Good Morning all!!!
The end of 2005 draws near...
On Dec 30, we will have the equivalent of a blue moon, which is when we have 2 Full moons in the same month, except, this month we have a Black Moon, or two New Moons in the same month.
This is the only time, for about a year and a half, that we will see the full cycle of the moon in one month.....New to Full to New again.....
This New moon is a time of completion, of mourning and removing the things that are no longer good for us, and beginning to create out of the darkness the things we want to manifest.
In the Wiccan path, all magic or intention in the Black Moon (second new moon in the month) have extraordinary power. Which is fitting in order to finish the old year and get ready for the New year!
Create a ritual, write it down your dream , chant it, pray it, bury it, burn it. Make your intentions out loud, and then go about making it happen.
Ask for what you want. Ask for the strength to make it happen. Ask for the courage to move out of bad habits, bad situations, relationships.
A new Year is coming, full of promise, opportunity, hopes and dreams.
Let's make it happen.
Here is the thought for the day!!
It is for us to pray not for tasks equal to our powers, but for powers equal to our tasks, to go forward with a great desire forever beating at the door of our hearts as we travel towards our distant goal.
Helen Keller .
Marianne Goldweber
A Sacred Circle Consulting Here is the web page:MARIANNE GOLDWEBER WEB PAGE
My blog : Walking the Red Road
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