
One is obtained by the fear of punishment and the other by acts of love.
Power based on love is a thousand times more effective and permanent
than the one derived from fear of punishment. 
Marianne Goldweber

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Black Elks Vision- Love Each other- Heal Mother

Healing Ourselves and the Earth.
Early on my spiritual path, I read an amazing book called "Black Elk Speaks"
It is a book written about a Oglala Sioux Holy Man. Black Elk, who had visions of healing of the Native peoples and of the Earth by all of us becoming one.
He was revered by his people, and now by people all over the world.
It leaves us asking; How can we heal ourselves and the world?
Is it through drama and conflict, or Peace and Love?
At the end of the book, he asked to return, before his death to pray on the spot where his original visions came.
Let's not let the vision die.
 Our thought of the day the authors postscript from
Here is the thought for the day
 So the trip to Harney Peak was arranged, and a few days later we were there. On the way up to the summit, Black Elk remarked to his son, Ben: "Something should happen to-day. If I have any power left, the thunder beings of the west should hear me when I send a voice, and there should be at least a little thunder and a little rain. " What happened is, of course, related to Wasichu readers as being merely a more or less striking coincidence.
It was a bright and cloudless day, and after we had reached the summit the sky was perfectly clear. It was a season of drouth, one of the worst in the memory of the old men. The sky remained clear until about the conclusion of the ceremony.
    "Right over there, " said Black Elk, indicating a point of rock, "is where I stood in my vision, but the hoop of the world about me was different, for what I saw was in the spirit."
    Having dressed and painted himself as he was in his great Vision, he faced the west, holding the
sacred pipe before him in his right hand.
Then he sent forth a voice; and a thin, pathetic voice it seemed in that vast space around us:
Hey-a-a-hey! Hey-a-a-hey! Hey-a-a-hey! Hey-a-a-hey!
Grandfather, Great Spirit, once more behold me on earth and lean to hear my feeble voice. You lived first, and you are older than all need, older than all prayer.
All things belong to you--the two-leggeds, the four-leggeds, the wings of the air and all green things that live.
You have set the powers of the four quarters to cross each other.
The good road and the road of difficulties you have made to cross; and where they cross, the place is holy. Day in and day out, forever, you are the life of things.
"Therefore I am sending a voice,
Great Spirit, my Grandfather, forgetting nothing you have made, the stars of the universe and the grasses of the earth.
"You have said to me, when I was still young and could hope, that in difficulty I should send a voice four times, once for each quarter of the earth, and you would hear me.
"To-day I send a voice for a people in despair.
"You have given me a sacred pipe, and through this I should make my offering.
You see it now.
"From the west, you have given me the cup of living water and the sacred bow, the power to make live and to destroy.
You have given me a sacred wind and the herb from where the white giant lives-- the cleansing power and the healing.
The daybreak star and the pipe, you have given from the east; and from the south, the nation's sacred hoop and the tree that was to bloom.
To the center of the world you have taken me and showed the goodness and the beauty and the strangeness of the greening earth, the only mother--and there the spirit shapes of things, as they should be, you have shown to me and I have seen.
At the center of this sacred hoop you have said that I should make the tree to bloom.
"With tears running, O
Great Spirit, Great Spirit, my Grandfather--with running tears I must say now that the tree has never bloomed.
A pitiful old man, you see me here, and I have fallen away and have done nothing. Here at the center of the world, where you took me when I was young and taught me; here, old, I stand, and the tree is withered, Grandfather, my Grandfather!
"Again, and maybe the last time on this earth, I recall the great vision you sent me. It may be that some little root of the sacred tree still lives.
Nourish it then, that it may leaf and bloom and fill with singing birds.
Hear me, not for myself, but for my people; I am old.
Hear me that they may once more go back into the sacred hoop and find the good red road, the shielding tree! "

    We who listened now noted that thin clouds had gathered about us. A scant chill rain began to fall and there was low, muttering thunder without lightning. With tears running down his cheeks, the old man raised his voice to a thin high wail, and chanted:
"In sorrow I am sending a feeble voice, O Six Powers of the World. Hear me in my sorrow, for I may never call again. O make my people live!"
    For some minutes the old man stood silent, with face uplifted, weeping in the drizzling rain.
In a little while the sky was clear again.
Marianne Goldweber

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

We ask, and pray, and think, and wait. We look for signs and answers but sometimes we forget to change our perception, look in a different way.
Like a whisper, or a breeze, Creator speaks to us, the answers come but not in the way we expect.
Sometimes it is in a song on the radio, or the words of a stranger, or the sun breaking through the clouds; even a vision, a creature, an insect.
Trust that the answer always comes. 
But are we listening, present with all of our senses?
Not hearing the answer because it is clouded by our expectation.
Not willing to be open to other possibilities. Because it is not what we want.
Listen for the answers in the nuance of your day, be present to other forms of communication from the Universe.
Here is the thought for the day:
The child whispered, "God, speak to me"
And a meadow lark sang.
The child did not hear.

