Thursday, December 22, 2005

who am I????

Good Morning!!!! identity, if found please call immediately; possible reward.........  

Close your eyes, envision yourself. Do you really know what you look like? Do you know how you sound?  

A training tool that I incorporate is recording the sound of your own voice. Just talking on the phone, or having casual conversation.  

Because we are outside our own ears, our voice sounds very different.  

I was blessed to have a mentor who required we listen to ourselves daily on tape until we liked what we heard.....

I used the annoying space fillers like Ummm, like, uhh, but, and, etc.....

He taught me to stop, and take a breath instead, and eventually, I became aware of how I spoke, of what I said, and the tone and inflection in my voice...  

The spoken word is powerful, it projects who we are and what we want, to the Universe...  

Are you positive when you speak to others, or negative. Do you ask for good things or articulate fear?  

Try this at home, and see what you project. See and hear what others hear by observing yourself in a different way.    

Let us know how it turns out......  

Here is the thought for the day!!  

Looking back you realize,
That a very special person passed briefly through your life;
And it was you.
It is not too late to find that person again.

Robert Brault

Marianne Goldweber
Here is the web page:
My blog : Walking the Red Road
Calendar of classes!!
Serenity Sunday class descriptions CLICK HERE

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