Monday, December 26, 2005

Let go of the old and embrace the new!

Good Morning all!!!  

The end of 2005 draws near...  

On Dec 30, we will have the equivalent of a blue moon, which is when we have 2 Full moons in the same month, except, this month we have a Black Moon, or two New Moons in the same month.  

This is the only time, for about a year and a half, that we will see the full cycle of the moon in one month.....New to Full to New again.....  

This  New moon is a time of completion, of mourning and removing the things that are no longer good for us, and beginning to create out of the darkness the things we want to manifest.  

In the Wiccan path, all magic or intention in the Black Moon (second new moon in the month) have extraordinary power. Which is fitting in order to finish the old year and get ready for the New year!  

Create a ritual, write it down your dream , chant it, pray it, bury it, burn it.  Make your intentions out loud, and then go about making it happen.  

Ask for what you want. Ask for the strength to make it happen. Ask for the courage to move out of bad habits, bad situations, relationships.    

A new Year is coming, full of promise, opportunity, hopes and dreams.

Let's make it happen.  

Here is the thought for the day!!  

It is for us to pray not for tasks equal to our powers, but for powers equal to our tasks, to go forward with a great desire forever beating at the door of our hearts as we travel towards our distant goal.
Helen Keller   .

Marianne Goldweber
A Sacred Circle Consulting Here is the web page:MARIANNE GOLDWEBER WEB PAGE
My blog :
Walking the Red Road
Calendar of classes!!
Serenity Sunday class descriptions

Thursday, December 22, 2005

who am I????

Good Morning!!!! identity, if found please call immediately; possible reward.........  

Close your eyes, envision yourself. Do you really know what you look like? Do you know how you sound?  

A training tool that I incorporate is recording the sound of your own voice. Just talking on the phone, or having casual conversation.  

Because we are outside our own ears, our voice sounds very different.  

I was blessed to have a mentor who required we listen to ourselves daily on tape until we liked what we heard.....

I used the annoying space fillers like Ummm, like, uhh, but, and, etc.....

He taught me to stop, and take a breath instead, and eventually, I became aware of how I spoke, of what I said, and the tone and inflection in my voice...  

The spoken word is powerful, it projects who we are and what we want, to the Universe...  

Are you positive when you speak to others, or negative. Do you ask for good things or articulate fear?  

Try this at home, and see what you project. See and hear what others hear by observing yourself in a different way.    

Let us know how it turns out......  

Here is the thought for the day!!  

Looking back you realize,
That a very special person passed briefly through your life;
And it was you.
It is not too late to find that person again.

Robert Brault

Marianne Goldweber
Here is the web page:
My blog : Walking the Red Road
Calendar of classes!!
Serenity Sunday class descriptions CLICK HERE

Friday, December 16, 2005

Are the voices in my head bothering you?

Good Morning!  

I was recently presented with a message that was coming to me over and over, but from different directions.  

I had my own personal message in meditation, then I met people in the course of my day, who either had the same situation, or told me of someone they knew having the same situation....unsolicited.  

That is how the messages come. 

It is not like Gabriel's horn, it is not heralding;   


It's more like a gentle nudge from the other side. Like a whisper. (Wasn't there an old commercial that said, "If you want to get someone's attention....whisper?")  

Well, if you don't hear it the first time, guaranteed, the message will repeat, but from a different source, to change your perception....  

Sometimes it can be ongoing like a child, that you are ignoring.... "MOM,MOM,.MOM,MOM"   "WHAT???!!  

Try this for one week, try to be aware of the little voice inside...humor it, and you may be in for a pleasant surprise, and trust it more often.....  

Our quote is from my favorite poet/medium, Kahlil Gibran click on his name to go to his home page.  

Here is the thought for the day-  

There is something greater and purer than what the mouth utters.   Silence illuminates our souls, whispers to our hearts, and brings them together.  

Silence separates us from ourselves, makes us sail the firmament of spirit, and brings us closer to Heaven;  

It makes us feel that bodies are no more than prisons and that this world is only a place of exile.

Author: Kahlil Gibran
Source: The Broken Wings by Kahlil Gibran

Marianne Goldweber
Here is the web page:
My blog : Walking the Red Road
Calendar of classes!!
Serenity Sunday class descriptions CLICK HERE
A Sacred Circle Consulting

Thursday, December 15, 2005

'Tis the Season!

  I was watching TV and I am loving some of the holiday commercials!!  

The Vikings for Capital one, the lady licking the chocolate fountain for BJ's. 

   What would you possibly do with a chocolate fountain? It would probably end up under the counter with the Dice-O-Matic.  

I have found myself returning to simpler celebrations.Needing to reinstate ritual and traditions.  

Making cinnamon ornaments, stringing popcorn, making paper chains, making a Yule log, pulling out my mother and grandmother's recipe for Christmas cookies.

It's also a way to be present with our loved ones who are on the Blue Road of Spirit, those who have crossed over.  

Really thinking about our loved ones and what we could do to celebrate our gratitude for them in our life, possibly including a letter of gratitude with your gift.  

It's not the making of things, or gift giving that excites me, it's being together and talking about tradition, about appreciating the people in our life, getting together. Passing that on to children.  

This season is about rest after the preparation and harvest of fall, to nurture ourselves and our families. Following the natural rhythms of Winter allow us to hibernate a bit, by not pushing so hard.  

It is time to create, reflect, rest. Put all of those pictures in an album, work on a jigsaw puzzle, finish that book that you have been putting off. Drinking tea. Baking, an old recipe. Playing a board game with the kids. Watch family movies.  