So the child yelled, "God, speak to me!"
And the thunder rolled across the sky
But the child did not listen.

The child looked around and said,
"God let me see you" and a star shone brightly
But the child did not notice

And the child shouted,
"God show me a miracle!"
And a life was born but the child did not know.

So the child cried out in despair,
"Touch me God, and let me know you are here!"
Whereupon God reached down
And touched the child.
But the child brushed the  butterfly away
And walked away unknowingly.

Ravindra Kumar Karnani


Marianne Goldweber

Friday, March 10, 2006

The winds of change- an Ode to Spring

Good Morning!!
Like bears from  a winter sleep we are starting to come outside the cave and look around.
I was looking at my yard, still littered with the traces of Fall.
The squirrels, chattering excitedly, chasing each other,
as the winds of March blow.
I stood outside and allowed the wind to blow away the cobwebs of my mind. Like waking from a dreamy sleep, brushing the sand from my eyes.
 I feel the sap staring to run as ideas and inspiration come to me in visions that are Technicolor... taking my breath away.
As I moved the leaves, the tiny green heads of the crocus peeking back at me as they reach from the brown blanket of Earth.
Like seeing a long forgotten friend.
Take some time today to allow the winds of change to wash over you and
be present to the changing of the seasons....
It will inspire you to bring change into your life.
Here is the thought for the day-

 Never be afraid to do something new.

Remember, Amateurs built the Ark;

Professionals built the Titanic


Marianne Goldweber

Thursday, March 9, 2006

Beautiful souls

Good Morning!!


I am blessed to know the most amazing people, some of which, I am fortunate enough to be related to...


Sometimes, we need a reminder of how beautifully our souls shine.


We are quick to criticize and complain, but how often do we share with each other how much someone's soul light has impacted our day, our Life?


That just the presence of their Spirit in our Journey brings us Happiness, Joy, Love, Beauty.


Most people do not actually see their own gifts, that is why we must tell them, appreciate them;  for that same light of The source, Creator, God, exists in you too.


That by acknowledging theirs, you must then acknowledge your own.



Be the deliverer of gratitude to the God- Lights in your Life

and then celebrate your own.


Here is the thought for the day!!

Dedicated to my Sister and friend Sue


The most visible creators are those artists whose medium is life itself.

The ones who express the inexpressible -
without brush, hammer, clay, or guitar.
They neither paint nor sculpt.
Their medium is simply being.
Whatever their presence touches has increased life.
They see, but don't have to draw...
Because they are the artists of being alive.

J. Stone

Marianne Goldweber
Here is the web page:http://hometown.aol.com/blueroadspirit/myhomepage/business.html
Here is a link to my journal page: Walking the Red Road

Wednesday, March 8, 2006

Oprah !!!

The thought of the day;
a letter to Oprah


Dear Oprah,


It is my dream to awaken Millions of women.

I want to give them permission to stop being victims, to shake off the blanket of self-doubt.


To stop blaming and start empowering themselves, regardless of their calling or status in this Life journey.


To become a Nation of healthy women, so we can begin to help our sons and daughters. Spreading the word to our Sisters all over the World.


I want women to see the power exists within.

To love themselves and be free from the need for external validation; Physically, Sexually, Emotionally and Spiritually.


I want to teach our daughters to see themselves as Life Givers, fertile soil from which Life, Ideas and the Future is born...


To believe so strongly in their own sense of self that they will not look to someone else to fill them with who they need to be.


Women are the keepers of the power, which we give away to those who do not honor it and then we resent it when we are used.


This World of ours needs Love, and who better to do that than the Women, the Life Givers, the Nurturers...The Dreamers of Dreams.


However, we are not healthy, we are not sure of what our role is.


We are so busy doing it alone, the supreme martyr, working in jobs we hate, for people who do not appreciate us, we cannot find the time to take a bubble bath let alone hug the world....


Our children are in day care being nurtured by strangers, just so we can limp by financially. Too tired to do more than make dinner and go to bed.

Just to do it again in the morning....


Women are waiting for someone to notice their suffering, and then, when we finally get the attention, they want something from us like overtime or sex...

Women give it away, hoping to be rescued.....


A woman, The statue of Liberty stands in our harbor, saying;

 “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

The Women and the Children of the United States are the huddled masses,

I hate to break it to you girls, but there is no magic cream or injection that can plump up your self esteem or self worth other than; a good hard look in the mirror, the loving support of the Universe, and other healthy women .

Many have bravely gone before us.

These are some women  who took a stand in spite of the odds, judgment and ridicule, ancestors who’s stories bring us courage;


Sojourner Truth, Lucy Stone, Mary Eliza Church Terrell, Susan B Anthony, Margaret Higgins Sanger

Betty Friedan,,Gloria Steinem. Just to name a few.


So, my message to the women of the United States;


This is the land of opportunity, and we must be willing to Believe...

In Ourselves...in the Divine that loves us and in our Future.

Enough to stand up, get educated, get excited and get moving...