Whatever your traditions, apply gratitude for the many blessings in your life and share that love with the world.  

Here is the thought of the day:  

Every person has the power to make others happy.  

Some do it simply by entering a room --  

 others by leaving the room.  

 Some individuals leave trails of gloom;  

 others, trails of joy.  

Some leave trails of hate and bitterness;  

others, trails of love and harmony.  

Some leave trails of cynicism and pessimism;  

others trails of faith and optimism.  

Some leave trails of criticism and resignation;  

others trails of gratitude and hope.  

What kind of trails do you leave?"

 William Arthur Ward American, dedicated scholar, author, editor, pastor and teacher)

Marianne Goldweber
Here is the web page:
My blog : Walking the Red Road
Calendar of classes!!
Serenity Sunday class descriptions CLICK HERE

Monday, December 12, 2005

It's a Wonderful Life!

Good Morning everyone!  

I was at the video store and bought a copy of :It's a Wonderful Life."  

 I can hear the groans from  

I have never seen this movie all the way through, I usually came in the middle and never got to see the end.

So...I was a little under the weather and watched it start to finish.  

Here is a man, who has expectations, dreams and aspirations, but is always being positioned to be something else...To do something else....To put his dreams away to take up responsibility.  

 Finally, one day, faced with impending doom, he looks back at the regret and missed opportunities of his life, the seeming insurmountable dilemma facing him, and sees that killing himself would be the best way to leave everyone in a better financial place, since he had a life insurance policy.  

So, down to the river he goes ... he stands looking into the water, and out of nowhere, into the river jumps another man...

Being the man he is, George jumps in to save him. Even in his most desperate hour, he looks beyond himself to instinctively do the higher thing.  

After pulling the man to safety, the man, Clarence, innocent and odd, tells him that he is an Angel, sent to show him the beauty that is his life. He must convince and help George in order to get his "wings".  

George tells the Angel, that it would have been better if had not been born at all, AND SO IT WAS....  

As his reality is unraveled, life without him ever existing was decadent, seedy and without love, compassion and joy...The town he loved and the people were suffering and unhappy.  

For the ripple effect of his life in this existence, had impacts that even he could not comprehend.  

George does not like what he sees, and realizes that he indeed has a a wonderful life, and whatever he is facing is better that never existing at all...

   George wanted to go back, he had seen enough, but he lost Clarence the Angel.

So down to the river he goes, and it is there that he steps back into his reality.  

He hurries home, to find that, in his hour of need, when he had felt so alone, the man who helped everyone unconditionally, forgot to ask when he was in need  

Here came everyone he ever helped, willing to give to the man who had so selflessly gave to them. 

Even people who he didn't know, saw this outpouring of love and gave too.  

And on top of the pile of money was the book "Tom Sawyer" from the Angel inscribed;  

Our thought of the day;  

Dear George;-

Remember, no man is a failure who has friends.

Thanks for the wings!



It is indeed a Wonderful life.

Marianne Goldweber
Here is the web page:
Here is a link to my journal page: Walking the Red Road
Serenity Sunday class descriptions CLICK HERE

Thursday, December 8, 2005

Let it be

Good Morning! Happy Thursday

In so many cultures and faiths, "the Mother" is the source of unconditional Love, Peace and Harmony. In addition to Creation, Nurturing and Compassion.

There is indescribable comfort in knowing that Our spiritual Mother loves us.  

She is there, guiding and loving. She asks that we be honest with ourselves, heal and grow.

She brings Peace in the midst of chaos.

Her message is of Love and peaceful solutions.

In this world, there is much chaos, it is more important now than ever to ask the Mother to bring Peace.

To teach the world to Love.

If you could, offer a meditation, prayer or thought to the Mother, to help us heal, find peace in our own lives and offer that wish for the World.

Today is the anniversary of the death of John Lennon, and our thought of the day comes from him, through the words of his song;

Let it be

When I find myself in times of trouble
Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.

And in my hour of darkness
She is standing right in front of me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.

And when the broken hearted people
Living in the world agree,
There will be an answer, let it be.

For though they may be parted there is
Still a chance that they will see
There will be an answer, let it be.
Let it be, let it be. Yeah
There will be an answer, let it be.

And when the night is cloudy,
There is still a light that shines on me,
Shine on until tomorrow, let it be.

I wake up to the sound of music
Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
There will be an answer, let it be.
Let it be, let it be,
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be


Marianne Goldweber
Here is the web page:
Here is a link to my journal page: Walking the Red Road
Serenity Sunday class descriptions CLICK HERE

Monday, December 5, 2005



We wait for life to change before we do.

We wait, and wait and wait for things to be different, for the kids to grow up, waiting for someone else to give us permission to move, grow and change.  

I am here to give you permission to live your life.  

We sit.... poised, waiting for the doorbell to ring....  

A life is not delivered UPS, to our door; we have to go out and look for it.  

We must step out of our comfort place and go in search of what brings us joy, what speaks to us.  

To learn new things, and have new experiences.  

To change your perceptions.  

It inspires others, once they see how fun it is and what it has done for you!!!

Here is the thought for the day!!  

To be always intending to make a new and better life but never to find time to set about it,  is as to put off eating and drinking and sleeping from one day to the next until you're dead.

Og Mandino  
Author of Greatest Salesman In The World

Marianne Goldweber
Here is a link to my journal page: Walking the Red Road
Serenity Sunday class descriptions CLICK HERE