Marianne Goldweber

Walking the Red Road  

Tuesday, March 7, 2006

S#*& Happens

Life hands us many unexpected situations.
How we react to them is based on what has happened to us thus far.......
The reaction rarely has anything to do with the issue at hand.
For example;
The transmission goes in the car..... 700.00...yikes.....
Mental process;
No matter how far ahead I get, things put me back in the hole, and my ex husband is driving a brand new car, sorry B*$@$$,  I supported his sorry butt for 15 years... I would have the money today if I wasn't stupid enough to just give it away.........
How did we get there!?......
Could there maybe be unfinished business with the past..Yea...
Does it have anything to do with the problem at hand....No.....
When we face critical situations, how we face those issues depend on how willing we are to look at these issues separately....
Allowing the past to manage our future is exhausting, we don't then have the energy to face and solve our dilemma du jour. 
Keeping us in a place of victim; Not allowing us to take our personal power and remove the obstacles.
Shoulda- coulda- woulda is what I say, more Karma solved!
Murphy's law click here for more info!!
Here is the thought for the day
Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.

You will always find something in the last place you look.

No matter how long or how hard you shop for an item, after you've bought it, it will be on sale somewhere cheaper.

The other line always moves faster.

In order to get a loan, you must first prove you don't need it.

Anything you try to fix will take longer and cost you more than you thought.

If you fool around with a thing for very long you will screw it up.

If it jams - force it. If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway.

When a broken appliance is demonstrated for the repairman, it will work perfectly.

Build a system that even a fool can use, and only a fool will use it.

Everyone has a scheme for getting rich that will not work.

In any hierarchy, each individual rises to his own level of incompetence, and then remains there.

There's never time to do it right, but there's always time to do it over.

When in doubt, mumble. When in trouble, delegate.

Anything good in life is either illegal, immoral or fattening.

Murphy's golden rule: whoever has the gold makes the rules.

Nature always sides with the hidden flaw.

A Smith & Wesson beats four aces.

In case of doubt, make it sound convincing.

Never argue with a fool, people might not know the difference.

Marianne Goldweber    :)

Saturday, March 4, 2006

Happiness is.....

Once, there was a young woman,  who was not happy with herself or life who said...
"Ah, If I get married, then all will be well" .....so she found a husband, and married him..Her husband brought her joy,but something was missing...she still was not happy..
So the Married woman said;
"Ah, I must have a house, then all will be well"........and so she and her husband bought a small but lovely house. The house brought her joy, but something was missing....
She was still not happy.......
"Ah if I have a child, then all will be well"....and so she had a child..the child brought her joy..but something was missing....
She still was not happy .....
Her husband felt her frustration,
her home reflected her frustration,
her child felt her frustration.
And so, in desperation, the woman went to the elder grandmother, and shared her feelings.
"I do not feel loved or complete,  I got married, I bought a home, I had a child; I have all of the things that should fill me as a woman, but I still do not have fulfillment." she said.
The grandmother listened......and explained to her daughter that people and things cannot fill the emptiness that comes from not Loving the Self. It is from within that this is filled. By nurturing and educating, taking time with our Spiritual self, Loving and Caring for our bodies, Listening and acknowledging our emotions.
It isn't something that exists outside us, like a home, or children or husbands.
Until we are full and loving from within, we cannot appreciate the gifts in our life. We are selfishly taking in order to fill our empty places. Unable to love without condition.   Once it is filled, we will respect and appreciate our life more than we can imagine.
The woman went home, looked within, and honored her cycles. She did the things for herself that brought her Joy. She shared her Love of the self and appreciated her husband, and she love and nurtured her child and her home was beautiful and welcoming and she was grateful for all of the other blessings in her life.
And she lived happily ever after.....
Marianne Goldweber

Wednesday, March 1, 2006

Who am I?????

Good Morning! Miss me?
Learing to be "an authentic you" can be a process.
Like....If you are not in balance...not "in tune" with who you really are because work, family and life have kept you on the hamster wheel.
Finally looking up to see that is it no longer 1985 and time, styles and our bodies have changed....lol      Nothing seems to fit, from our jeans to our relationships.....
Hmmmmmm, what is the common denominator here??
Well, there's hope...
Discovering  our authentic self requires attention to detail, time and yes......laughter.....
I believe that taking ourselves and life too seriously is part of our inability to find balance.
Who are you?
What do you want from this life journey?
What is your ultimate dream?
Are you fun to be with? (be honest)
Are you thoughtful?
Are you always barking orders to family, so consumed with the "to do" list that you forgot to pencil in "get a grip, lighten up"?
Take some time off, get in touch with your self...
Join us for Serenity Sundays at the Fairview hospital Wellness center, go to
for a list of classes for March..We are offering some "FREE" classes too, registration required so call today!! 216.324.2657
Here is the thought for the day!
To laugh often and love much; to win the respect of intelligent persons and the affection of children, to earn the approbation of honest critics; to appreciate beauty; to give of one's self, to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with exultation; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived--that is to have succeeded.
Author: Ralph Waldo Emerson
Marianne Goldweber